OTL. Can Someone Tutor Me?

Like seriously.

Can someone tutor me in Malay subject and History?

I think these subjects are my weakest, including Maths but I'm improving in Maths a little so I need help in Malay and History the most now.

And these subjects are a must to pass.


My problem is that I can't remember the details.

Like in Malay, I forgot how to do all types of Karangan(Like what the hell brain.).

And in History, I always forget the date and the people that's important to the date. XD

So yeah...

If someone is good in these subjects or at least in one of these subjects, please tutor me. XD


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you're form 3, aren't you?
the history subject for lower form isn't that bad......
but i totally forgot them. alll of them
i can help in BM. But it won't be so good though. It's been five years since i wrote a karangan. hahahaha. But I always get an A for that subject.
I could give you a hand :)