❁ Of Beast and Beauty ⇢ Shin Su Young





       Shin SuYoung
Secret Valentine 



username: _Kawahiro_
how should i call you?: Shayla
activity?: 3.75
password: Link

character name: Shin Su Young
nickname(s): Su Younggie
birthday & age: December 20, 20
kingdom: Yuan
language(s): Korean and conversational Chinese (Mandarin)

uljjang: Song Ah Ri
links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
backup uljjang: Kim Shin Yeong
height & weight: 176.5 cm & 51kg
appearance: Su Young is a rather tall young lady with very slim but soft features. She has stunning smooth long legs and a petite frame. Su Young has a defined collar bone and flawless milky skin that is consistant through out all her features. She has long nails and her hands are very soft to the touch. 
Her hair is a light milk chocolate in color and frames her face nicely with side swept bangs. It falls roughly to the middle of her shoulder blades and has a gorgeous shine. She has plump rosey lips and soft rounded cheeks. Su Young has big eyes that are quite encaptivating. They are many shades of brown, mostly darker tones with a few middle ground tones placed throughout. 
style: Su Young dresses in simple yet ellegant dresses that are typically knee lenth. They tend to be in pastel colors and sometimes the colors of red, dark blue, black and/or white. The dresses usually have a few bows and/or lace and ribbon. She could almost pass as a doll. She likes european style so she is very unique in her clothing choices. She doesn't dress traditionally persay but takes tradition and brings it to a more modern look. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]  
extra: There is a scar on her right hand on the palm in a straight cut from her pinky to the bottom of her thumb from dropping a tea cup when she was ten.


likes: Animals, Europe, Theatre, Baking, Sewing, Romance Novels, and Poetry.
dislikes: Disrespect, Hurting Others, Harm of Animals, Honey, and Lamb.
habits: Pinching the bridge of her nose when upset, Non-stop talking when nervous, Humming when bored.
hobbies: Writing Poetry, Making Own Clothing, Baking For Close Friends/Family.
fears: Violence, The Feeling of Being Alone.
trivia: Has two horses - Ariel and Belle, Lives in a small cottage right on the outskirts of the kingdom.


key traits: Diligent, Soft-Spoken, Creative/Artistic, Kind-Hearted, Loving, Accepting.
personality: Su Young is a lovely young woman that does her best to help out when needed, she is understanding of issues regardless of size and will do her best to assist you. She is not judgmental and don't do anything to make you feel like she is. Though, she isn't quick to speak up, not liking an over abundance of drama to deal with. She is a quick worker, she needs to be in able to sustain herself, she crafts her own clothing and bakes for herself. She is a creative young lass too, she is a poet, always writing about her fantasies about falling in love and having a romantic husband one day. She is a hopeless romantic and thet shows in her everyday activities, it shines through her creativity. She likes to enjoy life and so she does things in a way that may seem odd to others but works just right for her. She doesn't like to rush into things and thinks that taking your time is the right way to go aabout things. Go at your own pace. An example of those odd activites is talking to the plants in her garden in hopes they grow well, or chatting with her horses. She is very connected to the world, often wandering in the woods to take in the nature around her. She loves everything and cares for everything and goes out of her way to show that. At the end of the day, she is hard working, kind and quite cheerful!

⇢ father: Shin Jun Young | 47 | Blacksmith | Hard working, Blunt, Supportive | Very close, he has raised her since she was 7 and has taught her about respecting her environment. They get together nearly every wednesday and friday to have tea in the late evening.
⇢ mother: Lee Su Jin | Deceased  | Prior Baker | Loving, Cheery, Creative | Su Jin passed away when Su Young was about 7, she has fallen to influenza and had been ill for about six months before passing. While still alive she looked after Su Young all day and passed on to her many of the traits they would have shared.
friend(s):  Ahn Chi Hoon | 22 | Bartender | Cocky, Silly, Good-At-Heart | They were neighbors as children and were always stuck together because they didn't have many other children in their area to play with. Because of this background and their past they decided to stay friends. Chi Hoon always scolds Su Young for not speaking up more, telling her being shy is no escuse. he is the man that brings excitement into her life. They don't have any other close friends.
rivals(s): Choi Seung Ho | 21 | Hunter | Full Of Himself, Rude, Overbearing | Seung Ho is convinced that he is the best piece of man meat in town, and in sure that no one can resist his charm. So, he has set after Su Young to be his wife. He demands for her to eat with him, spend time with hime, etc. She always declines and finds him to be a complete pig. he is not so much a rival but rather an antagoniser. 


