Pitch | Bloom Entertainment | SKY

Pitch | Bloom Entertainment 


Han Song Yi  Sky

Character Information 1

Name : Han Song Yi

English Name : Han Skylar

Nicknames : 

 ↳ (Bunny) used byBambam because he says she is very fast at learning things and also has a cute nose
 ↳ (Turtle) used by Taehyun. Unlike Bambam, Taehyun thinks Song Yi is slow and lazy like a real turtle
 ↳ (Yiyi) used by Bambam only, he calls her this to annoy her

 ↳ (Sky) used by her brothers as a short way to say her English name, Skylar

Date of Birth / Age : 24th September, 1997 + 17 years od

Ethnicity :  Korean-American

Birthplace / Hometown : Los Angeles, United States / Los Angeles, United States

Blood Type : AB

Height / Weight : 156cm / 47kg

Languages : 

↳ (English) Native Speaker, she was born and raised in America.
↳ (Korean) Advanced, her father is full Korean, she speaks it at home, yet she still gets confused with some words and with the hangul, mainly.
↳ (Cantonese) Learning.

  • Character Information 2

Personality : 

↳ Song Yi is arguably the most complex of all her band members, so there are seemingly many contradictions in her personality until you look close enough to see the layers. Song Yi can be very confident. She has no problem interacting with people right away, and she has a way of rolling with the interviewers even at times people find themselves cringing of second hand embarrassment from the off-topic questions. She, on the other hand, manages to brush things off as jokes if she doesn’t want to discuss it or answer them, with an ease that is admirable. She is always with a attitude that screams ‘think what you want of me, I don’t even care’. She also seems more than comfortable with going out on her own, or spending time by herself. This suggests not only a ease with getting along with anyone she meets, but a self assuredness that she can enjoy what she’s doing on her own - and that’s a sign of maturity. In the same way, however, Song Yi can sometimes be very insecure.. She has a very visible outward confidence and she has an ability to charm people in both a friendly and flirty way and I don’t think she’s shy in the slightest. But, she has a lot of “am I good enough” moments. We can see it almost everyday if we spend a lot of time with her, in the way that in every interview when she’s talking she almost always looks to the other members as though she’s seeking confirmation that what she is saying is alright. She seems like she needs someone there telling her “yes you’re right, you’re ok”. So, because of that, insecurity would make her need to be surrounded by affectionate people that can reaffirm the fact that she’s not going to be left alone and that she IS good enough. People find  interesting that a majority of her friends are boys. I personally don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that she is afraid of being friends with a girl!  I think it has more to do with the fact that boys are typically more openly affectionate with their friends, so they would offer more hugs and “I love you’s” and more deep and personal conversations, which is what she needs to feel connected and important and just needed. One of the most interesting things about Song Yi is who her friends seem to be. If you look at whom she spends most of her time with it’s generally a much older crowd, not talking about her group members, of course. This sort of lifestyle, living beyond her years and hanging with a crowd all in their late twenties or older and seemingly so natural at dealing with kids I think this say a lot about her personality.


She seems very ready to be an adult; especially in the emotional sense. In a lot of ways though, Song Yi seems to be dominated by these emotions. She is very impulsive, she seems to have a tendency to act upon her initial emotional response. In multiple occasions we can see  her giving in to sadness, jealousy (in getting almost moody when a certain member’s attention is off of her and onto someone else) and many times crying on stage. Song Yi is  someone who is not afraid to recognize her emotions and isn’t one to try to hide them or force them down. She’s  easy to read; she wears her emotions on her sleeve clear and open for anyone who takes the time to notice them. She is also very empathetic, she is able to identify her own emotions and  can also easily identify those emotions in other people. In the same way she responds really well to what people need in the moment, and it’s this ability, which I think is part of why people so easily grow fond of her,  the strong ability to empathize, is typical among people who are comfortable with children because they are able to respond to the child’s inability to vocalize what they need, and she can do that, since she deals with a lot of baby cousins in the family. On a slightly negative side, her impulsive tendency to react to emotions can also get her into trouble, because I think she wouldn’t shy away from calling someone out when she was angry, or at least failing to disguise her anger, or upset etc. On another negative note, it can make her  very vulnerable to conflict because sometimes she seems to lack the ability to understand why people don’t think the way she does and see things the way she does. Song Yi doesn’t  like to be in charge. It makes her feel closer to people if they are the ones demanding something of her, and her being able to give to!  It gives her  the security and feeling that she has made them happy. In this way I believe this reflects once again to her ultimate desire to feel needed and wanted and why she admits to being attracted to confidence. It’s impossible to overlook the fact that Song Yi simply has that “it” factor. There isn’t much to say on the topic, because it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what about her it is that draws people to her the way that she does. And yet it’s pretty hard to dispute the idea that she seems to be the crowd favorite and in a lot of ways I don’t think you can narrow it down to one or two characteristics. She’s Han Song Yi - a normal person who is just good at being famous, whether she intends to be or not.

