☷ Run & Gun Residence — Cho Su Jae 。


Su Jae

☷ _kawahiro_  
☷ Shayla 

☷ 8 





NAME  Cho Su Jae
NICKNAME  Sugar - MinSeok calls her this because of her sweet and caring nature. When they got to know each other better he asked if her could give her a nickname and she agreed with the condition she got to give him one too.
BIRTHDAY + AGE  12/20/1991 + 22
BIRTHPLACE  Bucheon, South Korea
ETHNICITY  Korean 100%
LANGUAGE  Fluent Korean and Conversational Chinese
She took Chinese in highschool.



FACE CLAIM  Kim Shin Yeong


APPEARANCE — SuJae is roughly 5'2 and weighs just around the 110lbs mark. She has deep brown eyes and a small scar next to her right eye in the shape of a cresent. She has her ears pierced four times in each ear, twice in the cartilage and twice in the lobe. She typlically wears her hair down, but when it is up it is usually in a messy bun.
STYLE  Su Jae is always dressed is a cute but comfortable style, when she is in the comfort of her own home she is usually seen with her naturally curly hair down and with either a pair of sweats on or some leggings and a nice t-shirt or a sweater. Though this is only on her lazier days that you will see her is nothing so lax. She will normally wear sweater dresses or jeans and whatever top she can find. Outside of the house around campus is only slightly different, they're basically interchangeable! She worships comfort so she will wear only the comfiest of clothes.  

HOME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

CAMPUS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



QUOTE  "What? I am on a seafood diet. I see food and then I eat it."
BREAKDOWN  Quick Temper // Warm Hearted // Anxious // Soft Spoken // Judgemental // Impatient 

PERSONALITY  Su Jae is always found munching on something, many suspect that it is a nervous eating habit because the girl always seems anxious and uneasy around others. However, despite the fact that Su Jae doesn't deal well with people usually, she actually just loves food. She always remembers her fathers home cooking and can't stop from eating something. Su Jae is very fond of her food, but if you were to ask her to share with you she definitely would. She is very caring and is she liked you she would give up half of her meal for you in a heart beat. She will give you the clothes off of her back if you really needed them, she is always a bit more concerned for others before she even thinks about her own needs. She is very welcoming and although she is quiet she doesn't need many words to tell you that she likes you. When she is a bit more comfortable with a person she is still quite quiet but makes jokes and tries to communicate with them more.  She isn't the best at telling jokes, but she does say some different things that can be classed as funny. 

Her quiet nature is both a blessing and a curse for Su Jae, she wants that connection with people but she is unable to take the first step in making friends. While being soft-spoken offers the safety of not dealing with drama it also excludes you from lots of things. With Su Jae that exclusion is something she doesn't know how to overcome and therefor struggles. Su Jae is prone to tears so when she is feeling down because of her lack of communication skills or anything else is bugging her she just cries. Now it isn't that over dramatic crying, just the hard to breathe soft sobbing kind of crying. She can cry on the drop of a dime, anything can and probably will make her tear up. Things that make her happy cause her to tear up because of joy. Some people are understanding of this while others finding annoying. She always says "Please be patient with me." when in reality she isn't all that patient herself. She is semi-patient with people but has very little patients in regards to other things, like waiting in line, or trying to finish a question and having difficulty, she has issues with staying calm with that kind of stuff.

With her lack of patients comes a quick temper. She is one to hold a grudge, upset her and she won't take it lightly. She is not willing to settle for being made fun of. She doesn't quite lash out, but she she definitely isn't soft-spoken anymore, it may take her weeks to come to terms with the fact that it doesn't matter. SuJae is not lenient with people not putting forth an honest effort, she gets a bit grouchy with them,especially when having to work along side them. She is really picky with people and it isn't a good thing, but if she wasn't she would be irritated all the time. She has a terrible habit of assuming things of others and is quick to accuse someone, it causes a lot of conflict for her. Despite being soft spoken, when she is in an emotional state, like someone missed a planned date or something bad happened, she becomes very accusatory. If she really cares about ther person, later she regrets her decisions and attempts to make up for it.

In-depth description of each trait:
Quick Temper-- She does not take lightly to things that bother her, if you upset her she will not hestitate to actually speak, if not yell. If she is already upset and you are bugging her or she can't handle the contact anymore she will lash out lightly and it is quite startling because she is usually so quiet. After her out burst she is likely not to speak to you, at all. SO as long as she sees fit. She is known to have held a grudge and gave someone the silent treatment for over three months. 
Warm-hearted-- If you are able to become someone she is fond of -- which isn't that easy to do -- she will treat you very kindly. 



BACKGROUND  Su Jae grew up with her dad in Bucheon in a small and comfortable town house. Su Jae had never met her mother because she passed away not long after her birth due to complications. He father never blamed her and so did his best to support her. Su Jae always went to nearby school's during her elementary and high school years. She was always smart and had above average grades. She wan't very popular, having been quiet and not overly sociable from a young age. She had two friends that she was close to and that was about it. When she graduated Su Jae had decieded that she wanted to follow a career that showcased what she loved most - cooking. Her dad always had a special touch to his cooking, he called it 'love', and Su Jae wanted to be like him one day. So she moved away and began attending a school in Seoul, where she moved into the rather crazy apatment complex.
FAMILY  Cho Dong Kyung // Father // 47 yrs old // Chef // Kind, Soft-spoken, hard working, impatient, silly // Being very alike Su Jae and her father are very close. Her father is her only family and so she is very good to him. He treats he like a princess, never spoiling her but making sure she knows she is loved. He always calls her every friday to see how her school experience has been and other small things. Dong Kyung inspires Su Jae to be a better and more accepting person.
OTHER CHARACTERS  Seo Eun Jung // Best Friend // 22 yrs old // Student // Laid back, kind, silly, easily annoyed, loud // Despite being polar opposites the two have gotten along since they were five. They bring out the best in each other. If anyone can get Su Jae to talk a lot it is her. Eun Jong is a very silly girl and makes people have fun, she brings people out of their shell like it is effortless. And Su Jae is no exeption. 

