°☆.。Star Crossed °☆.。| Zoey Nam | Im Jaebum | Exotic Beauty

Zoey Nam
» ZOEY...
NICKNAME: Bunny; Shorty (Both used by JB as a way to say that she is fast and has a cute nose, also teasing her because of her small height)
DATE OF BIRTH: 30th July, 1994
AGE: 20 years old
PLACE OF BIRTH: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
ETHNICTY: Korean-American
HOMETOWN: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
LANGUAGE: Korean and English (Both fluent)
STAGE PERSONA: Exotic Beauty
POSITION: Lead Vocalist, Leader
FANCLUB NAME: Fashionista(s)

↳ Zoey is one of the easiest member to read in my opinion, so you probably won’t get any startling revelations or shocking news about her, because in a lot of ways “what you see is what you get” with her. She’s simple. To Zoey, the world is very black and white. For her, I think there is good and there is bad and if you fall under her good side she will treat you with her incredibly inspiring goodness, but at the same time it should be also said that Zoey - while seeing the world at black and white colors - is not opposed to shades of gray and part of the reason she has grown so close to the other girls is that they have taught her about those sort of ‘gray areas’. She is always looking for ways to compromise, to meet in the middle. I get the sense that she is one of those people who see the positive side in everyone and you would never hear her bad mouthing friends or anything of that sorts. It’s very refreshing to know that when she’s being nice it’s not because she has to be, it’s because she is legitimately the sweet and caring person that we see on a daily basis. One of the most interesting things about Zoey, is her friends choice. If we look at her two bestfriends, Jackson and Mirae, we can see they are often egocentric and ually suggestive. It’s not infrequent I see people talk about how Zoey is so naive and she misses all the ual innuendos or whatnot. Well I beg to differ. I’m certain she knows exactly what is going on, she just doesn’t choose to acknowledge it. They are different, indeed, but their friendship work pretty well because they can balance each other out. Jackson and Mirae seem quicker to judge people while Zoey (as I mentioned earlier) is more open to focusing on the good things and friendships need that.
You must be thinking: why do I even need to know her friends personality? Well, I think it’s important to look at her friends when you talk about Zoey, because the people you surround yourself with says a lot about you. So I think that there’s a lot more about Zoey than she shows us. I also think this in one way accounts for the reasons she is the sober one at parties or ‘the serious one’ when it comes to certain things. In part it has to do with the her kidney issues, because when your health is threatened you suddenly treat your body a lot better than you would otherwise, but to a greater extent she is like that because she is looking out for her friends. She seems to be too concerned about her friends well being than focusing on her own enjoyment and I think one of the reasons she is the leader and mother of the band is because she’s always done it growing up with her friend's from home.

Out of all the members, she is the most concerned about the influence they have on fans. She makes the most effort to be a good role model for the fans and gets concerned about their schooling and if they are staying up really late and I think she genuinely worries if she thinks that is because of them,  that fans are affected. In the same way she often reiterates that she wants fans to be safe, and while she isn’t the only girl to do this, she’s often the one doing it the most frequent. On a negative side, she also seems to be the one who stresses the most over making sure everyone knows that they want to be out there to see the fans, and they want to come out to say hi. She always goes to her twitter and says something nice to the fans, apologizing for not being able to meet them because sometimes there’s too many people and it can create damage to the group’s safety.

Also, if you know Zoey well enough, you know you can’t talk about her without mentioning Im Jaebum, or JB, as even herself has said that “he makes her her”. There is a maturity in their relationship that is admirable. They don’t really have a lot of moments in public, they rarely talk about each other in interviews, but there’s this Instagram account they share, full of pictures of both of them on their daily life, that shows how he really was made to be with her and vice versa. They love each other, indeed. Zoey is very protective, especially towards anyone who seems in need of protection. We see this in how she deals with young fans, always making sure people are safe and looked after, but we also see this in the way he deals with all the girls from STAR CROSSED, specially with the Maknae, there’s this innocence about her, she seems always so vulnerable, so you can often see Zoey with her arms around the maknae’s shoulder. However, Zoey can be very possessive of those she loves the most, refusing to accept that anyone but herself knows what is best for her friends. Believe me when I say that she is indeed, pretty calm and collected but once you start to make pressure on a certain bunch of nerves, she will be the worst you have ever seen, and she is not afraid to get into a physical fight if it means that she can protect her pride and protect her other half: family and friends. But in most cases, she wouldn’t say anything, she would hold all the emotions inside until it completely blew over. She is also very modest, sometimes even too much. She is obviously talented in a lot of ways, not only her singing. She was supposed to be an actress only - she admits how good she is in that area - but for a 20 year old to sing like that, JYP needed to grab that talent. She is dedicated, ambitious, dreamer...her persistence in trying to really get into a entertainment company was also what made her what she is today, a fighter. She is not particularly intelligent, but in interviews she is the one that gives the best answers when the other members seem to have blank stares.
By her personality you can clearly say that Zoey is the leader not only because of her age, but because of her caring and sincere personality, because all the members can see her as a mother figure and she carries all the problems on her shoulders, even if the weight is heavy enough to put her down.