  Yuan, Kyung Soo








chosen plotline: Plot #6 - Secret Valentine

love interest: Yuan Kyung Soo

beast's house: link The interior of the building is a very warm place, it is very bright. It has high ceilings and is in the common style of the age - victorian. Though it is a bit more toned down and has a homier feel to it all. The exterior is very lush and colorful, around the back of the cottage there is a stunning garden with a very old fountain. It is very well kept with flowers and shrubbery everywhere.

key traits:

before: Caring, Loving, Domestic, Soft-Spoken
after: Caring, Cautious, Scared/Nervous, Lonely

⇢ before: Kyung Soo is a very "family" oriented kind of guy. He is very kind hearted and mature and is able to handle rough situations with stride. He is a very humble man and is extremely polite. He is somewhat soft-spoken, being a bit more quiet than average. He is very caring and will gladly take an animal or family under his wing annd try to help them out whenever possible. He has an almost motherly quality to him.
⇢ after: Kyung Soo is a very "family" oriented kind of guy. He is very kind hearted and mature and is able to handle rough situations with stride. He is a very humble man and is extremely polite. He is somewhat soft-spoken, being a bit more quiet than average. He is very caring and will gladly take an animal or family under his wing annd try to help them out whenever possible. He has an almost motherly quality to him. Though, after the change he has become very lonely and worried about what will happen to himself. he is scared that he will never change back and no one will be able to cafe for him. 




how you met: On another one of her 'nature walks', Su Young was looking for flowers in woods to brighten up her home. She had not found any suitable in the area so decided to go further into the forest, hoping to stumble upon a beautiful bunch of wild flowers. So, she turned to head home to bring her horse Belle along with her to make the journey a bit easier. She then began on her way again. She searched for atleast twenty minutes until she thought she had spotted color through some trees. She then guided her horse towards it only to happen upon a clearing. However the clearing was not clear, there were no flowers, only a rugged looking creature that seemed to be tending to the wounds of a fawn. Somewhat startled by the figures alarming appearance, she considered leaving but something unexplainable held her back. Like after seeing something that looked for harsh and aggressive be so kind she was planted in her spot. Unfortunately her horse whinnied and gave away her position and the 'man' looked up and locked eyes.


first impression: Beast: After hearing a noise he looked up and saw a young woman on a horse and nearly had a panic attack. He hasn't seen a human in ages, or atleast not one that immediately didn't scream and try to kill him. He was very taken back by how still the girl was and was confused by the look on her face. It was as though she was actually considering that he may not be bad. He held his breath and finally dropped his gaze back to the fawn he was nurturing. He and the fawn were startled by the noise. Kyung Soo looked back at the girl, in a calmer state of mind, an took in her appearance. She was beautiful, and on top of that she still hadn't ran away. A thought that stuck with him.

Su Young: Su Young stared right back at the beast and was slightly taken back by what she saw. He did look threatening but she didn't feel threatened at all. She was istead intrigued by the way he looked back at her, he almost seemed scared. She found that somewhat ironic but brushed off the thought and continued to hold the eye conact while thinking - I should be scared, but I am not... Not even a bit. She was completely capitivated by the way he was being so tender with that animal that she wasn't able to think much else. 

interaction/relationship with each other: The begining of the relationship was very... Non-contact. Su Young was very quiet about her new 'friend' as she liked to try and convince her salf that he would someday be. She never let him see her when she found out where he lived and sneaked around his home to learn more about him, or at least she thinks he has no clue. She is slowly but surely falling inlove with the traits that the beast portrayed, not being able to spend a waking hour not thinking of him. She silently watched him from the sidelines. As for Kyung Soo, he knew she was there, and for the first while, it really did frighten him. Wondering what she was there for and what she would do. He soon learnt though that the woman had not negative intentions and became more and more relaxed about it over time. Hoping that one day he would have the courage to say something to her like she wished to do as well.

After Su Young finally said something to the beast they began talking, began learning about each other more and more every day. At first the beast had only agreed on seeing each other no more than twice a week, which eventually made its way to nearly every day. Su Young was able to look past his appearance, she always would tell him "It is what is in your heart that matters." As time when by and they became less and less awkward and grew to know each other in new lights. Su Young would always arrive at his cottage with a fresh baked good and he would greet her with flowers from his garden. They would walk and talk for hours until she had to return home. 

how do you want the ending: The two are able to confess before the past petal falls.

questions/comments: This was a really cool idea! I look forward to the results.
scene requests: 





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