Mrs American Lady... is scary...!

There's this American lady all from New York or whatever and *whispers* SHE YELLED AT ME. WHY?!

All I did was correct her, because she was all like, 'I love the British accent.' so I had to tell her that *ahem* there is no British accent. Britain is three countries. Wales, Scotland and England. And then she was all like 'OKAY. JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL POSH WITH YOUR BRITISH ACCENT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN DISRESPECT ME.' And I totally would have cried had I not had dignity.

I think I did something wrong...

(HOW CAN THAT 12 YEAR OLD INDONESIAN DAUGHTER LOOK SO MUCH MORE PRETTY AND MATURE THAN ME. WHO IS OLDER. I swear I look about 11. Face-wise, that is. Kekekeke. I still have baby fat and everything.)


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*holds back laughter* I kind of wish I was there for this... I would look at the other lady (considering I'm American) and just be like, "Consider yourself lost in translation." and walk away.... ^-^