Swept away - Seo JiHyun


NAME:Seo Ji Hyun







Full Name: SEO JI HYUN



Blood Type: O+

Ocean of birth?  Arctic Ocean

Swept away: Who Are you?

WHat Do you Look Like?

FaceClaim: Byeon Seo Eun
Back Up FaceClaim: N/A
Style: Ears are pierced in four places, two in the cartilage and two in the lobe. Eight piercings total. She has three tattoos, one on the left side of her back, another going down her right thigh, and the last one being on her right foot. Her eyes are very unique, being a siren her eyes are much more vibrant. They are more of a honey like hazel, not the expected brown.

Tail/Fins: The tail fins are a stunning shade of sea blue, gleaming with a metalic shine. The body of the fin branches out to the widespread section, gradiating to a magical shade of purple. The bottom of the fin is very whisoy, having many areas that branch out. 

Clothing: Merform: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Landform: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Landwalker or Waterdwellar? Ji Hyun loves the ocean much over the land, earning herself the title of Waterdwellar. She does however like her island home and can often be found there relaxing away from the hustle and bustle of the underwater city.

Siren: Having a set of special skills is essential for being a siren, for Jihyun she is able to manipulate the thinking process, making her target immune to the realities, she basically turns off their common sense.

What is your story?

Personality: Have you ever recieved the cold shoulder? If not you haven't met JiHyun. She is know for her colder attitude, it is as though being born in the arctic had rubbed off on her, she has that kind of look to her. Ji Hyun doesn't much care for lots of talk, she likes to keep to herself and tends to stay that way until she proves you worthy of her trust. Typically she is able to trust other Sirens faster than humans, though there are rare cases where she trusts humans easily. JiHyun has always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder, always seeming just a little on edge; her voice in a tone close to irritated, but not quite there. She looks at relationships with others as something that needs to benefit her in order for her to continue the connection. She is selfish, but she knows. She is very self aware and honest.
Having that skill of self reflection really comes in handy with her cold attitide. She is able to correct her actions often, acting with a softer nature with people she is comfortable with. JiHyun isn't  always acting in that cold demeanor, having moments where she is very happy and exciting. She can talk about most anything because of her love for the differences of the worlds. She doesn't like the whole concept of having to be nice to everyone, so if she is nice to you consider yourself lucky! She can be funny, kind and very affectionate if you let her! 

  • Coffee
  • Antiques
  • Stars
  • Zodiac/Horoscopes
  • Dancing
  • Classical Music
  • Tradition
  • Holidays
  • Boys
  • Cookies
  • Interior Design


  • Frogs
  • Hand gliders
  • Skiing
  • Coral
  • Spiders
  • Coconuts
  • Apples
  • Shark Meat
  • Spicy Food
  • Cold Weather
  • Limbo


  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Lounging on the beach
  • Watching movies
  • Baking sweets


  • Biting lips when nervous
  • figiting lots when scared
  • breathing extremely deep when mad/upset
  • twirling hair when bored
  • Dancing wherever there is music


  • Being abandoned
  • Heights

Interests: The design concepts and clothing is particularly interesting, as well as the amazing culinary choices that differ from the waterworld.

Background: Being born in the freezing atlantic ocean was something Ji Hye would rather have had never happened to her, she had to be born somewhere though and she was greatful for her life. She migrated quickly to the Siren city and lived with her family, her mother, father and brother. When she moved in her parents immediately set her into school, where she met her class of the other 11 Sirens. The group became very close knit and were together through the years. 

When she was old enough she seperated from her parents, owning her own underwater and above water homes. She was very egar to become her own person. She got a human job off the coast of florida as a life gaurd three times a week. She was able to buy whatever shee needed on her high wage 9That she charmed her way into getting).

Family: Seo Yu Ra // Looks 36 // Mother // Underwater Librarian // Kind-Dilligent-Cheery-Quick Tempered-Silly // 7

Seo Mang Ho // Looks 40 // Father // Underwater Teacher // Blunt-Cold-Gullible-Sweet-Odd // 6

Seo Jae // Looks 24 // Brother // Unemployed // Funloving-Wild-Sarcastic-Quick Tempered-Gullible // 8

Friends: Sung YooJae // Best Friend // Looks 23 // Cafe owner in human world // Sappy-Crazy-Funny-Sarcastic-Hopless Romantic // 9

Nam Kyung // Friend // 22 (human) // Lifegaurd // Kind-Giving-Gullible-Anxious-Silly-Overdone // 6

Living Quarters: Underwater: Exterior // Kitchen // Living room // Guest Room // Master Room & Bath // Library // Dining Room

Land: Exterior // Kitchen // Living Room // Guest Room // Master Room & Bath // Music Room

Sailor Boy

Love Interest:  Do KyungSoo
Personality:  KyungSoo is quite the angel, a beautiful face and voice to mach his stunning personality. He is a very soft spoken person, avoinding confrontation often, not liking intese situations that involve lots of drama. He is however quite the joker, saying odd things or insulting his friends jokingly. He is kind of awkward though, having a weird laugh in awkward situations. He typically doesn't know what to say and is fairly shy. While looking like such a sweetie and often acting like one he does have faults.
KyungSoo is pretty impatient, not liking to wait for things, he doesn't like having information witheld from him, he has high expectations for most things, clean house, clean clothes, nice looking food. He has a habit of over indulging in things, when he wants something he stops at nothing. When he falls in love he falls hard. When he hates some one... He will make your life hell. He is a very interesting guy to say the least.

First Meeting: Upon the boat crashing on the island housing the girls everyone scrambled out in the commotion. As soon as Ji Hyun saw Kyungsoo she knew he was the one that she wanted to play with. She immediately got into his head, "Look at me." Her voice had chimed, pushing away all other thoughts. "I will help you." Ji Hyun approached him and reached to him, palm up, hands open. She was reading all the thoughts that he was processing and smiled softly. "Your not hurt, are you?" KyungSoo grabbed her hand and she guided him to her island home. "Let me fix you up."
Interaction: In the begining Ji Hyun taught him to like her, shoving thoughts into his head. However it didn't last long because he soon discovered her true identity. Having found herself connected to him in some way she begged for a second chance. It took a while but he allowed the interactions to continue. They started fresh, she was very honest with KyungSoo, showing him her honest personality. In the begining things were really awkward, living under the same roof from time to time. KyungSoo eventually fully forgave Ji Hyun for her dishonesty and began having real feelings for her. They began baking together, sharing their passions. Sometimes she would come in and hear KyungSoo in the music room on the piano singing. They grew very close. Finally KyungSoo confessed and JiHyun asked him if he wanted to be like her, a siren. Able to live on the land and in the sea. He said it would take a while but he did agree. 

Anything else?

Any questions?  Turns KyungSoo into a siren because he said that he didn"t want her to sacrifice her underwater world and he wants to experience the things she loves together.
Scene requests?  fjzdsk;x
Password: this is my app. NOPE.





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