@prime_records : park, daeun


username┊ aliadane
character's name┊park daeun | diana park
nickname(s)┊dae - called by most of her friends
birthday + age┊04/03/1993 + 20
birthplace┊busan, sk
nationality┊korean (though she technically has duel-citizenship with the united states, as well)
languages┊korean- fluent, native language, english-conversational due to visits to her father's and speaking with family
personality key traits┊outgoing, ambitious, independent, naive, and flirtatious
personality┊daeun is first and foremost outgoing. she loves being the center of attention, and always has. as a single child of split parents, she always craved for more. she is extremely ambitious, and will do just about anything to get something she wants. she isn't cautious and tends to throw rational thought to the wind, following her heart and living in the moment. she doesn't really care what other people think about her, and that lets her have a bit of freedom from most women her age, who are too busy (in her mind) trying to please everyone else.

unfortunately, this also means that daeun can be increasingly annoying. she likes trying to get under people's skin. she has a bad habit of trying to act cute to get what she wants, and often times it works. she likes to push people's buttons just to watch them react. she loves being independent and tends to look down on women who think they need a man to function properly. on the topic of men, she's a shameless flirt, though she's actually quite innocent in that respective. technically, she's never even had a real boyfriend. that doesn't stop her from keeping boys on their toes, though. you never know what side of daeun you're dealing with. adorable and innocent, or flirty and outgoing.

with that being said, daeun is a fierce lover. once she loves someone, it takes a lot to shake that love away, be it family, friends, or something more. she trust people a little too easily, and that is her naivety. she doesn't know when not to trust people, and people tend to use her kindness that she does show. due to this, she's grown weary of meeting new people and actually letting them close. she does trust those around her explicitly, and is almost blind when it comes to them.
background┊daeun is the product of what most korean's would consider a 'bad relationship.' her mother got into a pretty serious relationship with a soldier. an american soldier. her parents nearly disowned her for it. however, when the year and a half long relationship was over and done with (he cheated on her), the only things soo kyu had to show for the lost time was a scarred hart and being two months pregnant. daeun was born seven months later, and soo kyu was positive she wanted to keep the pretty little girl, regardless of what her parents told her. soo kyu loved her little girl, though, and she couldn't bear the idea of parting, so they moved into a small apartment to be on their own.

when andrew learned of his daughter, he went out of his way to get to know the girl who looked so much like her mother. due to his engagement with the military, he was forced to leave his daughter in korea and go back to the united states. however, that's not to say that they lost contact. on the contrary, every summer, andrew either came to visit daeun, or she went to visit him. it was not a comfortable situation, but they make it work for everyone's sake. daeun knows she's very blessed (her father could have easily walked away from her and never looked back). her mother supported her, with help from her father, and they had a reasonably comfortable life. but daeun always wanted more for herself than the meager lifestyle a kindergarten teacher could achieve giving her. she decided to transfer into a well-known high school in seoul, thinking it would look better on her transcripts for university. the change was a good one, but it also helped that daeun studied hard.

now that she's made it into college, daeun has decided to get herself a job to help make ends meet. she's recently moved into a small apartment off campus, and is trying to establish a life for herself.
— works full time at prime records as a sound system operator
— is studying preforming music and lyrical composition at seoul national university
— loves coffee and trying all of minseok's new creations
— considers herself a 'fangirl' of the heartbreakers, which she's deemed an apt name for the band
— hates being woken up, and will often throw a slap without realizing it if not woken up slowly
— bites her lip in thought or nervousness
— is not a physical person at all when it comes to sports and being active
— can flirt up a storm, but she's barely ever even been kissed
— comes off as outgoing and lively, but can be overly naive and doesn't catch hints well
— she wants to become a composer after graduating in two years from university
— carries around a journal of lyrics she's written, though she refuses to let anyone see it
— plays the guitar and the piano, beyond singing
— hates singing in front of people, it makes her self conscious
— dislikes watching scary movies because she tends to get nightmares
— tends to curse in english when upset

