gdber momencam

i didn't plan to make this but when i playing with my momentcam app ... suddenly my mind told me to try and make GDBer momentcam

so this is the result ...

see what happened?

and it didn't stop there... XD

i told you my head and my finger work like they were twins... i can't stop !!!!!

help me... wait... joking, i'm fine and i'm just crazy for them X3! someone please make lots of GDBer FF soon hahaha

wanna see more? :D

feel free if you wanna use them for GDBer FF ^^v

i think i can make a comic from this LOL

mukyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa GDBer ♥♥♥ 

mian for the spam :p


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babyone #1

GDber! woah that's so Adorable! btw it's GD stare on Amber? He thought after vic gave speech maybe sul/krys will give a speech too so he constantly stare on amber? U can see in this vid: and what do you think?