vampire academy ; {♕} Ahn Ji U



_kawahiro_ // Shayla // activity level 7.25 // english fIRST LANGUAGE? Yes





Ahn, Ji U
T O  M O M

DOB + AGE December // 20 + 19 
LANGUAGE(S) Korean - Fluent, Chinese - Conversational
ETHNICITY 75% Korean, 25% German

FACE CLAIM Byeon Seo Eun [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
BACKUP Byun Ji Young [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]



T A K E  W H A T  Y O U  N E E D

EYE COLOR Pure Metalic Silver 
APPERANCE She has a very piercing gaze, she has a certain air to her that screams CHARMING. She almost always either has a  sly smile on her face, or a wicked smirk.
*TATTOOS/PIERCINGS Whole shell of both ears pierced.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT 178.3 cm & 51kg
CLOTHING STYLE When wearing her school uniform she has her sleeves rolled up to just below her elbow, with her blouse haveing a couple buttons undone at the top. She wears thigh high black lace tights. When not at school she dresses in the highest fashion, beautiful dresses to skin tight jeans she has it all. She likes to mix it up often so you never see her wear the same thing twice in one month. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


A T  L E A S T  J U L I E T  N E V E R  K I L L E D  R O M E O

PERSONALITITY TRIATS Cold, Stubborn, Strong-willed/Passionate, Kind-hearted, Charming, Blunt
— Ji U may come across as a rather cold person at times becasue she always tries to avoid others and ignore them, but that is because she is always afraid to trust others. She is slow to trust people and because of that pushes them away. She doesn't like being told what to do or how to act because she feels that becoming your own individual self is very important. She won't let the norms of society define her. She has a strong will and is determined to be her best self without letting others get in the way of her desires, this is another reason she may come off as cold. She is already very confident in her ablilities and is only getting better and better. So she is some what cocky and that is another colder quality she has. She will tell you off in a heart beat if you make her mad, having a bit of a temper. She isn't afraid to be honest about what she thinks, to the point where she is blunt. This is both a blessing and a curse, both hurting and helping those around her. 

She has never really meant to come across as being that cold and harsh but because of how focused she is on being the best she can be she be she cannot truely seem to open her heart to people. If she could push past her self perfection complex she might be able to be true to people and be the kind hearted person she wants to be. But she thinks that if she is too kind she will not be able to focus on reaching her goals. She wants nothing more than to be able to sit with people and talk to them easily but well, it isn't that easy for her. Now, you may be thinking... Where does the charm come in? Well it is from her actions. The way she goes about her buissness looks graceful and effortless. She also needs it in order to feed without people catching on. She uses her charm to jure people away so she can feast. 

       — Ji U is a vampire from birth, growing up in a wealthy home with both a mother and father. She was an only child and it never really bugged her, she kept busy. When she was old enough to attend school she was accepted by the children but she still felt very out of place, knowing that she as a vampire could never be like the humans. With her chosen isolation she began to see how happy everyone else was and attempted to try the friend thing but it never ended well. They didn't accept her anymore because of her prior rejection. Feeling betrayed she didn't want to try again, gaining her a trust issue. As she got even older her parents began expecting more and more of her. "Be a better hunter!" "Get better grades!" She tried to change her hunting habits to only hunting between the hours of 2-3 in the morning and charming men into following her to get them out of the public eye. She tried for her parents. She was never good enough and didn't meet their standards. Eventually she rebelled and told them she didn't care if she was good enough for them, she just has to be good enough for herself. Since then she has had a self perfection complex. When her parents kept insisting she become more like them she snapped and told them she was getting away from them at a bording school in Romania and away she went.


  • She has a 'familiar' and it is a white fluffy cat named Suga.
  • She HATES people looking down on her.
  • She won't budge to pressure.
  • She will never betray people she cares for.
  • She spends most of her time alone in her dorm writing poetry.
  • She loves watching movies.
  • She loves the snow.
  • Because of her parents and old classmates she doesn't trust easily.
  • Her sole focus is Magic, that to her means perfection,
  • When she talks about being the best she can be, she only means to be happy with herself.

TALENTS Water Magic, Charming people, Blunt honesty.

F A M I L Y  M E A N S  O H A N A ,  I  T H I N K

SCHOOL MATES friends inside the academy. can be an idol, actress, model, ulzzang, or even a foreign celebrity. min of 1 max of four. replace "friend" with best friend, close friend, childhood friend, etc.

