
So how about a positive first blog post?

I have been thinking of a way to ask one of my friends to prom bc she's super cute and adorable and stuff and makes me happy very much and I have had no idea how to ask her since lately simply asking them isn't super trendy. So my friends and I were in the art room during our study hall (where she was) and I decided to paint her the question. (note: I only wrote the question; my friend Sydney drew pretty flowers and stuff to make it prettier since I can't draw for )

Five minutes before the bell I showed it to her and sang "Will you go to prom with me?" to the chorus of Stay The Night since she's obsessed with Hayley...and she said yes! I was so nervous I was shaking but hey not only do I have a date for prom but she's cute, too! Her and I are going to sit at a table with a bunch of our friends (AKA all the 'losers with strange hair and odd taste in music') and I think that prom this year will actually be way better than last year ^^


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