What really happened...

So, I was trying to find a story again...

And now, I accidentally read a gay, again...

But... Seriously... Girls, you might turn me to a gay one day if you continued...

So, I know now how to see whether that is a gay story or not...

Just look at the tags...

No wonder everytime I read stories, the one that always there was Krisho, Taoris and many more...

I don't want to turn into a gay just yet...

So, I'll be careful next time when I want to read a story...

I don't want to turn into a gay... Noooo...

Okay, that's the end...

To the girls who write about gays,

Don't stop... There might be someone else who really love to read gays...

Well, not me...

They give me goosebumps...

I should scold myself for reading those...

But, apparently, gays stories are much more sweeter....

I wonder why....











































































Okay, this is the real end...

Thanks for reading until this...




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Bellanagisa #1
I wonder why did you continued to read if you know it's gay.... Or maybe you interested in the stories!! HAHAHHAAAHHAA!! I bet that's the answer!! XD AHAHHAAA
You made me scroll a whole bunch because of your little dashes >_> hahhaa

And you're not going to "turn into a gay" silly xD if you know you like girls then I'm fairly sure you're safe

Just look at the tags to be safe! If you want I can tell you some of the tags you should avoid :)