y Concepts

y concepts left and right...there is always a cause for them...and I think I have found that cause...

This is because I'm ChoColat biased, but after Black Tinkerbell came out...you saw something similiar to this.

Looks familiar right? It should...most groups (and it might be just me) have used moves similiar to ChoColat. I'm not saying I don't like it, it makes me angry that they are getting recognition for it and not ChoColat, but why? Does being y mean you're popular?

Now...look at Girls Day before and after



Don't hate me for saying this all you Girl's Day fans out there, but I am no longer a fan due to this....I'm not an anti-fan and I never will be. I just wished Girls Day sticked with their UNIQUE concept that was funny. It probably isn't their choice...but they still lost a fan...

Then one girl group after another started being y when they never were....

A.O.A (Then)

A.O.A (Now)

My opinion: A.O.A....what happened to ELVIS and Get Out?! You are all very talented...and I'm happy you won...but you just won because you were wearing skimpy clothing...I want the old A.O.A back!

Stellar (Then)

Stellar (Now)

My opinion: BIG change from the cute Stellar I know and love. I loved Study, please! Despite Marionette being a good song, the MV, outfits, and concept just isn't working...have you seen their facebook page?!



WTF happened?!

This is how I know what groups I support and like for being THEMSELVES!



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Sometimes, it's not their fault. Companies always see if their girl groups can pull off y. And when they can, companies make them y like almost forever