OFELIA — ( melanie ) kim yewon


kim yewon
lady y
faceclaim: sia
back-up: yuju

position: leader, lead vocalist, lead rapper [melanie]
back-up: main rapper, composer [zoella]

sub-units: lunar, acting


the prim lady
SNSD's Seohyun
SNSD's Seohyun
Miss A's Min
SNSD's Seohyun
SNSD's Seohyun
nice to meet you.
username: --kandarella               nickname: cherry               activity level:4

birthname: Kim Yewon
☆Yeroro :: used by the Suho :: he finds her interest on Keroro is cute as the nickname
☆Yebot :: used by the JB :: she is restricted and follows the rules quite too well
☆Arhi :: used by the members :: means "moans" :: she habitually moans in her sleep
☆Brain among the members :: used by the netizens :: she is gifted with a high IQ of 137; a smart girl
birthdate: 1992.01.03
age: 22 + 23

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
nationality: Korean
ethnicity: Korean
☆Fluent Korean :: native language
☆Basic English :: learning through daily life
☆Basic Chinese :: learning through daily life; among the chinese trainees

personality traits:
+ calm, dependable, patient, sticks to the rules, tireless worker
- calculating nature, conservative, holds grudges, naive, stiff

☆playing piano and guitar
☆academically gifted; IQ 137
☆can copy voices by only listen to it
☆ She’s very close with EXO’s Chanyeol after their meeting at Smart Uniform Model Contest
☆ She played piano since childhood and she wanted to be a singer when she was in a school music club
☆ Her ideal type : “A man who’s humorous and kind, a man who would be fun to be around. 2PM's Jun.K sunbaenim.”
☆ The type of CF that she wishes for is a Cosmetics CF because she was born with skin that remains clear without much care
☆ As her friend recommended, she went to go for the Smart Uniform Model Contest, she didn't win but there she met the current group's manager

love interest: Kim Junmyeon [Suho]
back-up: Wu Yifan [Kris]
personality traits: airhead, charismatic, charming, clumsy, ditsy
relationship status: friends
interaction: From the very beginning Yewon has made a strong impression on Suho, as she was the first person to scolded him on their first met. They became friend quite slow later during their other meetings. They often taking the ride back together after practice using the subway, thats how they got to know each other more. As later, they known that their dads' are friends. So it’s no wonder that they end up being friends too. The way Yewon’s so comfortable around Suho, the way Yewon letting Suho her neck, are just some of the examples that show how close Yewon is to Suho, and vice versa. The way these two flirts. Uh. So unlike the conservative Yewon.

love rival: Im Jaebum [JB]
back-up: Park Jinyoung [JR]
personality traits: bipolar, difficult to control, diva, fearless, honest
relationship status: aquintances
interaction: Yewon and JB have an exact opposite of onstage persona -- as Yewon.jpg and JB.gif. Pretty girl attracts pretty boy. Both JB and Yewon are easily amused and have that kid like excitement in whatever they do together. Yes, Yewon often loses over JB. But not always. JB is  her saviour, he saved her life during their first met. So thats why Yewon treats JB quite specially.

comments: First of all english isn't my first language. Secondly, feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Thirdly, can we apply twice? Lastly, hope you like Yewon <3 p/s: I can't add gifs of Suho and JB / the twin's example videos because my stupid broadband won't let me..limit problem ;;
suggestions: How about an internal conflict between the members? You can show about their difficulty during trainee years. And oh, someone can get hurt, i volunteer to have my chara to get hurt while performing if i get chosen xD
password: lunar, acting
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Greetings, Cherry! Omg, your nickname is just adorable. First things first, yes, you may apply twice! Thanks for asking. Twice is all. And don't worry English wasn't my first language either! ^^ Secondly, you chose Sia as your faceclaim. Lemme love you down because legit she is gorgeous! "Kim Yewon" suits Sia's face well! Yewon is one of my favorite Korean names. It sounds very intelligent. And with sub-groups, just add acting... I totally did not know that Melanie leader was only part of one individual activity. Lol I tried to put the members in at least 2 activities. Now that I think about it, Yewon is really like Seohyun, it's cute! and damn, she is smart! My Yoojin will feel really stupid beside Yewon, but it's ok. With Suho, she's just so squishy I CAN'T control my feels! Neck is totally and ideal situation for me. *snorts* Yes, both Suho AND Kris are airheads! ON POINT +1 for you, Cherry. and about this sleeping habit? Sorry, Yoojin is kicking in here. "What kind of ? ;)" kkkk (/slapped) but anyways, this entry app was fun for me to read, and there aren't any problems i spot. So I'll gladly accept you! Thanks for applying, Cherry. Good luck!