Rebellion - The new start

 Song Eun Hee

APPLICANT. vanessa_90

ACTIVE RATE [1-10]. 9

FULL NAME. Song Eun Hee

Age. 20

Family. Song Seung ho i 48 i father i close i died 6 years ago

Lee Hye Min I 45 I mother I CLOSE I DIED 6 YEARS AGO

LEE Hong bin I 20 I cousin I CLOSE I He's the only blood relative left i quite afraid of Eun Hee

FACE CLAIM:       Jang hae byeol

- weapons

- hacking into government's system

- solving new challenges

- playing with rubik cube when bored

- creating new inventions

- good at fixing things

- experimenting

- Coffe to keep her awake

- government
- srew
- Liars
- being ignored
- talking bad about her inventions
- giving up
- messing with her stuffs
- using violence against the weak


The only daughter of the famous scientist couple who work for the government, involved secrets experiments or creating deadly technologies. They were being treated like prisoners, watching and forcing them to do things which was not beneficial for the people in Naulen. Eun Hee was oblivious about her's parent's doing and thought they were helping the government to improved the living of Naulen. At young, she was being discovered she had high IQ than other kids who were around the same age as her. She started reading books which were very complicated and hard to understand. She became one of top in her school with perfect scaore in her academic. Both of her parents were quite amazed about her ability and believed that she could do better than them. 

When she was fourteen, tragic fall upon on her. Upon the completion of a new technology, It seemed like the government decided to wipe out all the scientists who involved in this projects so that no secrets would leak out. Sadly, Eun Hee's parents were part of this group. The couple was assassinated by the government's army, SREW. Eun Hee was on a field trip when she received news about her parents' death. She later discovered from her father's diary about government's secrets and their dirty business. Losing her two most beloved, she was all alone except for her cousin, Hongbin, her only relative left in this world. She abandoned her home and seek help from Hongbin and his group of rebellion friends who know as Vixx. Preventing from the government to know her real identity, she changed her appearance and used Yuni as her code name. She wanted to revenge and made the government paid what they did. 


Eun Hee is an intelligence girl who was very curious and knowledgeable. She tends to have a habit of wanting to study or experiment on things that intrigue her. With the fact that she was able to study things, she is capable of constructing things after she has studied the objects and how they are made. She was interested in weapons and studied them, hoping to modify them so that it can be useful when fighting with SREW. She was a genius with high IQ and possessed the rare gift of a photogenic memory, able memorize all the things she saw immediately.  Eun Hee was full of optimistic and very determined. She was not a type of person would give up easily. She willing to give her full strength of support to others who were in trouble. When sharing opinion, she can be quite blunt but not rude. 

Eun Hee was fast and efficient as well. She could just hack into anywhere and finds all the things she wanted to know in just a few minutes. Eun Hee had also  had a lot of creative ideas in her head and had the passion of creating new inventions. She loved to use people as her subject to test out her experiments, especially Vixx and this the reason why they seem to fear Eun Hee. She won't stop pestering them until they give in to her and the best solution was to blackmail them. That was one of a few tricks up her sleeve. Eun Hee was the type of person being able to hold grudge against anyone who dare to make her pissed. She hated being ignored and people messing around her stuffs. She make look calm and nice on the outside but she could be cunning too. 


Using her tracking ability, she able to locate her cousin Hongbin who had disappeared after his parents were killed. After hearing Eun Hee's tragic encounter, Hongbin decided to let her stay over his house which he shared with his other friends. They were a group of rebellion called Vixx who hold grudge against the government and the golden city. Hongbin introduced her to his friends once they gathered at their hideout. Eun Hee was quite impressed with each of the members' unique personalty and characteristic. She began to gain interest on them and even studied every one of them, resulting making Vixx feeling kind of awkward when they were around Eun Hee.

Wanted to revenge for her parents death, she joined the rebel group even though Hongbin protested as he afraid about his cousin's safety. She set up her own laboratory with lots of computers, devices and other stuffs which could help her in hacking into the government's system. She used Yuni as her code name so no one would know her real identity except for Hongbin and Vixx.  

LOVE INTEREST. Hansol (Topp Dogg)
AGE. 20
Hansol was funny and outgoing, a cheerful moodmaker in his group. He also had some aegyo charm hidden inside of him. it must hard to imagine a boy like him could be cheerful all the time even thought the farming district was facing many difficulties. He was friendly and poilet towards the people in his district. Sometimes he would lend a hand whenever they were in trouble or need a help. When facing problems, he was very determined and won't back down easily even though people kept saying it was hopeless. Donn't judge a book by its cover. Hansol seems to look kind of weak but he was one of the strongest fighter in his team and skilled in using weapons. He also had a passion for dancing nut he was shy to showcase his talent. he often dance alone when no one was around. 


Eun Hee first met Hansol was when she was eight. She found a secret underground passage by coincidence. Out of curiosity, she sneaked into the passageway and walked all the way until to the end. The passageway had lead her to agriculture district. She walked around the area and got lost in there. Just as she was began to cry, luckily a boy who happened to be Hansol help her back to where she came from. She was thankful and they became friends quickly. She gave the boy her necklace before she left.

The second time they met was when Eun Hee and Vixx went over to the agriculture district to have a meeting with Topp Dogg. Eun Hee was curious about the place so she wander off herself alone without telling Hongbin. She came across a big grass field, seeing a boy around the same as her, dancing under a big tree. She started to get interested with the boy so she boldly talked to him. The boy was kind of startled when he saw Eun Hee appeared out of nowhere, talking to him. The boy happened to be Hansol (Eun Hee found out he was one of the members from Topp Dogg after they introduced to each other) who help her years ago. Every time they met, Eun Hee would love sticking around with Hansol and pestered him, like what she did to Vixx. On other hand, Hanso was kind of scared of Eun Hee's weird behavior and wanted to run away from her. Wherever he hid, Eun Hee still managed to find him no matter what. 

Since many years had past, neither of them recognized each other until she found Hansol had her necklace. She believed that the Hansol from Topp Dogg was the same one who help her years ago. She decided to confess to Hansol about her real identity since she started to like Hansol back when Hansol help him. She never forget the day when they met even if was many years ago. 


Can i have some scences include:

- Eun Hee and Hansol first met when they were little

- Eun Hee using her inventions on Vixx, mostly Hongbin. (You may include Hansol if you want)

- Eun Hee confession who she is to Hansol when she found the necklace on Hansol.

Thank you vey much! I hope you like her. 



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