Forever Fan-girling Alone in the J/K-pop world

Forever Fan-girling Alone in the J/K-pop world

Happy Saturday  Everyone! 

I hope all is well! I was scrolling the internet and I came across something that caught my attention. The title of the short piece was called 

"How do you explain why you like/love the K-pop J-pop genre to people you know?

Even though I have been a fan for awhile I find myself sort of embarrassed to tell people that I love this genre of music! Because the two most familiar phrases that I often here is 

1. How can you listen when you cannot understand the words 

2. That’s weird

While I can understand people’s dislike on the grounds of a language barrier they are not listening to it correctly because in truth music does not have a language barrier! It can be shared and felt by everyone. While reading this article I could totally relate to the author especially when they said

 ”When I do explain to people, I do it delicately. I put on my rational, grown-up face and I tell them that I listen to it because, first and foremost, I genuinely enjoy the music, not because I secretly want to bone every K-Pop star that appears in a video. I like vocal variance in my songs, so having multiple people singing and complex/interesting harmonies makes a song much more appealing. I enjoy the differences from American pop music, as K-Pop is a flavor you don’t really find here, and I’m desperately in love with the Korean language itself. I find it very pleasing to the ear, and absolutely fascinating.

If asked about music videos, and how much I watch them, I let them know that I’ve always enjoyed interesting music videos. I have VHS tapes filled with music videos that I recorded when I was a kid off of MTV (you know, when they still did that). On top of that, I’m a Musical Theatre major, so I enjoy dancing to a ridiculous degree (especially synchronized, choreographed dance).

So to sum up, K-Pop is fun, energetic, and relatively unique when compared to what you can hear on the radio here. I enjoy the scope of its uniqueness, and it has allowed me to discover and experience new forms of music that I had barred myself from liking in the past. ” ~posted by B.A.P. on Reddit Kpop~

Listening to K-pop groups or watching their videos gives me a fun nostalgic feeling of being in my teens rushing home to watch the latest videos by my favorite groups (you remember when MTV in America had MV’s playing almost 24/7? I sure do and I miss it badly!

Another reason is that various k-pop groups have beautiful vocals that fit the songs well. To me it seems that the American pop scene has become auto tune obsessed in their music. I mean the option of auto tune is fine for some songs but what is wrong with showcasing your voice!

Some k-pop groups have used auto tune in their songs which is fine because it doesn’t seem overly used. Also they have beautiful vocals which they can back up!

I’ve heard Super Junior, Shinee, or Infinite sing with minimal accompaniment or, just their vocals  and they were beautiful. Their voices all melded together into a harmonious melody! There are some wonderful performers in both worlds of J/K-pop 

I still feel like the odd one out, in liking these genres. I mean my family thinks it’s weird and strange for me to like it! My friends feel the same and I just feel so odd at times. I’m from the American Midwest where the music is predominantly country/western and the chances of me seeing a Kpop concert of my favorite group is a big fat zero no matter how much I want it! It makes me a little sad and sometimes I wonder if I should continue to listen at all?

I could never do that because I’m not a follower and listening to this type of music hits my emotions in ways that other genres can’t! If I’m sad it makes me happy! Usually, when I’m writing something this is the music I listen too! It allows me to go into another world!

Although I don’t have to justify why I like it! I cannot tell you how irritating it can get when people who don’t understand it want to give you a hard time! That’s why I began a blog like this! I wanted a place where I could feel free to fan girl and discuss as much as I like without getting told about it! For the most part I want this blog to be entertaining fun and humorous while paying homage to a favorite music genre!

I guess I am a fan girl forever alone  Anyone else feel this way especially with family and friends???


~See ya Lee-lee 


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