
For about a half hour today the entire Mr. Mr. album was available on itunes.


Did you get it?


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Itunes already removed the album. I was over excited and listened to the audio of mr mr... have to say that the beat of the song is a lot slower than what i expected from the teaser
orangebearies #2
btw, how's it going with your own comeback? hehe I missed your writing, I really had fun reading :)
orangebearies #3
I got them on iTunes just in time. and I will still buy the physical album when it's out, like I always have. I have all the girls' albums and every once in a while, I will flip through the lyrics and photo booklets and spazz. hahaha!! :)
ShinyAvarice #4
SM will need to lock it down and put up a media embargo about it. And then set a comeback date soon and with no teasers. Creating hype now will only spur a lot of fans to search for the leaked songs, fans may still buy the album when released but the public may not and the longer SM delays the more money they loose.