Ideal Type Someone that will be able to handle her in good and bad days. She also thinks Do Kyungsoo from EXO fits her ideal type the most because of his caring personality and umma vibe.

Likes : 

↳ summer rain (she can't explain why, she just loves it, it's refreshing)
↳ herself (she can be a bit vain and conceited)
↳ food (she is with no doubt the shikshin of the group)
↳ video games ( she can spend more than 10 hours in front of a computer, playing games)
↳ photography (she has a canon that goes with him everywhere)
↳ horror movies (doesn't feel scared, just excited)
↳ guitars (her grandfather gave her a beautiful guitar that has more than 80 years already)
skinship (she loves showing affection through touches)

Dislikes : 

↳ violence (it really gets on her nerves all the time)
↳ backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
↳ being bothered (when she is deep in her thoughts she hates being bothered for no reason)
↳ fish (she thinks it doesn't taste good and she always feels hungry after eating it)
↳ bad internet connection (probably one of the things she hates the most)
↳ small places (she will feel sufocated)
↳ crowded places (people bumping against her? No thanks)
people touching her things (she will literally hit you)

Hobbies : 

↳ cooking (once again, food is the reason of everything. She is a good cook)
↳ watching movies (when the weather is cold outside, nothing better than stay home and watch a movie)
↳ sleep (probably the best hobbie)
↳ eat (biggest shikshin, remember?)

Habits : 

↳ procrastinating (yes, all the time, she is super lazy)
↳ hiding her face while laughing (she doesn't even know why, but it's a habit since she was a kid)
↳ checking her watch (it's a habit, she even does it when she doesn't has a watch)

↳ raising her eyebrows (when she doesn't understand something)
↳ hiding under the blankets (when she sleeps she will cover her whole body, just the top of her head can be seen)
↳ eating with wide open (yesh, you can even see what she ate a few weeks ago, kidding).

Fears : 

↳ being alone (she always had this fear of being alone through her life)
↳ clowns (they are very scary)

Trivia : 

↳ she believes in God
↳ If she could be an animal for one day, she would be a fly to spy on others without being seen
↳ her group members say she eats a lot. Once they went to Mc'Donalds and she ate three hamburgers, after a few minutes she asked for more!
↳ her favourite movies are ' The Lord of the Rings'
↳ she is often mistaken as cold and reserved
↳ she is a fan of Jennifer Lawrence
↳ she is a big fan of 80's bands, and Guns N' Roses are her favourite
↳ she appeared in SM.THE.BALLAD 'Breath' MV, BTS 'Boy in Luv' and GOT7 'Girls Girls Girls' MV
↳ she was supposed to debut as an actress only

↳ she was part of the drama 'I Hear Your Voice' as the young Hyesung
↳ Shinhwa are her role models
↳ she is known as the 'Mature Maknae' because she is very mature for her age
↳ she had braces for 5 years
↳ she has a heavy American accent when she speaks Koran
↳ she is allergic to watermelon

↳ Variety queen

  • Stage Time

How did you get in the agency? : Song Yi reportedly learned guitar in the eighth grade. In her last year of junior high, Song Yi learned both classic guitar and how to play the piano. She is actually a student under Seoul of Performing Arts majoring in Singing. Song Yi was a Superstar K2 contestant, finishing in second place.  After initial success with Superstar K2, CEO Yang Hyun Suk signed Song Yi to YG Entertainment on January 12, 2010.  She was 12 years old. She was enrolled in dance and acting classes, including modeling classes as well.  After a year of training under YG Entertainment, the young girl, now with 16 years old, moved to Bloom Entertainment where she finally debuted with Pitch.