↳ Zoey Nam or Nam Tae Shin (Korean Name) was born in Atlanta, USA, into a typical modern  family. Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Zoey had a fairly normal childhood. She is the youngest in the family, having a older brother. Zoey is not the best example to explain how asians are always smart, because her journey when it comes to school is not the best. She never liked to study and it was a shock to her parents. Her older brother, Eric was amazing at learning new languages and had a huge talent when it comes to music. She was just a girl that had average grades, she couldn't become a doctor or have another awesome job with those grades. The girl decided to stand up for herself and fight for what she really wanted - being a fashion designer - . But as soon she is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, her dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Zoey was scouted to be a YG trainee when she was 14 years old, while she was shopping with her friends in Gangnam. A man complimented her beauty and happy personality saying that she should try to audition. However, YG saw nothing special about her. Her dancing moves were weak and her voice was unstable. She had the looks, yes, but her talent needed to be nailed. YG accepted her though, deep down they knew she had something hidden. But she was transfered to JYP Entertainment after 1 year of training under YG. It was a shock to her. However, was in JYP that Zoey found her true self. With her family support and hard work she became one of the trainees that improved the most. Like I said above, her talent needed to be nailed, and JYP did it, with no doubt. Back in America, she was a student under Bolton Academy, ando also a Seoul Of Performing Arts student when she moved to Korea at the age of 14.



  • one: the beach (she spends most of her time in there)
  • two: surf (her dad teached her when she was 5 years old)
  • three: EXO (she loves how talented and humble they are)
  • four: herself (she can be a bit vain and conceited)
  • five: fashion (she is a fashionista among her group of friends)
  • one: rainy days (she will need to stay home and there's no sun)
  • two: other people touching her things (she will literally hit you)
  • three: bad manners (she respects others so she wants others to respect her as well)
  • four: twilight saga movies (too lame and too unrealistic)
  • five: small places (she will feel sufocated)
  • one: Spiders (is her biggest phobia)
  • two: Clowns (they are fake and scary)
  • three: Crossing the streets alone (she was almost hit by a car when she was 10)
  • four: Thunderstorms (mainly when she is alone at home)
  • five: Bugs (it's not really a fear, but she doesn't like them that much)
  • one: Nail art (she spends hours doing her nails)
  • two: Reading (she likes reading when she is alone at home)
  • three: Online Shopping (she is lazy, she prefers buying things online rather than going out)
  • four: Sleep (she can sleep 14 hours without going to the bathroom or eating)
  • one: procrastinating (believe it or not she is super lazy)
  • two: clapping her hands while laughing (sometimes she hits others while she laughs, she doesn't even notice it)
  • three:   clinging to everyone and everything during her sleep (it's a habit she has since she is a kid. She still sleeps with her plushie)
  • four: biting her nails (when she is nervous)
  • five: raising her eyebrows (when she doesn't understand something)
  • one:  if she could be an animal for one day, she would be a fly to spy on other without being seen
  • two: she's Eric Nam's younger sister
  • three: she is allergic to watermelon
  • four: she did her debut with the drama 'I Hear your Voice' as the young Hyesung. 
  • five: she believes in God.
IDOL NAME: Park Sojin
BACKUP: Junior (JR)

What can be said about Jae Bum? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, JB can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his voice! He often likes to write songs that will express his mood. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will definitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. JB is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking.


They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. JB does everything for Zoey, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her. They often like to cuddle and talk about random stuff. JB knows how to get on her nerves, either by doing nasty comments or stealing innocent kisses from her lips from time to time and then run away. Apart from being always fighting, they know how to protect each other with everything they have. If there’s something that JB loves more than music, it must be Zoey. They know each other as they know the back of their hands.

COMMENTS: It's a pleasure to work with you again <3

   ★ Kiss (Zoey and JB kiss each other under the rain after a fight)
     ★ Friendship (when all the girls go to a trip and buy friendship bracelets)
     ★ Into the New World (the girls will do a cover of this song and perform it at a special stage on Music Bank)


   ★ Tiny G - Miss You
     ★ Hello Venus - Do You Want Some Tea?
★ F(X) - Chu
★AOA - Confused


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