Bae Sun Ho // Rival // 21 yrs old // Student // Cocky, Self-centered, Ignorant, Sarcastic, Sharp-tongue // Sun Ho and Su Jae are in the same class and are partners for labs, they are always competing for betters grades. Sun Ho always tries to push her buttons, thankfully she has enough self control not to cry at those times but he really makes her mad. She knows she is supirior and will prove it.

ACADEMICS  As a culinary major Su Jae is very well immersed in her school work. She is smart and has fairly good grades. She is very quiet in class and is very attentive and inventive. She takes creativity in the kitchen to a whole new level. She is different from the rest of her class mates in that sense. 

  • She likes: Winter // Chocolate // Reading // Baking // Snuggling // Coffee // Cartoons (Anime)
  • She doesn't like: Summer // Ignorance // Indie Music // Awkward Situations // Horror Movies // Sushi
  • Her hobbies are: Cooking // Playing Piano // Curling up and watching movies
  • Her habits are: Biting her lips unconciously // Shuffling her feet when nervous // Exsessive eating
  • Extra:
  • She eats and eats with no weight gain.
  • She can't swim.
  • She is afraid of heights.
  • She loves ear piercings.
  • When she was five she wanted to be a librarian.
  • She doesn't like cats but loves small dogs.
  • She has always wanted a brother. 
  • Cames from a wealthy family.




BACK UP LOVE INTEREST   BaekHyun & ChanYeol 

PERSONALITY  Neat freak alert! Be careful, MinSeok likes his space cleaner than clean. He has high standards for living, so don't make a mess. He like his home, is good looking. In more ways than one. With such young features and charming smiles this boy is a bucket of sweetness. He is very nice and enjoys having a good time. MinSeok is a very smark guy and isn't afraid to show it. He has plenty of sass in the right moments and is easy to get along with. He is an understanding guy and doesn't push things. Though, he himself is pretty stubborn. MinSeok is very touchy and cuddly by nature so he is very open about his feelings.
RELATIONSHIP  About a week after applying for the roommate add Su Jae was called and asked to meet the tennant for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop. She made her way there and met up with MinSeok. He said he was  thinking that she would be the perfect canidate to room with him, as long as she answered his questions well. So it began with personaly questions and the late question was "Are you a clean person?" Upon answering yes he began grinning from ear to ear and gave her a set of keys. "I will help you move in if you'd like!"  She was hesitant but agreed and he followed her car out to her fathers place. It took almost all day but they got everything to MinSeok's apartment. He helped her set up her things and showed her around. Su Jae was very shy with MinSeok and MinSeok was very welcoming with her. It took about two weeks but finally Su Jae warmed up to the smiling welcome wagon that was MinSeok.

MinSeok liked her a lot already, he would come home from his classes to see that she had made dinner for him and tidied up the common areas. When Su Jae was comfortable with MinSeok she began talking with him more and he began inviting her to do things like watch television together. About a month in she felt completely at home and felt able to talk to MinSeok freely. They became very close, Su Jae made dinner every night that she was home and after dinner and the dishes were cleaned it was like a ritual that the two would make themselves comfortable in the living area and watch a movie together whenever they had the chance. Su Jae was still pretty quiet but she talked a lot more around MinSeok. When they really knew each other well MinSeok asked if he could give Su Jae a nickname 'Sugar', she agreed on the condition that she could call him Minnie. They became best friends in such a short amount of time.

It wasn't long until the two started to develope feels for one another. But neither were willing to risk their current relationship. ut eventually one night MinSeok grew a pair and confessed during dinner. It was not anything over the top, just a simple "I really like you... Like.. Like like you." Kind of thing. Su Jae tearedd up and MinSeok freaked out trhinking he did something wrong. But Su Jae just got up from her seat that the table and walked over to him and hugged him. Their relationship didn't change much, but they snuggled lots.



"WHAT'S YOUR REASON FOR RENTING?"  "I needed to leave the nest and go to the university I have always dreamed of going to. So I wanted to live near it. So hear I am."
"AFTER MOVING IN, HOW DID YOU FEEL?"  "At first i was kind of freaked out. Everyone is kinda crazy, especially that boy in floor '3a' Like Yifan likes to call it. He is really loud and well.. Loud. But as for MinSeok, well he was like a welcome wagon. Always making sure I was okay and stuff. It was kinda disturbing but endearing. I dunno..."
"BESIDES YOUR ROOM MATE, WHO'S CLOSEST TO YOU?"  "Yifan, he may be a bit of a , but I like him. he treats me well. He doesn't bug me and isn't loud or obnoxious. He makes terrible jokes but I like them. I was able to crack through his 'Oh I am so cool' facade and now he is just a big dummie. He makes my day."
"WHO DO YOU HATE NOT GET ALONG WITH?"  "Byun BaekHyun. He is loud and obnoxious and doesn't shut up! He is forceful, irriatating and just not my kind of guy. He always insists I talk with him and it is getting too much. I don't like it. He seems to have no problem with me, but I can't stand his type."
"WHAT'S YOUR ROLE IN THE HOUSE?"  "I cook every night and MinSeok and I share the cleaning. I do the grocery shopping too."



COMMENTS/FEEDBACKS  You. I love you both. ;D

  • MOVIE NIGHTS with Minnie~
  • When Su Jae first moved in.
  • MinSeok's Confession




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