→ Young Athletic 〖 Terada Tama 〗





 Terada Tama


xXxRei_YuyaxXx | activeness 9/10 | Rei



→ Just a part of myself

birth name :  Terada Tama

other names : 

American name- Jade Terada

nicknames :

TJ- Her team mates from the states call her this because the first letter of her birth name and the first letter of her American name.

JJ- Her brother calls her this to

birth date : January 24th, 1995

age : 19

birthplace : Moriya, Ibaraki Perfeture, Japan

hometown : Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan ⇒ San Francisco, California, USA

ethnicity : Japanese

nationality : Japanese

languages : Japanese, English- Fluent; Korean (Still learning), Spanish (Learned in high school)- Basic 



→ This is a reality


traits :

Good- Hard-worker, Protective, Athletic, Good-temper

Bad- Slob, Childish, Shy

personality : Being the youngest of her family she would be very childish towards her brother. Because her brother would baby her a lot to make up for the lack of their parents attention that she needed. Her friends did not really like how childish she was but they did not want her to change because it was part of who she really is. Even is she has friends she is not very good when it comes to socialize with people she has never met. When there were parties of any kind and if she did not know the people at the party she would just stick with her brother or she would just sit in a table that was far from everyone else. Its not that she does not like to met new people is just that she is shy when it comes to met new people and she would be very quite and just nod her head if they were talking to her. But she still managed to befriend Ran her room mate when she came to the academy, and also Gongchan that helps her out in her Korean Language class.

Ever since she was little she did not like to clean her room, and so her room was messy but not that messy it was just with a pile of dirty clothes in a corner and stuff animals all over the floor. But she started to become more of a slob, when she started to do sports, because when she would get home she would just take a shower eat do her remanding homework, and then off to sleep. She would not even bother to clean up her dirty clothes off the floor, and it would be her brother that would come into her room and clean up after her. 

When she first saw her brother playing soccer when she was four she wanted to also try soccer. So she did but did not really think it was the sport for her. So when she was walking into the gym to change clothes she saw the basketball team practicing, and she got curious about the sport. So she tried it out and feel in love with it, and since that day she has been playing basketball. She also got curious about other sports so she tried them out and she turned out to be much more athletic then her brother, which surprised her parents. When ever she would try a new sport she would be lost and confused at first, but since she is a hard-worker, she always got the hang of the sport within the first two practices. When she would be practicing or during a game she would always see her team mates fighting often, or getting angry pretty fast. But since her brother taught her that sports were not just about physical strength but it was also about mental strength, so since then she has had a good-temper both on and off the court.

When her brother first started to go on dates with girls, she would be very protective of her brother, even more then her parents. When she knew her brother was going on a date she would follow him around until she would lose them or if she thought that they saw her. And once when her brothers girlfriend came home Tama asked her brother why he was with an other girl when she was just for him in front of his girlfriend, but all she did was laugh at Tama and told her that liked her because she was very protective of her brother. 

background : Tama was born into a very loving family that cared for their kids very much. Both of her parents work in the medical field that loved their children very much. But they were really busy with work that most of time her and her brother were at the house by them self, but when her parents were home they would spent their time with their kids, playing or buying them things.  When Tama turned four her brother had a soccer game and so her parents asked for the day off so that they could spend it with them. When she went to watch her brother she was amazed by the sport that she wanted to try it out as well. So she practice soccer for about a month until she felt that this was not for her, because the court was to big and the referees did not call most of the calls. So when she left one of the practices early she walked into the gym to go to the locker room, she saw the basketball team for the first time, and she was amazed at the sport. So when she got home she told her mom that she did not want to play soccer any more because she lost interest and she wanted to try out basketball. At first her parents did not let her until they let her because she kept on begging, and skipping soccer practices until she was kicked of the team. So when she first started she was horrible and did not have much playing time on the court until she improved and became a powerful power forward.

