Goodbye Aff

Dear friends, subscribers and readers,

I am deciding to erase this acc XBaekhyunMinX and also my stories, I am sorry if your shock that I will be gone and (maybe some will be happy) but when I realized that my mind isn't working anymore I just have to erase my stories and acc so that I won't be crushing your hopes that I might update. Yes, I know that inside your mind right now is full of hate and more negative feelings but because of my stupidness (?) I planned to get out of aff, not totally out forever but I'll be back in a few (2 or more) months.

My main purpose in writing this blog post is to say sorry to all of you, I'm sorry I'm not updating, I'm sorry for breaking my promises, I'm sorry for my coward self, I'm sorry that I'm stupid to not make my stories greater or more presentable, I'm sorry for wasting your time reading this, I'm sorry for everything.

All this time I was glued to aff that my grades became lower and my social status lowered as well (I'm a loner now) at first I didn't care but then when I realized I was late in every new things that is happening around me I just....

I know that this is to long (for me) but If you like to keep in touch with me [this stupid author] my other account--> CanineBaek 

I have a lot of stories in my phone that I am writing so maybe in summer [philippines - April-May] I might put it on AFF and will present a more great fic with no grammar errors and spellings....

Again, I am sorry. In a few days I'll be gone and focus in school. so to everyone of you.

Goodbye, (for a while)




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