钻石的城市。 ⋮ ℂity of D i a m o n d s ♦ ⋮ ;3

City of Diamonds

  _kawahiro_ ⋮ Yooooo ⋮ Shayla  〕 


  B a s i c s 〕

Name ❞ Yoo Yu Ra


❝ Age ❞ 21


Continent of residence ❞ Kingdom of Hearts


❝ Blood type ❞ AB+


Favorite season? ❞




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  V i s u a l i s e   〕

Face claim ❞

Park Su Eun


❝ Back up face claim ❞ 

Han Byul



❝ Appearance ❞

She has both ears pierced like this. Has a tattoo like this on her left wrist, has a tattoo like this on her shoulder.


❝ Style ❞ 

 Head pieces not included  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

She has a very steampunk styled wardrobe, typically always wearing a corset.


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 ♜  R e f l e c t i o n 〕


⇝ Feisty - If anyone that knew Yu Ra was asked to discribe her in one word 'feisty' would be it. She is determined to make sure everyone knows her name and what an amazing Tamer she is. She is very spunky in nature, she will not let anyone come between her and what she wants, she has no qualms with hurting another person if it means moving forward. However, just because she is self centered doesn't mean she has no heart. She is very caring, well, to her tamed beasts she is. People are a distraction, there are few that she cares much for. She is rough and daring, attempting the most risky things. Unfortunately for Yu Ra she is human and can't be a complete cold . She does have a knack for all things nature. She claims she is such a great Tamer because of her so called connection to the world around her. She is not emotionless towards other humans either, despite your first impressions. She does indeed feel sypathy and genuine happiness when she is around certain people. It is only when people are not quite up to her standards that she is, well to put it lightly, not so nice. Now in a world full of greed and often fear she is not quick to trust anyone. Yu Ra doesn't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, she believes a person is guilty until proven innocent. Because of this she will allow for companians but never trust them until she see's their true colors. Yu Ra is smart, not just educationally, but tactically too. She is someone you want to be on the good side of, always.


❝ Trivia ❞ 

⇝ She loves Caramel Macchiato's and  most other coffee drinks.
⇝ She allows for companions if her first impression isn't terrible.
⇝ She can cook quite well.
⇝ She can speak both Korean and Chinese fluently.
⇝ Hates chocolate.

⇝ Hates peanuts.
⇝ Enjoys swimming.
⇝ Can play the Chinese violin
⇝ She enjoys traditional theater.

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  You raised me to victory 〕

Background ❞

⇝ Yu Ra grew up living with her grandfather. He was a modest man, he did have wealth but didn't act like he did. They lived in a nice traditional house in the core of the Kingdom of Hearts. Her grandfather was Chinese and taught her how to speak the language all while teaching her how to play the violin that his father had one taught him. he always told her stories of her parents whom she had never met, he told her that they were tamers. Some of the best out there, but her would always remind her that he was biased. He would tell her the grand tales his son would write to him about. Until one day when Yu Ra was 7 he told her that her parents had passed away along with three other tamers in a tragic accident. Yu Ra was at this point determined to become a tamer to follow her parents footsteps. About seven years later it was her grandfathers time to pass. She mourned his death and didn't leave her home for roughly three weeks. She was 14 at this time, so one would think that she wouldn't be able to care for herself. However her grandfather had prepared her for this time and had arranged for her to go to the Temple of Spades to train under an well known tamer. Four years later at age 18 she returned to her old home and settled in again. While training she experienced the darkness of the world and was molded into the woman she currently is. When she was 19 she tamed her partner and since then she has been taming beasts and doing her share in keeping her continent safe.

❝ Family ❞ 

⇝ Xin Yiu Lei ⇝ 79 (now Deceased) ⇝ Retired  This is Yu Ra's grandfather, the man that raised her. They were very close and his death hit her very hard. When he died she was all alone and she became bitter towards people who were lucky enough to have family and friends.

