§ugar || Sooyeon || Lead Rapper, Vocalist


{Moon Soo Yeon}



Ethnicity: Korean
English name: Sara Moon
D.o.B: 12 April, 1995
Age: 20 (Kor.) 19 (Int.)
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kgs
Birthplace: Seoul
Hometown: Hongdae

Face claim: Minzy (2NE1)

Style: 1 2 3 4
Red Carpet: 1 2 3

Personality: Sooyeon is very carefree and easy going. She likes to laugh and smile a lot but is rather quiet because of her slight stutter. She is a bit of a joker and thoroughly enjoys sarcasm, though rarely uses it herself. She appreciates irony and finds the funny side in everything, even if something has happened to herself. However, Sooyeon is a bit selfish when it comes to her stuff and her friends; even though she loves her friends, she is very miserly about letting them borrow her stuff.
The only time she is happy to be loud is on stage because her stutter tends to go away then and she can perform properly.
Likes: Dance, art, face painting, roses
Dislikes: Vegetables, bubble tea, low morals
Trivia: Has been dancing since she was about five
Wants to own a pet
Is the second oldest in a family of five children
Has a fascination with hair dye
Fluent in English and Korean


Family: Moon Ji Hye | mother | 44
Moon Ji Seok | older brother |22
Moon Hae Yeon | younger sister | 16
Moon Mi Yeon | younger sister | 14
Moon Ki Seok | younger brother | 11
Moon Jeon Hyun | father | 45
Friends: Krystal Jung, Lee Taemin
Best Friend: Oh Sehun

Love Interest: Kim Tae Hyung (BTS), V
His Personality: A bit random and all over the place. He enjoys a good laugh and poking fun at s. He's a bit of a diva occasionally but overall a good person. He will often do soemthing out the blue or say something that will everyone around wondering what he's been smoking. He's what you would call the WTF Factor.
Interaction: Very easily. Taehyung tends to do all the talking and teasing, but Sooyeon gives back just as much. He often tries to encourage her to talk and is giving it a go with helping her with her stutter. If they're at music shows or whatever for performances, they often are quite happy with sitting on each other and laughing together. They're  very easy going couple and trust each other implicitly.
Relationship: Attempting to organise a way to go public but right now are secretly dating.


Stage name: Sooyeon
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Persona: Silent Joker
Trainee years: 4
Personal fanclub: Jesters
Colours: Circus Pink

Suggestions: Weekly Idol. Maybe pair some of Sugar up with some of EXO as a group, kind of like Younique Unit.


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