what is RP?

this morning  i got a new wall post. it is about promoting RP? what the heck RP is ? -,-' nan cheongmal mollaseo. did you know what is RP? do you? do you? *finger point at many person.* aigooo. nan, mollayeo. aishhh



btw today is my birthday. yehet. thanks to all members of AFF who had wish to my birthday. kamsahamnida *bow and hug* hahaha thank to my boy friend too for the wish. aigoooo. saranghamnida. kekeke but i dont even receive any present yet. T.T *cries* and im pretty sure this year i will get no present at all CONFIRM! haish. since my bofriend say that he wont give a present too T.T its okay, i wont die even i dont get the present. hmm actually i want to update my story, and another chapter, but im tooo lazy since im using tablet and, yeah, i will make alot of mistake and when this tablet are hang, i will loss all my written story. sad life. so since today is my birthday, here some wishes and list of presents that i want so badly.



i would to become a good daughter to my family and parents, good sister to my sibling, good friend to my friends.


i would like to become more best kpop fan ever.


i would to become a good servant to Allah, pray a lot, ibadah a lot

*i got no more connectors to use*

i want a good result, i will study to my best, i want a good university i want to go oversea

*again no ideas*

i would like to finish my first fanfiction ever, on this year. and i hope that fanfiction wont be the first and the last fanfiction that i would have, *any co author want to join? im so pleasure, kekekek*

so, if i have money, i would to buy EXO album by my own money as a present for myself. if any of you want to give the album wahhhhhhhh i so glad and so happy to receive that present. no way, it never gonna happen trust me. how could you give something expensive to someone who you dont even know their face. and you are so not love right, such a waste.

other present? watch? bag? any kpop idol book journey poster or signature poster, light stick hahaha no way, it wont happen too


or some suprise a ticket concert to kpop idol concert wooowwwww that is NO WAY! FOREVER ! wont happen at all



since i was ashamed with my spelling mistake i use the laptop to coreect my mistake, yuhuuu oharat ~

done with this blog, the content absolutely differebt from the title. cheongmal mianhae~ *bow 90 degrees* 

till then , XOXO :)


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RP means Role-Playing

Happy Birthday~
nana_snsd #2
Happy birthday! :)
Happy birthday!! ^^
fyehxn #4
Rp means roleplay, where you act as the idol you liked. Happy birthday btw! :)
mylove99 #5
rp-role play ^^