⇝ Xin Lao Yei ⇝ Deceased ⇝ Tamer ⇝  The father of Yu Ra, she never remembers meeting them but hold very fond memories of the tales her grandfather told. 

⇝ Xin Su Young ⇝ Deceased ⇝ Tamer  Mother of Yu Ra, also never remembered by her daughter. However Yu Ra does cherish the knowledge she was given about her mother from her grandfather.



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  Right now, all i need to be is in your arms tonight 〕

Name ❞ ⇝ Do KyungSoo

❝ Backup love interest ❞ ⇝ Byun Baek Hyun

❝ Age ❞ ⇝ 21


❝ Personality ❞

⇝ He is very soft spoken at first, seems very sweet, innocent even. However he is a trained fighter, able to ignore other people on the drop of a dime. He is only aggressive when needed though, and is rather passive unless fighting. He is very calm and seems to always have a grasp of what is going on. He is very self aware and beats himself up a lot over minor mistakes. Behind his calm demeanor he is actually very caring, he is not quick to trust other beings but is not mean. He is very kind most of the time to strangers until set off guard. He does have a cold air to him. Quiet and powerful looking.

❝ Relationship ❞

⇝ Very cold to each other, always fighting for dominance in any situation. Unfortunately it only gets them both more annoyed. They are not overly nice to each other in the beginning, however as they begin to soften up, realizing the real reason why they seem to hate each other is because of attraction, they cease fire. They start to work together like a real team and grow closer as people. Yu Ra becomes much more joking and a nice kind of sarcastic. And KyungSoo is very straight to the point, but nice. Eventually they are able to allow themselves to be kind and caring for one another.

❝ Plotline ❞ ⇝ Plot #4 - Canines vs Felines


❝ Love rival? ❞ ⇝ Oh SeHun



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 X  If you don't fight, you d i e. If you fight, you l i v e.) 〕

Class ❞ Tamer




❝ Relating to Class ❞ 

⇝ Yu Ra has a very interesting fighting style, she is a melee weapon user that has the aid of her partner Zuka. Zuka is a demon that resides in a human form for the sake of travel. He looks like this when he take human form, having long flipped blonde locks of hair covering his eyes. He always has a crazy grin on his lips. And he looks like this as a demon, a wolf like form that has long spikes of fur that can stiffen like actual spear tips. He can fight in either form but prefers to stay in his human form. He doesn't speak any language overly well but Yu Ra is teaching him Korean. He fights with knives that he has an unlimited supply of. As a demon his skills are speed and teleportation of a short distance in his human form. While fighting in his demon form and mentioned earlier his fur turns into sharp spikes, he can multiply four times and is very fast. Sharp claws, sharp teeth. 

Yu Ra has her own weapons as well, she has a double edged giant hammer.

They are always either fighting together or defending together.



❝ For Tamers | Superiors.. Why have you chosen this class? ❞ 

⇝ "My parents were tamers, I felt that if I became one I would feel like I actually knew them a bit."



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  Meow. Woof. Awoo. Chirp. Bark. 


❝ People will die in this fic.. Are you ok with this? ❞ ⇝  Sure



Hello, How are you? ❞ ⇝ I am good!, how are you?



❝ Can you name me your favourite food? ❞ ⇝ Pumpkin Pie~



❝ The use of alcohol & drugs will be present...are you ok with this? ❞ ⇝ Yeah. ^^



❝ You and your love interest may already be almost together...some won't be for a longtime.. are you ok with this? ❞ ⇝ Sure thing, no worries




❝ Can you reccomend me a song?  ❞ ⇝ Have you heard BtoB's new song Beep Beep?


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Comments/Opinions  ❞ 

⇝ Thank you for your hard work!




Scenario requests? ❞

⇝ None yet. :P





❝ Password ❞ 

Suppppp Puuppppp? 



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  Back to the story  〕 





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