first first-claim┊kim shin yeong
second/back-up face-claim┊do hwe ji
appearance + style┊daeun stands at 163cm and weighs roughly 50kg. her chestnut brown hair is naturally wavy, and she keeps it cut to right below her shoulder blades so it's easy to manage. daeun prefers feminine clothes. she likes dresses and flowy blouses with skirts that are layered with jackets. she can occasionally be found in a more casual outfit of jeans or shorts and a simple top, but typically even that is more on the feminine side. she wears relatively light makeup, though she does like to make her eyes stand out, since they are a light milk chocolate color. occasionally she will wear her glasses, but she prefers to wear her contacts, and some times wears colored contact lenses. she tends to wear small silver studs in her piercings at all times. she always wears her horseshoe necklace she got from her father for good luck and fortune.
extra┊daeun doesn't have any tattoos or birthmarks, but she has her ears pierced once. she, also, has a long scar down her left rib-cage on her side from a car accident when she was a child.
— father | andrew park | 46 | united states army captain | stubborn, wishy-washy, charming | 4
— mother | lim soo kyu | 42 | kindergarten teacher | outgoing, kind hearted, thoughtful| 9
— none
best friends┊
— best friend | kwon sohyun | 20 | barista | outgoing, energetic, mothering | they've been nearly inseperable since daeun's second year of high school. sohyun tends to mother daeun even though she's the younger of the two, and likes to try to keep daeun out of as much trouble as possible. they spend time together as often as possible, even though they go to university together, they don't see each other as often as they'd like.
— friend | yoon bomi | 21 | university student | charming, trustworthy, manipulative | they've been friends since the same time as sohyun and daeun, but recently, bomi has become her roommate as well. where daeun works hard to pay her half of the rent, bomi's parents pay for virtually everything else. this often leave daeun worried about rubbing bomi the wrong way, and getting kicked out, so she tends to watch herself more around the elder. | 8
— none
first love interest┊kim jongdae
personality┊kim jongdae is essentially, the male version of daeun. he's kind and considerate, thoughtful and sweet, but he as a naivity and gullibility that even out does hers. his shy demenor is part of what attracted daeun to him, however, what kept her interest was his creativity and talent. jongdae loves a good joke, and while he might troll around on his friends, around others he's puts up a quiet front that tends to keep people away. he can be easily led astray, which is why he sticks to those he knows and trusts, as too many people have used his naivity to their advantage and he's sick of being used. he tends to fall for a different person every week, though he mostly accredits that to having never actually been in love. he just gets a bit...zealous.
first meeting┊jongdae was setting up for the heartbreaker's show, and as the sound system manager, he had to work with daeun to make sure his things were set up correctly. they joked and talked a little, mostly daeun as jongdae was pretty shy other than explaining how he wanted his equipment set up, but daeun was hooked. she wanted to know more about him.
interaction┊in truth, daeun is a total flirt with jongdae, though whether or not he realizes it is still up for debate. he either plays it off really well, or is completely oblivious to her methods. since he's become more comfortable around her, they often talk about school and the future, though jongdae has never told her want he really wants. he tends to let daeun do all the talking, and he is a patient listener. they aren't particularily close, but daeun would really like to rectify that, as jongdae fascinates her.
closeness level┊5
second/back-up love interest┊byun baekhyun
personality┊flirtatious is an understatement when it comes to byun baekhyun. he's one of those guys who walks through the door, and every girl in sight swoons. yeah, one of those. of course, he's got the ego that matches it, too. it doesn't help that he's extremely talented in singing, and doesn't try to hide who he is. he's sassy and demanding and loves the spotlight. he loves a good joke, and he has a great sense of humor once you get past his flaws, who is extremely over protective of his friends and isn't one to beat around the bush if he feels like something is amiss.
first meeting┊you'd think as the sound system manager, daeun would have met baekhyun before a show, but in truth, her first sights of him were when he was on stage. like all the other girls around her, she swooned hard. he was gorgeous and bad and everything daeun wasn't. after the show, she went to introduce herself, as they would be working together. unknowingly, she managed to sit a flirt with him for a solid thirty minutes before his friends basically drug him away, waving and saying they needed to get together soon.
interaction┊daeun and baekhyun are a ball of ual frustration that's just waiting to explode. it's incredibly obvious to anyone looking on that they like one another, but daeun is too scared of what being with him would mean to actually do anything about it. she feels like he's incredibly experienced, whereas, she has no experience at all, and though she talks a good game, she really has no idea how to interact beyond a friendship. baekhyun just wants to get her alone and make her all his, but his friends keep getting in the way.
closeness level┊7

scene suggestions┊
— talking 'shop' about connections and sound equipment with jongdae
— minseok making up new drinks and bringing them to daeun to try
— daeun happening upon hearing jongdae sing and falling in love with his voice, redoubling her efforts to break inside his walls
— daeun getting jealous over some fangirl hitting on jongdae after a show
comments/questions/concerns┊i hope you like daeun!


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