→ Young Athletic 〖 Minkyung Kim 〗

pollux | 7 out of 10 | Minkyung
→ Just a part of myself
birth name :  Kim, Minkyung
other names : n/a
nicknames :
       Ice Princess – Due to her love of the ice rink – Friends refer to Minkyung as Ice Princess from time to time, albeit Sehun usually uses it in a sarcastic manner.
       (It's not an everyday thing. People just refer to Minkyung as Ice Princess occasionally)
birthdate : April 15, 1994
age : 19
birthplace : Seoul, South Korea
hometown : Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity : South Korean
nationality : South Korean
languages :
       Korean – Fluent – She was born in South Korea, and Korean was her first language. 
       English – Semi-fluent – Spent a few years in Canada to train for figure skating. Able to hold a decent conversation
→ This is a reality
traits : Passionate, Stubborn, Sensitive, Independent, Observant, Ambitious, Faithful
personality :
    Strong-willed yet sensitive. These two traits generally sum up Minkyung's complex personality. As a passionate young girl, Minkyung goes straight for whatever she aims. Her passion towards the things she loves is the driving force for her determination. Minkyung is serious in the things that are close in her heart. Once she makes her mind on something, it can take a lot of dampen her spirits. No matter how hard the task is, she will take it head on as a challenge. Minkyung is an ambitious one; if she wants to reach for the stars, she will do her best to reach the stars. This trait shaped her to become an exquisite skater. She tends to focus on the core of every important matter. However her passion and resolve sometimes takes a turn for the worse as she only focuses on the core, rather than the whole picture. Because of this, she sometimes misunderstands other people's intentions. Also, she likes to live in reality rather than fantasy. Ambiguity makes her uncomfortable and always tries to look for clarity. 
    Minkyung is a very observant person as well. She remembers little nuances a person has. Her observant trait can go both ways however. If one is good to her, she will remember that and be grateful. However, if one is bad or mean to her, she will most likely remember that and hold some resentment. This segues into an unfortunate side of Minkyung. She can be very sensitive and resentful. Minkyung can feel hurt over small words that don't mean anything. But because she is observant and tends to remember everything, she would hold onto people's words even if they didn't mean it that way. If someone hurts her feelings, she become extremely withdrawn and unforgiving. She doesn't like to be probed and will clam up when asked uncomfortable questions. Because she is sensitive, Minkyung tends to find it difficult to trust people right off the bat. However, if Minkyung is able to trust someone she will be very loyal. She will always stand by someone's side as she promise she would if Minkyung trusts someone. 
    Minkyung was born into a middle-class family in Seoul, South Korea. She lived a very busy life as both her parents worked in corporate businesses. Unlike the other studens at the academy, Minkyung didn't start figure skating because she fell in love with it at first sight. Minkyung's parents enrolled her in ballet, piano, and figure skating classes when she was 5 because they were often busy and worked late hours. In no way did her parents force her to do these classes against her will. Her parents just needed Minkyung to preoccupy herself until they were able to pick her up for home. Of the three, Minkyung liked figure skating the best and dropped the other two classes. Since then, she started to focus more on figure skating and blossomed into a wonderful figure skater. 
    Minkyung started to take figure skating more seriously as she entered her later years of elementary school (5th-6th grade) and entered a few regional competitions. Before entering middle school, Minkyung's family planned to move to Toronto because her parents were relocated there for work. Minkyung took the opportunity to fully focus on skating and began training at the Toronto Cricket, Skating, and Curling Club, an elite training center for figure skating. In 2005, she entered her first sectional competion and won first twice. Minkyung then entered her first national competion in 2007. She won bronze in 2007; in 2008, Minkyung was able to snag silver and skated her way to her biggest competitions in 2010 and 2011. Minkyung didn't place on the podium but settled in 17th and 12th. During her off season training in 2012, Minkyung injured her back. Unable to enter her competition in 2012, Minkyung decided to pack her bags and enroll in Young Athletic Academy in order to recover and come back stronger than ever.
    Back story on archery: Minkyung was not aware she was required to specialize in a summer sport at the academy when she applied. Once she got there, she was required to choose between the classes that did not have enough students. Of those classes, Minkyung figured archery would be the best for her to learn. Minkyung learned archery for a little over 2 years with no competition experience during her stay at the academy. Because she puts more efforts into figure skating, Minkyung does not perform as well as she does for archery than figure skating. However, she worked hard during her recovery period from skating and eventually manages to shoot 8-9 points with the occasional 10.
hobbies :
      Listening to indie rock music/attending concerts
        Stretching to maintain flexibility
        Watching performances (ex. dances, singing, musicals)
        Online shopping
        Reading fashion blogs/watching fashion videos
        Skating and spending time at the ice rink
        Watching figure skating competitions
likes : Greek Yogurt, Yuzuru Hanyu, Kim Yuna, Yoo Seungho, Winter, Beanies, BBC's Sherlock, Indie Rock, Chunky Boots, Srunchies
dislikes : Onions, Tomatos, Insects, Making mistakes, Hot weather, Unnecessary noise, Rubber balloons, Dieting
        Achivements: 2007 Canada FS Championship Jr Bronze ; 2008 Canada FS Championchip Jr Silver ; 2010, 2011 Skate Canada International 14th and 9th
        The Fangirl Life: She's obsessed with model RJ King, figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu, and actor Yoo Seungho.
        Miss Elastic: Her signature moves are the Biellmann spin and the I-spin
        Ditch the Sweatpants: Minkyung thinks fashionable guys are extremely attractive.
        Travel Bug: She's landed her feet on every continent except Antarctica. Her favorite travel destination is Santorini, Greece.
        White Mania: Minkyung's favorite color is white and happens to buy only white technology and furniture (ex. white phone, white bed sheets)
        Cart, Ship, Mail: She takes online shopping as seriously as she would train for a competition.
        Chunky Boot Kind of Gal: 90% of her shoe closet is filled with boots.
        Stop Doing That: When nervous, Minkyung has the habit of murmuring quietly to herself. 
        Pre-game Rituals: Before every competition, Minkyung puts her right shoe/boot first then her left shoe/boot.
→ The look isn’t everything
face claim : Kang Jiwon
links : tumblr
back-up face claim : Soo Ah
links : gallery
height : 160 centimeters
weight : 47.4 kg
style : Minkyung closet is filled with basics and casual pieces. She loves the "I look cute even though I didn't try" look and usually dresses casually. She loves wearing denim shorts, distreed jeans, oversized cardigans, crop tops, and platform shoes. Minkyung particularly has an affinity towards black, chunky boots and beanies. Cute and comfortable is what she aims to dress like. x x x x x more
→ Family more than anything
family members

