Winners from the ’2011 SBS MTV Best of the Best’ awards


On November 28th, MTV Korea kicked off their ‘2011 SBS MTV Best of the Best‘ awards!

A special online voting system allowed fans to log into MTV and pick the ‘best’ entertainers of the year. There were 13 categories, including Best New Artist, Top RivalGlobal StarArtist of the Year, and much more!  These award categories were broken down intro three segments: Music Video, Live, andIdol Theme.

Check out the winners below and see if your favorite entertainer made it on the list! (Top 3 winners are listed under each category, 1st place is bolded)




Music Video Segment

Best New Artist

  1. Boyfriend (36.36%)
  2. B1A4 (36.13%)
  3. Block B (11.54%)
  4. Artist of the Year

    1. TVXQ (26.34%)
    2. 2NE1 (25.79%)
    3. Super Junior (23.73%)
    4. Best Male

      1. U-KISS (38.68%)
      2. GD&TOP (22.05%)
      3. TVXQ (12.97%)
      4. Best Female

        1. 2NE1 (38.86%)
        2. SNSD (19.4%)
        3. Brown Eyed Girls (6.13%)
      5. A;N/ YAY!!! U-kiss and 2ne1 won as the best Male/Female group!!! but ,ost importantly.....
    7. U-KISS WON!!!!
    8. They said that they would disband if they don't win....TT^TT


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woah!! really that if they didnt won they will disband?? oh no.never..huhu..btw CONGRATULATION U-KISS..LOVE YA!!~`
---Siri--- #2
I think U-kiss deserve it ^^
Fighting U-kiss <3
Aigoo! U-kiss that's a bad joke! And congratulations to all!! Especially to boyfriend~