Uncontrollable Feels


Guys, I think I might need some help. Maybe it's because I've been home alot (all the time) alone, with nothing to do but too many feels and too little pictures/videos/fanfics of SeBaek. I think it's crazy the way I like reading about them and looking forward for more pictures or videos. I know and am fully aware that they are just friends in real life, but at the moment real life kind of doesn't matter to me. So when I see new pictures or caught SeBaek moments in videos, I get really excited. I'm new in KPOP world and I've only started liking EXO and BigBang at the end of last year. Then my sister just had to show me the gif in which Baekhyun kissed Sehun's neck and all these feels pop up and now I'm alone suffering lack of SeBaek.

Do you guys think I'm sick/crazy? I think it's not normal the way I like the pairing. At first I was so excited to see so many SeBaek fics to read from and then after I read all of them I realized they were too little. So that night I told myself to change it; to pour out my feels in fictions about them. So I did. As you can see, I wrote a lot of SeBaek fics, and I enjoyed writing each one of them. Plus, I wanted new SeBaek shippers to find more fics than I did before this. It was fun while it lasted. But fic after fic, I grew tired of reading my own work. Also I read some with Baekyeol in it and noticed that most of it has Baekhyun always head over heels for Chanyeol, who can't seem to appreciate Baek's love, and then there is Sehun who's always trying and trying in the relationship he shares with Baekhyun. 

Again, I don't want people thinking I'm hating on Baekyeol because omg, I know I'm starting to go crazy, but not insane enough to hate on a pair of real life best friends who never failed to make me laugh. This blog post also has nothing to do with the real life Baekhyun/Sehun/Chanyeol because seriously they are like brothers in an extremely amazing band called EXO. I'm just pouring out my feelings in this blog post about how I think I'm getting sick with all these cravings for SeBaek. Well, not literally sick, if you know what I mean. I meant in a way that my heart kinda pump a little too fast whenever I see SeBaek moments, fics, etc. and then the feel of sadness when you cannot find any, or when a fic contains broken!Sebaek.

So I just wanted to ask if it was normal. Not just to the people who ship SeBaek but other pairings as well. Do you think you're feeling the way I feel right now? Because it would definitely help to know that I'm not alone and that I'm not losing myself to an alternate universe where SeBaek is real. Omg I sound totally haywired and insane but I need your help. My readers have been wonderful people who took time subscribing, reading, voting and commenting on my works. Thank you so much. 

I would really appreciate it if anyone could answer me. If you have the feels for your OTP the way I feel about my OTP, then tell me so I won't feel so alone in this KPOP//otp world. Thanks.


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dude i totally TOTALLY understand. it's hard to ship a pairing that isn't one of the top 3 in exo or involves other members of these pairings with someone else because there's soooo little fic. this may sound wanky and i'm not hating on other ships, but i feel like esp with baek (i've noticed more since he's my ultimate and i don't ship him with his most popular pairings) that chanyeol and kris kind of have a monopoly going on the selection of baek fics out there.

it's totally okay to feel like how you're feeling hon, and i def felt the same when i came to the end of all the sebaek fics out there lmfaooo and i was like GONNA POPULATE THE WORLD WITH MY OTP but as you know i'm a very VERY slow writer omfg. as soon as this one awful class is over i'm gonna update and save us both from the lack of sebaek out there lolllll also CAN'T WAIT TO READ YOURS!!!

to be really honest, for a while i started to doubt if they were my otp or if i really shipped them because so many people didn't. i tried not to let it get to me, but other people not supporting the ship made me feel like i shouldn't either and that i was just being cray or automatically shipping my first and second bias together just cuz. it's like omg i felt like such a psycho for letting something like fandom actually get to me??? but hey, what's important to you is important so w/e lolol. i've come to finally get over that feeling and just enjoy it (def reread my fav fics too many times lollll), and it's kindaaaa lame but i always go into my otp tag or the sebaek tag on tumblr whenever i need some emotional comfort and i don't feel like being around people lmao.

so no, in short, you're not alone and you're not crazy <3