pranks 101

Okay, i understand that it isn't even near April Fools Day, but dayuum, these people are hilarious. I ain't gonna name any names, but they decided to prank their colleagues at work on Valentine's Day (and they're newbies!) and they looked up a lot of funny stuff on They're really funny, and my acquantainces chose a couple to prank on 3 people. One of them just started work two days before, poor guy, and he got whammed.


1. Most of the departments had cubicles, so they did this. (this isn't the actual photo, but it's really similar.)

They did this to the new guy. They'd been planning it for days, collecting stick-ons with messages on em and sticking them EVERYWHERE the evening before Valentine's after he'd left. My friends were nutters, they took a 2 hour effort to stick em all up and since there were extras, tossed them into his drawer as well.


2. They did this to one of the secretaries, but it was with red duct tape..

She almost started crying when someone called 'cuz it was an office line. Turns out, that office phone they binded with duct tape was a duplicate and another secretary took her calls for the morning whilst she hacked at the mess for almost an hour.


3. This one they also did to the new guy.

His mentor did it. And I think that was the funniest prank they pulled that day. It went off immediately after he went into the cubicle and sat down to clear his desk of the stick-ons. I think the boss wasn't too happy, but hey, it was really funny.


4. This one was pretty mean, but the people who got pranked weren't fat, so...

Okay, it's mean. But it was the boss' idea, so...


5. My friend sent this to his boss with a colleague's number.


Okay, I hid the body. Now what?


I dunno the reaction, but he believed it I think. I also don't know if he called the police or my friend told him first in the nick of time. This he didn't do on Valentine's Day, he did it last year.


6. This one is pretty ordinary.

They pasted a small photo on the back of a guy's mouse. (exactly like the photo)


i'd post some more, but they're still in progress. lol, imma try this at de guys at school and just run.


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cielnek066 #1
omygosh wahahahahaha i wish i can pull a prank like these too XD
omg ahahah! Now I know some pranks to do xD