If only...

There comes a moment when you feel so tired that you sometimes wonder if you could get the world to stop spinning for a short while for you to get off and catch a breath.  A moment when everything becomes too complicated and no one seems to understand you and you begin the need to be alone for a while to calm your heart.  Sometimes you wish you could just give up, because it’s the easiest thing to do and you begin to wonder why you haven’t done so a long time ago.  

There are times when I wish I couldn't feel and there are times when I wish I wasn't here.

And then I begin to think...if only... *sigh* if only...


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Why am I so late reading this? /smacks my head/

you sound so down and what? What happened?

At times, I feel like that too, sissy. It's as if when everything goes wrong and not working out they way you want it to, then your mind's a blank, you just wanna curl yourself into a ball, or be in the darkest corner of your room, stay there and wait 'til the world shuts itself behind you. And all you could ever think is give up, give up. But it doesn't work that way, yes? That sometimes no matter how weak you feel, or on the verge of giving up, you know you can't because it's not just fair to not fight. To not be courageous enough. And atleast try again. Try something new.

It is indeed not at all that one can undersand what we feel. It's not always, I know how you feel, everything will be fine.. But it's never always late to hold on, right? And you know I'm here. I'm always here to listen. You can always ask me to just shut up, that all you need is for me ti listen. Right, sissy?

Wish I'm there. With you. Don't stay down. You can always make things better different.

P.S. "If only" scares me sometimes. It's like these two words hang every sentence and you know what follows right after are words of regrets. Ugh. Cheer up, sissy! <3
Uhm *nods*
As you said, giving up is the easiest think to do...

But, I know that YOU ARE A STRONG PERSON, a person that knows how to fight, knows how to be strong :)

And strong people don't choose the easy way. They know that, even if they decide to take the hard path, that it is worth the hardship.

Strong people are heros in my oppinion. Heros are allowed to feel sad, hurt, angry and powerless too. Because heros are also humans :)

The question: If only, will never be answerd. It's a nice beginning for a sentance. You can imagine things. If only I was taller. If only I was stronger. If only I didn't say that...

Instead of thinking what could happen if you did something differently, you should know that you ARE here and that you DO feel. Everyone does. You are not alone, unnie ^-^

We are here <3 *hugs you like a koala*
now u sound really sad here, and ive been in the same situation as you few times back...those times were very hard, and i end up distancing myself from everyone, from my friends...
but then, i still believe of things happens for a reason, and keep thinking of the positives one, that helps..and you came along too in that process :) so im hoping to at least help u a bit, keep believing in yourself okay.

dont give up, at least try and stand up for yourself *hugs you*