How were your trainee days :  She became a trainee under YG Entertainment when she was 12  years old. After training under YG for 1 year she was transfered to BLOOM ENTERTAINMENT. Being so young, under the spotlights and jealous eyes of other trainees, Song Yi had a hard time at first. She was too young in that time (she was the youngest trainee among the other casted girls and boys in that year) and didn't had any experience, she needed to work harder than the others, trying to do the same things that people that were 4/5 years older than her were doing, she can say she grew up way too fast, being stuck in a building dancig and singing her heart out, while most kids of her age where at school playing with each other. She didn't thought it was so bad though, it was her choice after all, and her bestfriend always told her how she needed to do sacrifices to become the best. Song Yi thought about giving up countless times, when she was all alone at the dorm and in those moments she wished she could have her family with her. She thought about giving up when her legs were shaking and was hurting, when her tears were falling and she still needed to face the mirror with a smile and dance along with the beat. However she did had good times, she met amazing people and was able to debut under Pitch. She is also forever thankful to YG Entertainment for the oportunity they gave her as well.

Number of years of training : 5 years

Previous Company : YG Entertainment

Previous Work : She was an ulzzang in her predebut days / did a few photoshoots for ETUDE and J.ESTINA / drama "I Hear Your Voice"

Persona : West Coast Beauty

Talents :

↳ Voice Imitation (she can imitate a few voices specially Gain from BEG)
↳ Gymnastics (she has two gold medals on national competition)

↳ Basketball (even though she is quite short, she knows how to play it quite well)

Stage Name : SKY

Position : Maknae, Lead Vocalist, Dancer

Backup Position : Lead Vocalist, Dancer

  • Others

High School : Seoul of Performing Arts

University : (she's still an High School Student and she's not planning on going to University)

Style : There's a reason why Song Yi is known as 'Conceited Fashionista', she has indeed a very glamorous style that screams 'beauty' everytime you look at her. Without knowing or caring much about it, the girl has a famous fashion sense among her group of friends. She likes to choose different style of clothes as join them all. The result could come out as odd, but in fact, it looks really good on her. She doesn't like to dress very dark clothes, she prefers the white, baby blue, pink and so one, kind of bubbly style. She is very girly and you will see it in the paterns she normally choses: flowers, butterflies, bows. When people look at Song Yi, they can clearly see that she looks comfortable with her clothes, because even when she dresses formaly, she can put a pair of converses and still look fabulous. In her casual style, she is the typical teenager girl. Skinny jeans, t-shirts, converses...nothing too fancy. When she is in home, she will wear hoddies, big size hoddies, so she can freely move inside them. As a girl that loves to look good, Song Yi is completly crazy over shoes and owns a huge collection of them.

Social Media : 

↳Twitter: @RealSongYi
↳ Instagram: skyiyi
↳ Myspace: Skyempire

Past Scandals :  Han Song Yi was involved in a scandal with MoonChul member of Royal Pirates. Both of them are very close and during Song Yi's predebut days there were rumors that both of them were dating. He is 8 years older than her. Moonchul brother died on 2008 in a car accident and Moonchul says that Song Yi helped him a lot. However they only act like siblings even if people say otherwise.

  • Face Claim

Ulzzang Name : Sia

Pictures : click me!

Backup Ulzzang Name : Cherry

Pictures : click me!

