§ugar || Sky || Main Vocalist, Leader


Han Song Yi
한 송 위이



Ethnicity: Korean-American
English name:  Han Skylar
D.o.B: 14th January 1994
Age: 21 (Korean Age) 20 (International)
Height: 160cm
Weight: 48kg
Birthplace: Los Angeles, United States
Hometown: Los Angeles, United States

Face claim: Park Shin Hye

   casual )     
   formal )      
   practice )     
   home / sleep )     

Red  Carpet:     

Personality: Song Yi is arguably the most complex of all her band members, so there are seemingly many contradictions in her personality until you look close enough to see the layers. Song Yi can be very confident. She has no problem interacting with people right away, and she has a way of rolling with the interviewers even at times people find themselves cringing of second hand embarrassment from the off-topic questions. She, on the other hand, manages to brush things off as jokes if she doesn’t want to discuss it or answer them, with an ease that is admirable. She is always with a attitude that screams ‘think what you want of me, I don’t even care’. She also seems more than comfortable with going out on her own, or spending time by herself. This suggests not only a ease with getting along with anyone she meets, but a self assuredness that she can enjoy what she’s doing on her own - and that’s a sign of maturity. In the same way, however, Song Yi can sometimes be very insecure.. She has a very visible outward confidence and she has an ability to charm people in both a friendly and flirty way and I don’t think she’s shy in the slightest. But, she has a lot of “am I good enough” moments. We can see it almost everyday if we spend a lot of time with her, in the way that in every interview when she’s talking she almost always looks to the other members as though she’s seeking confirmation that what she is saying is alright. She seems like she needs someone there telling her “yes you’re right, you’re ok”. So, because of that, insecurity would make her need to be surrounded by affectionate people that can reaffirm the fact that she’s not going to be left alone and that she IS good enough. People find  interesting that a majority of her friends are boys. I personally don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that she is afraid of being friends with a girl!  I think it has more to do with the fact that boys are typically more openly affectionate with their friends, so they would offer more hugs and “I love you’s” and more deep and personal conversations, which is what she needs to feel connected and important and just needed. One of the most interesting things about Song Yi is who her friends seem to be.
If you look at whom she spends most of her time with it’s generally a much older crowd, not talking about her group members, of course. This sort of lifestyle, living beyond her years and hanging with a crowd all in their late twenties or older and seemingly so natural at dealing with kids I think this say a lot about her personality.
Song Yi doesn’t  like to be in charge. It makes her feel closer to people if they are the ones demanding something of her, and her being able to give to!  It gives her  the security and feeling that she has made them happy. In this way I believe this reflects once again to her ultimate desire to feel needed and wanted and why she admits to being attracted to confidence. It’s impossible to overlook the fact that Song Yi simply has that “it” factor. There isn’t much to say on the topic, because it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what about her it is that draws people to her the way that she does. And yet it’s pretty hard to dispute the idea that she seems to be the crowd favorite and in a lot of ways I don’t think you can narrow it down to one or two characteristics. She’s Han Song Yi - a normal person who is just good at being famous, whether she intends to be or not.

↳ summer rain (she can't explain why, she just loves it, it's refreshing)
↳ herself (she can be a bit vain and conceited)
↳ food (she is with no doubt the shikshin of the group)
↳ photography (she has a canon that goes with him everywhere)
↳ guitars (her grandfather gave her a beautiful guitar that has more than 80 years already)

↳ violence (it really gets on her nerves all the time)
↳ backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
↳ being bothered (when she is deep in her thoughts she hates being bothered for no reason)
↳ fish (she thinks it doesn't taste good and she always feels hungry after eating it)
↳ bad internet connection (probably one of the things she hates the most)
↳ small places (she will feel sufocated)

↳ she believes in God
↳ If she could be an animal for one day, she would be a fly to spy on others without being seen
↳ her group members say she eats a lot. Once they went to Mc'Donalds and she ate three hamburgers, after a few minutes she asked for more!
↳ her favourite movies are ' The Lord of the Rings'
↳ she is often mistaken as cold and reserved
↳ she appeared in SM.THE.BALLAD 'Breath' MV, BTS 'Boy in Luv' and GOT7 'Girls Girls Girls' MV
↳ she was supposed to debut as an actress only

↳ she has a heavy American accent when she speaks Koran
↳ she is allergic to watermelon

↳ Variety queen

↳ Father | Han Won Bin | 57 | alive  | doctor | wise, caring, down to earth, funny | 10-10 
↳ Mother | Melinda Smith | 56 | alive | surgeon | motherly, trustworthy, talented, understanding | 10-10 
↳ Older Brother | Han Min Joon | 24 | alive |university student | cocky, conceited, vain, smart | 9-10
Younger Brother | Han Sang Min | 16 | alive | high school student | smart, hardworking, loyal, empathetic | 10-10 

↳ Kang Mirae | 22 | OC/SM TRAINEE | flirt, ambitious, self-critical, mature | 10-10
↳ Yugyeom | GOT Maknae | 5-10 | They don't spend a lot of time together, but when they do, they act like brother and sister.
Best Friend: 
↳ Nam Taehyun | 20 | WINNER | confident, shy, charismatic, willy | 10-10


Love Interest: Mark Tuan
His Personality: You know how vanilla ice cream is sweet and simple yet popular enough that everyone likes it? That’s how you can describe Mark. He likes to keep to himself and when people try talking to him he occasionally will shy away from them because he had built a shell around himself, although he has a shy personality he does have the occasional times where he’d have the soft burst of confidence and he’ll go up to someone and introduce himself to get to know them and make friends. His social skills aren’t the best and occasionally he might just seem so meek it’s a bit off putting and annoying which he doesn’t try to be, he just has her fear of someone trying to hurt him that he’s scared of the most. When he is on stage, his personality changes drastically, he becomes y, not afraid to follow the music.

Interaction: When people see Mark and Song Yi together they will probably say something like ‘oh my God, what a cute couple’, however they are not! When they are together they are like the cat and the mouse, she keeps teasing him while he does the same. Constantly calling Song Yi a short pig, Mark knows how to get on her nerves, either by doing nasty comments or stealing innocent kisses from her lips from time to time and then run away. Apart from being always fighting, they know how to protect each other with everything they have. If there’s something that Mark loves more than music, it must be Song Yi. They know each other as they know the back of their hands.

Relationship: Fans ship both of them because of their cute relationship and because of their story as childhood friends. 

Stage name: Sky
Position:  Main Vocalist, Leader (Park Shin Hye really knows how to sing, and her image really fits the leader position, js)
Persona: West Coast Beauty
Trainee years: 3 years
Personal fanclub:  Fashionistas
Colours: Turquoise 

Suggestions:  The girls should go to Immortal Songs and appear in REALGOT7 TV.
Comments: Hope you like her!
Questions: none!


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If she could go to any concert, who would it be?