Dʀℯäᴍş ;The Black Queenka ❝Sin Young Choi❞

❝An unrealized reality❞


Hello, I love you! won't you tell me your name?
(If you want to adjust this... Just Shift + Enter.)

Tell me her
world. I'll make it work. ^^

Let's get physical~>


And I'm In love with you~



They say I'm caught up in a dream.
Well life will pass me by if I don't open my eyes.

Username: crystal0326

Nickname: Crystal

Activeness: 9.5

Birthname: Sinyoung Choi

Nickname: Choco(Her dream)

Birthdate + Age: March 26, 1998 +16

Birthplace: Busan

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: LA( California)

Personality:  Sinyoung is concieted and confident. SHe thinks she is the prettiest and it is partically true. She is the prettiest in her school.She is confident in everything she does. She tries to live with no regrets. She keeps her head up at all times. Even if sh eis wrong, she will be confident in saying something. She trys her best in everything she does. She is sort of a perfectionist. She tries her best to keep her image of a perfect black queenka. SHe tries her best to do everything perfectly. She has all A's in school and si good in talent shows by singing. Even if someone doesn't want Sinyoung to be a queenka, there is no reason not to. She has look,body,grades, talent. Inside of Sinyoung's confident image, is a weak helpless girl. She is really weak and the opposite of her outside self. When she is feelin gdown she wants to cry and have a friend to comfort her but she acts like she isn't sad and acts like she is okay without havign anyone with her.Inside she loves to laugh and be girly and shop with her friend and have sleepover and talk about boys. She wants to do the things a normal girl would do, but because she wants to be the top, she can't start acting girly . She has to keep on the cold, fierce image to keep up her status and not get betrayed and bullied again. SInyoung is really bad that trusting people. after what happened with her betrayal, she doesn't trust anyone.It is really hard to make her believe in something. She is always lonely. She is Black Queenka on the outside but a helpless girl in the inside.

Story of Black Queenka:Sinyoung is the black queenka in the her school.  She doesn'y like to really talk to anyone. People who do talk to her all run away because of her image and rumor. Sinyoung isn't really all that bad as the rumor has it. Yes she is concieted at times but she isn't a witch or something. Sinyoung's reputaion is bad for one reason. When she was young, people made fun of her. She was called fat, ugly, and all those bad names you can think of. She still had one best-friend that stook by her side. But one day, her best friend even started moving away from her. Soon she completely got away from her and started to bully Sinyoung like the other people. The best friend became the queenka dn SInyoung felt really betrayed. That was when  Sinyoung decided to change completely. She  didn't go to school for 4 months and worked out and learned how to wear "fashionably." When she came back to school, people were all awed by her looks and body. Noone imagined it to be Sinyoung. Sinyoung quickly became one of the queenka. Sinyoung wanted only one thing then. Revenge to the people that bullied her the most. That person was her former best friend and the queenkas. She used all she had to get revenge. Money(she is rich!) ,queenka image and her fighting skills to do the same to them. Soon, the best friend and the queenkas left school and people started getting scared of Sinyoung. People saw how Sinyoung made them get out of school and was scared that that might happen to them. After that incident, no one came close to her and no one bothered her. That is how she became the "Black Queenka."

Background: Sinyoung is from a rich family. Yes she is. She is REALLY rich. But she doesn't really get noticed by her parents. Her parents are always busy so they aren't home often. She is always left with her older brother. Sinyoung is raised with no parental love. They were too busy to give her any. She would see her parents once in like 3 months. And when they did see each other it would be awkward so they wouldn't talk. They would just do thier own thing. One day, Sinyoung decides to live on her own. She just felt like tryign to be independant so with the money she collected, she moves out of the house.


•being alone
•Her wolf stuffed toy




•long sticks


• Dark(She is scared of the dark because she feels so alone in the dark)
••Crowded Places( She doesn't knwo why she has this but when she gets too crowded she can't breath well adnd feel panicked)
•people staring at her intensly(she feels like she is going to get bullied again. The bullies used to look at her intensly before hitting her long ago.)


• looking at the sky
•Always found in her own world day dreaming
•Pokes her cheeks when she has nothing to do


•Long walks (this is the only way she can think properly without anyone disturbing her)
•Sleeping(she can escape this harsh world)
•Reading(she can enter a new world when she can nto sleep)


• She loves to sing
•She onyl trust her brother
•She loves chocolate
•She has a cresent moon birthmark on her right wrist
•She hates cleaning so her place is sorta dirty
•She always shoutsand cries when she is takign looonnngggg walks.
•She had always wanted to commit suicide( tried once but failed)
•She is always losign things and falling down

Face Claim: Do HweJI

 Backup Face Claim: Song Ahri

Style: SInyoung pays attention to her clothing even when she doesn't want to. Honestly, Sinyoung doesn't care about clothing but to reamin her image as a queenka she has to make sure her fashion sense is perfect. Sinyoung doesn't wear ly like. She wears all cute at times and y at times. IT is always changing. IF she wasn't a queenka and she was a regular girl, she would wear as comfotable as possible. At home she is always wearin ghuge shirts with simply leggings.

