My grandmother

I just recently found out my grandmother has cancer...... and is having a complete hysterectomy Tuesday. It's been very stressful and I've had no time to breathe. I had my own cancer scare just last month, and had surgery to have some scar tissue removed. I also lost my aunt last month and it's just been too much for me lately. I wanted to write my stories and enjoy giving them to an audience but it seems that I just can't write at the moment. I had to put my writing on hold because my personal life has been complete . I feel like nothing is going right in my life right now and I just want to scream. I have NO friends, atleast not here. My bro has been my strength lately because she seems to be the only one who cares that my life is falling apart. I don't have any local friends, most are just co-workers, and the one or two close friends I did have seem to think once they find a boyfriend/significant other/husband that they don't have to talk to any of their friends.And if they do it's always "ME ME ME ME ME ". I'm tired of reaching out only to be ignored or disregarded or even getting a half assed attempt at friendship only to be ignored/blown off minutes later. I can't really go anywhere else with this because facebook is a drama infested piece of web trash. I feel like I need an extended vacation or a therapist. Whichever is cheaper.....


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