When she turned 8 her parents moved the family to California because they had openings that were better then they were in Japan. The reason is why they were always on the clock most of the time and hardly had any time off for the family, so they moved to San Francisco to have more time with their family. At first when she joined the basketball team for her age she was outcaste because she was learning English and because she was Asian. But as time went by they saw they she was good and she became one of the star players after two months, and the other kids gave her the nickname TJ because they did not want to call her Jade or Tama, so they came up with TJ. Since then the travel teams from San Francisco has always tried to scout her, but she already had her team that she would always be with. When Tama entered middle school she and her basketball team mates would go and ice skate during the winter, and she even joined an speed skating team outside the school. She was pretty bad at first and she kept on losing during the practice races so she did not really compete until she improved her skills. So she would be practicing both sports at the same time and in the weekends she would compete speed skating, and in the weekdays she would go to the basketball games.  When her brother graduated from high school he left to Korea to start a cafe that he wanted to have for a long time, and their parents let him go. After a year she heard of him that his cafe was going strong and that they should come and visit when they had time. In high school she was moved up to varsity in both basketball and speed skating her freshmen year and even the All Stars team for basketball. At first the upper classmen did not like her because she was an under classmen but as time went by they started to accept her because she helped them win against their rivals for the first time in 20 years in basketball and their first ever girls win in speed skating. During her sophomore year winter break her and her parents went to Korea to visit her brother and to see how he was doing with his cafe. When she was their her brother told her about the academy Young Athletics Academy that is was an really good academy for young athletics that wish to go some where with the sport that she loves. So she thinks about it and when she gets back from Korea she asked her coach about the academy and they said it is a once in a life time opportunity that she had to take. So she applied to the academy and got accepted into the academy and has been with them since then. 


hobbies : 


-Writing Stories

-Playing with her dogs


-Playing sports





-Little Kids

-Stuff animals




-Super Sentai&Kamen Rider

-J/T/K Dramas



-Sea Food

-Long movies

-Joy killers



-Roller coasters




trivia :

-Has two dogs Hana & Kiba

-Likes hidden wedges

-Wears glasses to see from afar

-Samsung Galaxy S4

-Sleeps with her panda that her brother gave her

-Has a necklace that she never take off

-Fears thunderstorms

-Chews gum most of the time

-Spaces out at times

-Looks up to Jeremy Lin

-Twitter @jade24




→ The look isn’t everything

face claim : Byeon Seo Eun

links : Gallery1 || Gallery2 || Gallery3

back-up face claim :  Baek Su Min/ Yuko

links : Gallery1 || Gallery2 || Gallery3

height : 169 cm

weight : 58 kg

style : Tama does not like to dress up but she does dress nice and comfortable. Like when she wears something casual she would wear jeans during the spring summer fall or winter. She would like to wear stuff that will not make her look to girly but also does not make her look like a tomboy, so she would wear pants and hidden wedges most of the time. When she has to dress up she would transform into a different person, because she would put on a dress and heals, because she knows that she has to look her best for these kinds of things. During practice she would wear everything Nike her shorts, shirts, socks and her shoes. She had many pairs of shoes but she just has one just for games which are her favorite.

More casual outfits: X | X | X | X | X and party/holiday outfits: X | X | X | X | X (She only wears this when she  is with her family because she thinks people will judge her if they see her wearing this)

→ Family more than anything

family members :

Dad | Terada Yamato | 50 | Doctor | Her dad is the total opposite of her he needs to have everything in order, and clean because he would not be able to work in pace until everything is nice and neat. Her dad was the one that was hardly at the house because of his job, but he still loved his children. And when he had a day off he would spoil them a lot because he did not know when his next day off would be. She is closer to her dad because it was him that let her to change from soccer to basketball, and lets just say that she is daddy's little girl and he was the one that got her her favorite basketball shoes. Her and her dad would go shopping for basketball gear or for speed skating when he would have free time off, and he would even play a one-on-one against her.