      BEST FRIEND — Taemin // 18 //  Student  // Romantic, Goofy, Stubborn // 5 // Always laughing together, basically the only person Ji U is nice to.

CLOSE FRIEND — WooHyun // 19 //  Student  // Charmer, Sillly, Full of Self // 3 // Ji U's second and last close friend, they are very relaxed with each other having had very similar pasts. 

        REASON Too much gossiping comes from the brat.

        REASON He is not stupid and has an amazing fashion sense.


C U T E  S T O R Y  B R O

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 7, Ji U can easily keep up in class but by no means is she the best. She has average grades and maintains them with stride.

MAGIC PERFORMANCE 9, She focuses extremely hard on magic, it is her passion, having an intense love for manipulating water. She is one of the top performers in her class and refuses to let many beat her. Magic is the one thing that Ji U really truely wants to be perfect about her. 

COMBAT PERFORMANCE  7.75, Ji U doesn't much care for weapons and therefore doesn't care enough to try that hard. She can hold her ground but doesn't excel in the area.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CHARACTER DURING SCHOOL Ji U is always found perfecting her magic skills, she doesn't much care about anything else. She is quiet most of the time and upkeeps her performance, never being bad, but not always great in some areas such as hand to hand combat.

RANK  52/200 





H E Y  Y O U

AGE 22
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HIM DURING SCHOOL In Magic class he is the best of the best, not many can beat this man. He seems to always do his best and is always cheerful, even when he isn't happy with the course. He is always pleasant and touchy with his friends, he is smart too but doesn't like to talk much in academics. He also excels in the combat courses due to his strength.

STRENGTHS Combat, Humour, Persistance
WEAKNESSES Being Ignored

PERSONALILITY TRIATS Loving, Goofy, Kind, Persistant/Stubborn, Loud, Touchy
PERSONALILITY Xiumin is a very lovely guy, he is always being pleasant, always cracking jokes and grinning from ear to ear. He tries to make people happy and make them laugh, you could call him a bit of a people pleaser. He will go out of his way to help those he deems worthy of his attention. Miseok is always trying to convince people that hugging him is the best thing that they will ever do, and gets pretty upset when they refuse. But being optimistic he just jumps back up and finds a new taget most of the time. When he wants something however - he will not give up. Ever. He will try and try until he gets exactly what he wants. Even if it means making a scene - which he has no qualms about considering that he is already pretty darn loud. 

HISTORY Met the fist day of classes, they had magic together and they wound up having a tie, both being so exhausted trying to gauge their abilities. Xiumin then insisted that the spar often and learn from each other. Ji U was hesitant to accept but eventually decided that for magic's sake she would. Since then they have been working together.
RELATIONSHIP As time passed Xuimin had weasled his way into Ji U's heart, they got very close and spent a lot of time together, MinSeok would even sneak into her dorm at night so they could stay up late watching movies. Though, they both insisted that dispite all the snuggling and sweet words that were exchanged from time to time that they were only friends. Neither wanted to wreck the friendship they had going. Unfortunately it was getting a bit too tough for MinSeok and he started to show up less and less until Ji U confronted him with her feelings.. She was scared she was losing him to another girl. it took a bit to convince her of his honest intentions, but they got together as a couple and were very loving with eachother but never in public. Despite Xiumin's complaining.


  • Ji U confronting MiSeok
  • MinSeok Convincing her to spar with him.
  • Sneaking in to Ji U's dorm for the first time.


A C T  L I K E  A  L A D Y

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THE ACADEMY?" "Uh, it is cool I guess. Some of the professers are terrible though. Not my cup of tea. But the magic classes are amazing. Best world wide I am sure!"

"WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?" "Fashion. No one knows fashion like I do. Well... Except for Tao maybe. Magic is obviously a strength, have you seen me? Water manipulation is the easiest thing EVER. And from what I am told, suduction. Who am I kidding? No one needs to tell me for me to know how amazing I am."
"WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES?" "A good looking purse. A good looking anything really."
"DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE STRIGOI OR PRICOLICI?" "Yeah, if anyone can it is me."
"HOW DID YOU DECIDE BETWEEN COMBAT AND MAGIC?"  "Simple, Magic comes in many forms. When I was told I could use water trickery and illusion I was down."
"WHAT TYPE OF ANIMAL(S) CAN YOU TURN INTO?"  "A tasmanian devil and a hyena. Not all that cool, but serve me plenty well." 


F R E E  Y O U R S E L F

COMMENTS Really cool concept. :)
QUESTIONS/CONCERNS If you see something that isn't satisfactory, let me know..




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