Mother | Seo Yura | 46 | Corporate Business Woman | Minkyung and her mother have the typical mother-daughter relationship. Her mother always has her back; whenever Minkyung needs love and support, her mother is there to give it to her. They often go out on lunch dates, shopping trips, and all that jazz together. Minkyung's mother can double up as her friend at times and her mother during other times. Although Seo Yura is a busy woman, juggling her career and family life at the same time, she is always there to support her family at the most crucial times.

Father | Kim Dongjun | 48 | Corporate Business Man | Minkyung's father can sometimes be misunderstood for an unexpressive and stern man. However, he loves his son and daughter more than anyone is the world. Because he loves them so much, he is often strict with them with hopes for the best. He often pushes Minkyung to do the above and beyond so that she may be able to reach her full potential. Whereas Minkyung's mother is the outwardly supportive one, Minkyung's father is always in the back rooting quitely for his son and daughter. 

Younger Brother | Kim Minhyuk | 17 | High School Student | Minkyung and her little brother have the stereotypical relationship many older sister - little brother would have. Minhyuk loves to bother and annoy Minkyung just because it's his duty. However, Minhyuk can often get snarky with Minkyung which usually escalates into big fights. Nonetheless, he loves his older sister very much just as Minkyung loves him. They usually banter, spewing names and insults at each other; but they both know it's all for the fun of it. 

best friend(s)

Kim Dasom | 20 | Ice Dance | Minkyung and Dasom first met at the school's ice rink. As Minkyung was packing up her things to leave, Dasom complimented Minkyung on her spins. They later met once again in the middle of the hallway during lunchtime. Dasom invited Minkyung to lunch and has become friends ever since. Dasom is the uber cute girl that is fun to hang around. Together, Minkyung and Dasom talk about endless subjects ranging from skating to whether one should cut their hair shorter. Despite all the fun and games, Minkyung and Dasom both confide in each other during times of hardships and confusion.