Mom | Terada Yuki | 48 | Nurse | Now her and her mom are exactly alike both of them are lazy to clean, her mom work area is always a mess, because if she cleans up her mess she would not be able to find things that she would be looking for. When she wanted to quit soccer her mom did not let her because she did not want her to quit something that she already started but then she saw that she was not happy so she let her quit. Her mom at tried to make her wear more girly clothes but failed many times so she lets her wear what she wants as long that it does not look to boyish. When they are together her and her mom would spend their time together cooking food and baking cakes or cookies. 

Brother | Terada Takuya | 26 |  Cafe owner | Takuya is a very loving brother that loves to care for his little sister Tama. He was the one that was with her when their parents were not at the house. Takuya was the one that introduce the sport world to Tama, and is her number one fan and when he has time he goes and see her basketball games and when she competes in speed skating. When they are together Tama's childish side comes out to play with her brother, because she wants him to spoil her and buy her candy and stuff animals.  Since Takuya knows Tama gets when he is with her he gave her the nickname "JJ" because her team mates gave her the nick nickname "TJ" and it sounded to cool for her so he came up with "JJ" just to make fun of her and she does not like it when he calls her that in front of her team mates. Even if Tama is protective of her brother Takuya is much more protective of his little sister, because when they both went to shop Takuya left Tama on a bench to go buy some ice cream for them and when he got back he saw a boy talking to Tama. And Takuya did not like it one bit so he went up to Tama and acted like her boyfriend to get the boy away from her.

best friend:  

Ogata Ran (OC) | 19 | Student/Basketball/Figure Skating (solo.) | Tama first met Ran when she moved into the dorms of the academy, because they are room mates. At first Tama was shy around her until she found out that they both played basketball, and she started to open up to her. When they both got on the court they were a deadly combo that they were nicked named the "2ueens Sisters" because when Tama and Ran are parried together when they played queen of the court during practice they are the queens of the court because no one is able to beat them not even the best players on the team. When the girls do not have practice or games they would be in the stables, because Ran also needs the extra credit for Korean Language or Ran be teaching Tama the basics of fencing, because she is also good at fencing.


Gong Chan Shik/Gongchan | 19 | Student/Archery/Ice Hockey | Tama got to know Gongchan when her Korean language teacher put him to tutor Tama, and Ran. At first she was shy and did not really talk to him unless he would ask her to repeat what he said. And Gongchan did not like she was shy around him so he kept on asking her questions about herslef, and told her that she had to answer in Korean, and with that little by little she opened up to Gongchan. After that Gongchan saw Tama as her little sister that he needed to protect from people that make her feel unconformable or if she ever got bullied at school.

rival :

Liu Amber | 19 | Basketball/Ice Hockey | Amber the "Ice Queen" of the court, and of the ice ring because of her cold attitude towards everyone around her, even the coaches do not escape her cold nature. Amber never liked Tama from the first time she saw her entered the court and ice ring from that moment she has always tried to make Tama quit playing sports so that she will have less competition at school. She even hurt Tama during one of the practices that made her injure her knee and she had to be out for a whole month before getting back on the court. And she also tried to injure her again when they were doing the winter sports by hitting one of the pucks in her way as she was practicing speed skating. | The reason why Amber hates Tama is because she is scared that Tama will take her spot as the best basketball player in the academy, because she knows that Tama is very talented. And she would do anything so that she can stay as the best player on the team.



→ Being a real athlete, it’s my dream

summer sports:

[ 2 ] Athletic (100m/ 1000m/ high jump)

[ 3 ] Archery

[ 7 ]  Badminton

[ 1 ] Basketball

[ 4 ] Equestrian (Jumping.)

[ 6 ] Fencing

[ 5 ] Football (Soccer.)

[ 11 ] Golf

[ 12 ] Gymnastic (Artistic.)

[ 10 ] Swimming

[ 8 ] Tennis

[ 9 ] Trampoline


winter sports : 

[ 6 ] Figure Skating (solo.)

[ 4 ] Freestyle Skiing (slopestyle.)

[ 7 ] Couple Figure Skating ( boy x girl)

[ 3 ] Freestyle Skiing (halfpipe)

[ 2 ] Alpine Skiing (race.)