  • Family

Family : 

↳ Father | Han Won Bin | 57 | alive  | doctor | wise, caring, down to earth, funny | 10-10 
↳ Mother | Melinda Smith | 56 | alive | surgeon | motherly, trustworthy, talented, understanding | 10-10 
↳ Older Brother | Han Minjoon | 24 | alive |university student | cocky, conceited, vain, smart | 9-10
↳ Younger Brother | Han Sang Jin | 15 | alive | high school student | smart, hardworking, loyal, empathetic | 10-10 

Background : 

↳ Han Song Yi was born and raised in Los Angeles, United States, to a American mother and full Korean father. Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Song Yi had a fairly normal childhood. She is the second oldest in the family, having a older and younger brother. She is not the best example to explain how asians are always smart, because her journey when it comes to school is not the best. She never liked to study and it was a shock to her parents. Her older brother was amazing at learning new languages while her youngest was really smart in maths. She was just a girl that had average grades, she couldn't become a doctor or have another awesome job with those grades. Back in LA, Song Yi was a student under Arcadia Elementary school.
Song Yi reportedly learned guitar in the eighth grade. In her last year of junior high, Han Song Yi learned both classic guitar and how to play the piano. She is actually a student under Seoul of Performing Arts majoring in Singing. Song Yi was a Superstar K2 contestant, finishing in second place.  After initial success with Superstar K2, CEO Yang Hyun Suk signed Song Yi to YG Entertainment on January 12, 2010.  Song Yi was 12 years old. She was enrolled in dance and acting classes, including modeling classes as well. Her journey as an artist was already big before debut, and it became even bigger with her role in the drama "I Hear your Voice" as the young Hyesung, a supporting role. After a year of training under YG Entertainment, the young girl, now with 16 years old, moved to Bloom Entertainment where she finally debuted with Pitch.

  • Relationships

Best Friends : 

↳ Kang Mirae | 22 | OC/SM TRAINEE | flirt, ambitious, self-critical, mature | 10-10
↳ Nam Taehyun | 20 | WINNER | 
confident, shy, charismatic, willy | 10-10

Friends : 

↳ Yugyeom | GOT Maknae | 5-10 | They don't spend a lot of time together, but when they do, they act like brother and sister.
↳ Oh Sehun | EXO's Maknae | 4-10 | They often like to fight about who is the coolest of their groups. Sehun wins all the time.
↳ Krystal Jung | F(X)'s Maknae | 3-10 | Soojung is more a listener than a talker, so if you want to talk with her about your problems, she will listen to you and give you the best advices.

  • Love Interest

Love interest : Kunpimook Bhuwakul (Bambam)

Date of Birth / Age : May 2nd 1997 + 16 years old

Group : GOT7

Personality : What can be said about Bambam? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Bambam can also be funny, humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his voice! He often likes to write songs that will express his mood. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will definitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. Bambam is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking. 

How you met : Song Yi and Bambam were the foreigners of Seoul of Performing Arts and also known as the 'Tommy and Jerry' Couple. He was the cool kid that everyone in school wanted to be friends with. The first time she spoke to him, it was in a sunny afternoon during physical education. She was eating an orange and Bambam told her something like 'if you keep eating so many oranges, your stomach will hurt, badly', the girl shrugged and continued eating, oranges always were her favourite fruit, after all. Since that day they became closer and closer, they started to know each other better, learning how to get along with all the flaws and imperfections they both had, eventually they learnt how to love all the flaws as well. Yes, they were like glue, always around each other. Nowadays, they still look like those two kids that met a few years ago.  She still loves eating oranges late at night, while he keeps warning her 'if you eat so many oranges your stomach will hurt', she never listens and ends up crying on his shoulder because her belly really hurts after eating so many oranges, like he always said.

How you act around each other : When people see Bambam and Song Yi together they will probably say something like ‘oh my God, what a cute couple’, however they are not! When they are together they are like the cat and the mouse, she keeps teasing him while he does the same. Constantly calling Song Yi a short pig, Bambam knows how to get on her nerves, either by doing nasty comments or stealing innocent kisses from her lips from time to time and then run away. Apart from being always fighting, they know how to protect each other with everything they have. If there’s something that Bambam loves more than music, it must be Song Yi. They know each other as they know the back of their hands.

Are you dating : No, not yet! They are more than friends but less than lovers.

  • Extra

Comments :  Hope you like her ((:

Suggestions : None for now!

Scene Requests : 

✿ Pillow Fight at the dorm 
✿ Truth or dare


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