Yoo Youngjae | 19 | Ice Dance |  Yoo Youngjae, Dasom's Ice Dance partner, is witty, sarcastic, and sharp- tongued. Although he is shy around girls, he tends to get more sarcastic after becoming close with someone. Youngjae often spews witty remarks whenever Minkung says something stupid or when Dasom and Minkyung talk about "girl" stuff. Minkyung considers Youngjae as the older version of her younger brother. They both banter and joke around with each other often.


Lee Hyeri | 19 | Tennis | Hyeri is smart, athletic, and pretty. She has the whole package and knows it. She is the queen bee-wannabe at the academy and is certainly not the nicest person. She doesn't really like Minkyung because she thinks Minkyung is annoying. Hyeri often talks down upon Minkyung and the other figure skating athletes for that reason. (I imagined Hyeri to act like this most of the time.)

Oh Sehun | 19 | Speed Skating | Minkyung and Sehun began their relationship with a rocky start. He looked down on figure skaters and offended Minkyung. After their fight about figure skating, Sehun makes it his duty to bother Minkyung to no end. (see plot story for more)

→ Being a real athlete, it’s my dream
summer sports : 
[ 1 ] Archery
[ 2 ] Gymnastic (Artistic.)
[ 3 ] Swimming
[ 4 ] Athletic (100m / 1000m / high jump.)
[ 5 ] Tennis
[ 6 ] Fencing
[ 7 ] Football (Soccer.)
[ 8 ] Badminton 
[ 9 ] Basketball
[ 10 ] Equestrian (Jumping.)
[ 11 ] Trampoline
[ 12 ] Golf
winter sports : 
[ 1 ] Figure Skating (solo.)
[ 2 ] Speed Skating (1000m/ 1500m)
[ 3 ] Freestyle Skiing (slopestyle.)
[ 4 ] Freestyle Skiing (halfpipe)
[ 5 ] Couple Figure Skating ( boy x girl)
[ 6 ] Alpine Skiing (race.)
[ 7 ] Ice Hockey
→ Still trap at school
year : Grade 3
Optional Subject : 
Sciences - 
            Chemistry – Physics – Biology
History / Eco. - 
            History – Economy – Social Study
            Other options - Art History  Literature
Academic  Performance : Minkyung is a B+ average student. She gets a mixture of A+ to B-. She isn't the top of her class, but she isn't the rock bottom as well. 
Behaviour in class : In class, Minkyung is that one kid that sits quietly and not pay attention. She is never disruptive but rather a more invisible being in class. She usually doodles in her notebooks and on her lined paper while half-listening to the teacher. She dreads being called on only because she doesn't really pay much attention in class. However, she studies and tries to do her best when it comse to homework, tests, and projects in order to not fail her classes. Overall, Minkyung is a pretty quiet and average student in class.
Favourite subject : Literature
Worst subject : Science of any kind, especially Physics and Biology
→ Love is always around
name : Oh Sehun
age : April 12, 1994 + 19 years
year : Grade 3
personality :
    Oh Sehun is pretty much overqualified to be the stereotypical jock. His overconfidence, liveliness, arrogance, and passion makes him the perfect candidate. However, the stereotypical jock side only comes out around the people he is close with. On the outside, Sehun looks like a chic student with a blasé attitude, but in reality Sehun is just shy around strangers. A handful of girls swoon over Sehun's good looks and "cool" personality, and Sehun definitely does not mind it one bit. Around people Sehun is close with, he becomes a different person. Sehun is usually ready for excitement and adventure as he even goes out of his way to find new challenges. He dislikes anything predictable or straight from the textbook because he craves new experiences. When Sehun becomes interested in something specific he goes great lengths to attain the prize. He is dedicated to his choices and does his best to obtain everything he can. Sehun can also often come off as arrogant and self-centered, which is most likely true, but he also has a generous side which he only shows to people worthy of it. Sehun can also be outspoken, sharp-tongued, and insensitive. His short temper and unexpected outbursts can hurt other people's feelings, but to expect Sehun to listen to all your troubles and heal your wounds may be too much to ask of him. Oh Sehun, however, knows his ways with words and has the capability to mitigate you if you are upset with him. Overall, Sehun is a lively and energetic boy who can sometimes come off as cocky.
how they meet :
    While packing up all her belongings in the benches after skating practice, Minkyung overhears Sehun and his friends talk about how figure skating is a joke and how it is the easiest of all the winter sports at the academy. Sehun sees Minkyung in the background and calls her out for "skipping on ice". Minkyung gets pretty fired up about him and his team and defends herself as Sehun catches interest. 
