Ideal Man :)


1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?



2. Smart?




3. Preferred age?


Can be like 10 years older than me.. idk, just as long as he's not younger..



4. Preferred height?

taller than me 


5. How about sense of humor?


IDM :)


6. How about piercings?


Ear piercing only 


7. Accepts you for who you are?



8. Pink hair? 

IDM, as long as he's happy :)  

9. Mushy or no?



10. Thin or fat?


I would love him if he has abs and biceps :P


11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?]




12. Long hair or short hair?

If they know how to style it and if they look good in it why not? 


13. Plastic or metal?


Glass.. LOL jks


14. Smells good?


Well i dont want him to spray :/ i hate those; they stink 


15. Smoker?


I will break up with him if he does!


16. Drinker?

As long as he is not addicted :)


17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?




18. Muscular?

Abs and biceps!! *drools*


19. Plays piano?


If he can i'll love him more :D


20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?


If he doesnt, then thats fine, cos im learning how to play a guitar, so i can play for him :)


21. Plays violin?




22. Sings very good?

If he could...


23. Vain?




24. With glasses?

If he needs them..


25. With braces?


If it's neccessary.. 

26. Shy type?




27. Rebel or Good boy?


Good boy :)


28. Active or passive?




29. Tight or bomb?




30. Singer or dancer?


Both :)


31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?


32. Hiphop?


33. Earrings?

yeah, idm


34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?




35. Dimples?




36. Bookworm?


Yeah, why not? I like smart people :D 


37. Mr/Ms. love letter?



38. Playful?


With me yes, with other girls NO!


39. Flirt?


With me? Sure, why not? With others? Im gonna punch you i the face before i kicked you down there and break up with you!


40. Poem writer?


I hate poems




Why so cereal??


42. Campus crush?


I dun get this... 


43. Painter?

you can help me paint my room :) 


44. Religious?

i dont care


45. Someone who likes to tease people?


In a nice way?


46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?




47. Speaks 20 languages?


Nah. English or Canto.. but if not, i'll learn his language :) 

48. Loyal or faithful?

Both. :)


49. Good kisser?


Its okay.. no need


50. Loves children?



You guys know i was thinking about Taemin when i did this yea? LOL.


~Stolen off Jaee--~


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B2STHart #1
Ngaww how cute LOL
Little_Liar #2
==' your so funny...i thgt you actually like an actual white guy
Key_Super_Luv #3
I could so tell you were talkin about Lee Taemin XD I realised when you said dancer and singer and plays piano:) Taemins cute but I want Key 0_0 *Drools* lol