[ 5 ] Ice Hockey

[ 1 ] Speed Skating (1000m/ 1500m)


→ Still trap at school

year : Three

Optional Subject :

Sciences - 

            Chemistry – Physics – Biology

History / Eco. - 

            History – Economy – Social Study


            Other options - Korean Language, Home Economics

Academic  Performance:  Her grades are mostly A’s, but she gets a B in Korean Language because she is still learning. (That is includes the extra credit that she gets)

Behavior in class : Tama pays attention in most of her classes, but sometimes her mind wanders off and she would start to think about random things. But she is quiet in class and sits in the front of the class by the door. And to help her pass her Korean Language class she helps out at the stables when she has time to get extra credit and the teacher put Gongchan as her tutor to help her and her friend Ran out.  

Favorite subject : Math

Worst subject : Korean Language 




→ Love is always around

name : Shin Dong-woo / CNU

age : Jun 16, 1994-19

year : Three

personality : CNU is a very caring talkative person, that always tries to make people laugh when they are feeling done. If he does not know what to say to someone he always things to say before he says it to the person. When he feels the aura around him has changed from good to bad he will try to make everyone happy once again. CNU is very social person that loves to talk to everyone and befriend everyone that he meets. But he is also a prankster that loves to pull pranks on his friends when he gets bored at times.

how they meet : When CNU pulled a muscle while practicing,  he went to get therapy from the school's trainer. When he got there Tama was in the trainers room getting therapy for her knee, because she had pulled a ligament from her knee and she need to get therapy so that she can be able to move her knee again. So while both were doing therapy they started to talk while they were doing their therapy, so that they can pass the time and they started to get to know each other better. But since Tama was still learning Korean, and CNU was also learning Japanese they would talk in English because they understood each other in English then in Korean or Japanese.

plot story : After both CNU and Tama were cleared they did not see each other much often, and they even forgot that they knew each other until that met again. CNU went to a basketball game that Gongchan dragged him to, because he promised his friends that he tutors that he was going to see them. When CNU walked into the gym he sat done with out looking at the girls, that were going to play. But when he did look up she saw Tama talking with Gongchan and he recognized her from somewhere when it hit him it was the girl that he would talk to when he was doing therapy. So when the game started he never looked away from Tama during the whole game, and after the game he went to look for her with Gongchan. And when he saw her Tama smiled at him and called him by his name, that took him by surprise because he did not even remember her name but she did.

Since they won the game Gongchan wanted to take Tama and Ran out to eat so the four of them went out to eat. And on the way over to the cafe, Gongchan was talking to Ran about school work when Tama and CNU were catching up on how they were doing. But as they were talking they did not notice Gongchan and Ran leave them so that they could have time for themselves. When they did they have stopped in front of a carnival so they went in and had a fun time even if CNU dragged Tama onto many roller coasters, but as they were on one her necklace fell of and after the ride she was sad, and she wanted to go back. So as CUN was trying to come up with a way to make Tama feel better, he walked by a claw machine that had a basketball necklace so CNU played to get it for Tama and it took him about 30 minutes to get it. When Tama felt better, she turned to talk with CNU but she saw him playing on the claw machine so she thought that he did not care how she felt so she left him. When CNU turned to look for Tama she had left him, and he knew that she thought that he did not care for her. So he ran to see if he could catch up to her, when he did catch up with her she about to go into her dorm, when he stopped her and explained what he was really was doing. And gave her the necklace Tama saw happy that she gave him a peck on the cheek and said that she will never take it off then entered her dorm.

his summer sport : Football (Soccer.), Archery, Athletic (100m1000m/ high jump.)

winter sport : Alpine Skiing (race.), Speed Skating (1000m1500m), Freestyle Skiing (halfpipe)

back-up love interest : Ahn Daniel / Niel



→ It’s finally the end


comments ? :  Sports apply fic! Finally something different from the idol fic. I am not hating on them but it just gets boring with the same kind of apply fic. So ya thanks for making this fic! ^^

scene Requests ? : n/a

anything else? : Good luck in the story! ^^



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