plot story
    After the whole figure skating fiasco, Sehun decides to take a seat next to Minkyung in the classroom. As Minkyung is passionate about figure skating, she gives Sehun the cold-shoulder, albeit Sehun tries to get her attention. This goes on for a few days until Sehun decides to make it his duty to bother Minkyung until no ends because he finds it amusing. When Sehun confronts Minkyung about why she is being mean to him, Minkyung confesses that he hurt her feelings and that she is unwilling to become his friend because of it. Sehun scoffs at her words at first, dismissing her as overly sensitive and dramatic. 
    Although Sehun and Minkyung sit next to each other during class and see each other often at the rink, both don't exchange much words for a while. One day Sehun arrives at the ice rink 2 hours earlier than his scheduled  practice by mistake. There, he catches Minkyung on the rink and watches her pratice her free skate program. He realizes how much figure skating meant for Minkyung and understood why she might have been so upset over his comments. As Minkyung packs up after practice, Sehun confronts her and barely musters up an apology. Being the resentful person she is, Minkyung brushes off Sehun's apology and walks away with a half-assed response. From that point on, Sehun makes it his decision to get Minkyung to forgive him. 
    The next part of their story is basically Sehun trying to get Minkyung to forgive him. He starts to stick around with Minkyung more. Minkyung eventually forgives Sehun and become friends. Sehun injures his ankle a few months before the Olympics and enters a slump. This is when their friendship evolves to a new level because Minkyung helps Sehun cope with his feelings since she injured herself before too. Sehun realizes his feelings for Minkyung and decides to push her away because he believes she will become a distraction. After a while, Minkyung gets upset and eventually shuts him off.
   They both handle their frustration by practicing. This pays off as both Sehun and Minkyung stand on the podium in the Winter Olympics. Sehun nabs the silve, and Minkyung takes the bronze. They both awkwardly congratulate each other, and Sehun admits that he is sorry and confesses his feelings. He asks if Minkyung will give him another chance and if her can be her boyfriend. Minkyung just shrugs and walks off. Sehun is left there disappointed when Minkyung texts him "yes for another chance and maybe for boyfriend".
his summer sport : Swimming, Soccer, Athletics
winter sport : Speed Skating,  Ice Hockey, Freestyle Skiing (slopestyle)
back-up love interest : BTS's V
→ It’s finally the end
comments ? : First of all, I just wanted to make it clear that Minkyung isn't a cold and aloof girl. She acts like any other teenage girl, laughing and having fun with her friends. I tried to go deeper instead by talking about her characteristics rather than how she acts and all. If it's confusing please let me know! I also know you said stray away from using someone from Exo as my love interest, but I still chose Sehun. If you really dislike me using an Exo member as my love interest I can always change him to someone else (probably my back-up love interest). I also changed the order of the sports from first choice to last choice so it would be easier for you to read. Again, if you dislike it I will change it back. Another thing is my character is representing South Korea although she trained in Canada, especially seeing that she only stayed in Canada 6-ish years. Sorry if you already knew this. I just didn't want any confusion since it seems like you are very strict about the application. The last thing I wanted to say is that I didn't put much about archery because I wanted Minkyung to be more of a lopsided athlete. I wanted her to be better at figure skating than archery because there are few athletes in the world that can pull off medals for two completely different sports. I hope you can kind of understand the jist of what I was going for with the archery aspect.
scene Requests ? :
— When Sehun asks for forgiveness he goes up to her and says "Truce?" Minkyung shakes his hands and says "Truce." (this is the first time Minkyung forgives him)
anything else ? : My application is just all over the place. Once again, please tell me everything I did wrong so I can fix it to your liking. And have fun with all the apps :)



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