
Yehet /lolwhat

Im back to school again... My short holiday has ended.... lol

Today we didnt study but doing "TOEFL"... oh damn

I didnt study english last night, because today's subject is math and japannese=_=

Im doing the test with all of my strength /lmao

I got a new nickname from my tablemate... its "L (Deathnote)Twin"

She said that Im too often studying or doing exam with L's habit (sit in a impolite way) lol

"He said it will keep your IQ" she added

lol wtf ikr my IQ are (around) 132-134 but does it makes me act like L lol.


Playlist today:


Infinite - Im going to you

(i like thissss song xD)

A-Pink - Cat

(this song is catchy.... lol)



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