Anything Extra: She has a cresent moon birthmark on her left wrist.She also has a small stick scars on her lower back.


Mom | Choi Minjung | 45 | Buisness owner | She is nice but since sh eis always so busy she rarely sees her daughter. Instead she gives her everythign she wants. They dont notice each other . They trear each other like ghost.. | 2 | Alive
Dad | Choi JInho |46 | Buisness owner | Her dad is really strict. He only wants good things for his compnay. He doens' t care hat happenes to his children, his buisness is much more important to him. They trear each other ke ghost.  |1 |Aliv



 Friend| Sungyeol | 17 |Neighborhood oppa|Sungyeol doesn't knwo about the black queenka and the things  that happened. Sungyeol just acts like a nice friendly nieghborhood oppa.|3.5 | Alive

Love Interest: Sunyeol(INFINITE)

Personality: He is the guy that only talks to people that he likes and are nice to him. When you first look at him, people will think he is friendly and nice to everyone but he isn't. He is onyl nice to poeple he trusts and people he likes. He is very cold to people who are drolling about him. He is always one of the top students in class becaise he hates losing. He is the type that will do anything to get what he wants. But even though he will try to get it, if something he is doing is hurting his loved ones he will stop immediately. He doesn't trust people easily brcuse he is good at seeing through people. HE has the ability to know who is someone you can trust and someone who you can't trust.

Status: Sort of like friends but more of good nieghbors.

First meeting: Sinyoung went into the apartment that her brother was kind enough to give her.SUngyeol saw her and but didn't say hi. Sinyoung was very queit and looked a little sad in SUngyeol's eyes. For as several weeks he just secretely saw her move about and finally he decided to introduce himself. SInyoung being th equiet lonely girl ignored him. But sungyeol kept comign back and tried talking to her. After like a month he opened her up a little and hshe started talking to him a little.

Interaction: SUngyeol is always tryign to talk to Sinyoung. SInyoung is usually daydreaming when Sungyeol is talkingg to her or just nodding her head listenign to what he has to say. SInyoung only spends time with him once a week.

Backup Love Interest: ZELO(BAP)

Personality: SAME

Status: SAME

First meeting: SAME

Interaction: SAME

Love Interest)Luhan

Personali:Luhan is the shy type. He likes peace and qeit. He doesnt like to talk a lot unless it is necessay. He is always th elm one when something happens. He is ver nice and caring. He really cares abot his love ones. HE s very protective about his lov ones. If he really loves someo, he will willing give up evrything to keep that persosn safe, even his own life. He is really aggresive rtoo. He really loves sports s when he is playing sports he is really aggresive and tries his best o win. Luhan is very lazy, It might be because of his powers. He doesn't like doing anything. His power is telaphy so when he is moving his hands things move around. Luhan uses his powers all the time to do things. If he is moving then something big or exciting is happening.

First meeting: Sinyoung was walking aimlessly. She didnt knwo where she was. But she knew that if she kept walking, she would find something.All she could see was green lands and beautiful flowers. She was admiring the beautiful scenery in front of her. SHe felt calm. Which she didn't feel in a long time. As she was walking she saw few flowers twirling in a distance. It was so beautiful that she went towars it. As she got closer, she saw a pair of doe like eyes. She was amazed at how someone could have a beautiful eye like that. She found out it was a guy. Sinyoung went toward him and talked to him. She was amazed by herself that she was confident when she spoke. She didn' feel scared talking to peo anymore. She was thinking it might be because she was dreaming. Luhan didn't tak to her but kept showing her cool stuff like flowers and rocks floating. Sheimmeiately knew that he didnylike talking and just kept quiet. WHen she woke up she was sad. But when sh eslpet again, she kept dreaming about him and she always felt calm and hapy when she was there.

Interaction:  there Luhan i always showing SInyoung cool things with powers. He doesn't know why but to him it is really fun watching her be so fascinated about something so little. To SInyoung, she is really thankful and fascinated how Luhan is able to do. So overall, Luhanshows Sinyoung cool things and Sinyoung watches them and sometims talks to him.. They are like friends.

Backup Love Interest: Chanyeol

Personality: Chanyeol is the type that is always freindly and loud. Chanyeol loves to be in action. He can nver bne still and he loves to talk to people BUt this is the personality eveyone ses him as. He acts. Chanyeol loves to be calm and quiet.This sid is his real side. When he is with people he acts. He becomes the feriendly loud Chanyoel. But when no one is around, Chayeol comes back to his real side and becomes quiet and calm..

First meeting: Sameas Luhan but wih fire power.

Interaction: Same as Luhan. BUt at first Chanyeol comes to her as the loud Chanyel but Sinyoung sawthrgh him and told him to stop acting an Chanyeol became his real self.

Comments: No Concern

Scene Request: There should be a time that the reality love comes to the dream world

Password: Why do we close our eyes when we sleep?

The most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt onyl by heart.







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