Tell me what you think 。◕‿◕。

My big brother just came, like 5 minutes ago, to tell me him and his friend want me to play in a band they want to form. He said it would only be the three of us. He says they would like to do covers, besides our own songs.

Isaid it sounded like a good idea, since Ihave the rights to record stuff in my school's studio 。◕‿◕。

Now... xD I'm thinking, that if agroup made a few kpop covers (in our case, in spanish) that would help us be a little more popular, u know, considering that the kpop movement is getting really big in my country (Many groups are on tv regulary, a lot of groups are getting scheduled to come lol, they made a documentary about MBLAQ's visit an so on) I think it would be good 。◕‿◕。

Any latinamericans that would like that? xD Or maybe other pplz 。◕‿◕。

Yes or no. Either way, tell me why, so I can tell my brother later on xDDD 。◕‿◕。


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UKISSKissMe1313 #1
Please do it! If you don't want to, it's your decision, but I think that would be so cool! <3
sounds like a cool idea to me :)

I will be one of your fangirls of course ;)
The most important thing is that YOU do music that you enjoy.
When you put your energy and love into it, it will come through in your performance.
Your audience will feel it.
I am Mexican-American and I can tell you that I love listening to covers of Kpop in both Spanish and English.
When listening to any covers I also enjoy when the cover artist tries to make it his/her own by adding something extra.
This way, I know that this artist is creative as well as musical, and not just trying to copy someone else's work.
Good luck ♣
Hope to be one of your first fans ♥