☷ Run & Gun Residence — Lim Mihyun 。



☷ aliadane  
☷ alia  

☷ 8.5  







☷ high and dry

NAME  lim mihyun
mimi- her father calls her this instead of giving her an english name

BIRTHDAY + AGE  04/03/1992 + 21
BIRTHPLACE  seoul, sk
HOMETOWN  seoul, sk
ETHNICITY  korean-american
LANGUAGE  korean- fluent, native language
english- conversational from father and visiting the united states

☷ little by little

FACE CLAIM  jin jae young
BACK UP FACE CLAIM  ahn su kyung

APPEARANCE — mihyun stands at 163cm and weighs roughly 50kg. her chestnut brown hair is naturally wavy, and she keeps it cut to right at her shoulders so it's easier to manage. she does wear glasses, though she wears her contacts just as often. she doesn't have any tattoos or birthmarks, but she has her ears pierced once. she has a long scar down her left ribcage on her side from a car accident when she was a child.
STYLE  mihyun prefers feminine clothes. she likes dresses and flowy blouses with skirts that are layered with jackets. She can occasionally be found in a more casual outfit of jeans or shorts and a simple top, but typically even that is more on the feminine side. She almost always wears her hair down and loosely curled, but occasionally she will put it up in braided pigtails or a ponytail. She wears relatively light makeup, though she does like to make her eyes stand out, since they are a light milk chocolate color. Occasionally she will wear her glasses, but she prefers to wear her contacts, and some times wears colored contact lenses. She has her ears pierced once and tends to wear small silver studs in them at all times. She always wears her horseshoe necklace she got from her father for good luck and fortune.


☷ street spirit

QUOTE  "oh, i'm sorry. would you like your balls back? no? didn't think so."
BREAKDOWN  outgoing, creative, stubborn, outspoken, and giving 

PERSONALITY  mihyun is an outgoing girl. she loves being around people, and she's often one of those people who is making new friends. her happy nature rubs off on people, and they find themselves attracted to her thoughtful and hopefulness. she doesn't mind listening to other people's problems, and she will give input when needed and/or wanted, but she knows when to keep her opinions to herself, as well. however, that's not to say mihyun isn't rather outspoken. she likes her point being known and she is willing to do just about anything to make sure the message is loud an clear. typically, she always puts other's feelings before her own, and she's a naturally giving person.

once mihyun gets started on something, it's incredibly hard to get her to stop. she's extremely stubborn, and feels like if she stops then she's effectively quitting, and she refuses to quit. quitting is almost as bad as cheating on a loved one in her opinion. it's just not something that should ever be done. period.

above all else, mihyun is incredibly creative. she has an artistic talent that sometimes cannot seem to be contained. she tends to dance anytime there's music on, and she sings just as often, even if she doesn’t consider herself all that great of a songstress. she almost always has her journal full of poems and her camera on her. she tends to take pictures of anything she finds whimsical or beautiful, which... is a considerable amount of things, honestly.


☷ no surprises

BACKGROUND  mihyun is the product of what most korean's would consider a 'bad relationship.' her mother got into a pretty serious relationship with a soldier. an american soldier. her parents nearly disowned her for it. however, when the year and a half long relationship was over and done with (he cheated on her), the only things soo kyu had to show for the lost time was a scarred hart and being two months pregnant. mihyun was born seven months later, and soo kyu was positive she wanted to keep the pretty little girl, regardless of what her parents told her. soo kyu loved her little girl, though, and she couldn't bear the idea of parting, so they moved into a small apartment to be on their own.

when andrew learned of his daughter, he went out of his way to get to know the girl who looked so much like her mother. due to his engagement with the military, he was forced to leave his daughter in korea and go back to the united states. however, that's not to say that they lost contact. On the contrary, every summer, andrew either came to visit mihyun, or she went to visit him. it was not a comfortable situation, but they make it work for everyone's sake. mihyun knows she's very blessed (her father could have easily walked away from her and never looked back). her mother supported her, with help from her father, and they had a reasonably comfortable life. but mihyun always wanted more for herself than the meager lifestyle a kindergarten teacher could achieve giving her. she decided to transfer into a well-known high school in seoul, thinking it would look better on her transcripts for university. the change was a good one, but it also helped that mihyun studied hard.

mihyun got into a good college, but with college came the college lifestyle. she's riding on a full-ride scholarship due to her grades, but she still picked up a part time job to help with food and living costs. as a marketing major, mihyun always kept her eyes open for somewhere off campus to live. it wasn't until her third year of college was about to start that she found run & gun. the marketing was shoddy, but when she saw the building, she instantly fell in love with it. after applying, she now finds herself moving into one of the apartments with her new roommate, much to her... surprise and interest.

FAMILY  lim soo kyu- mother- 42- kindergarten teacher- mihyun and and her mother are very, very close. her mother works full-time, but she's very proud of the woman mihyun has turned into, and they tend to get together a couple of times a month for coffee and sweets just to catch up.
andrew park- father- 46- united states army captain- while mihyun isn't estranged from her father, she doesn't really consider them 'close' either. they get along well when he visits, or brings her to visit, but they're not particularily close.


ACADEMICS  mihyun is a marketing major attending on a full-ride scholarship due to her academics in high school. she's a hard worker and she's known for coming up with some of the most creative ideas the marketing department has ever seen. however, school comes very natural to mihyun and she doesn't force herself to study constantly. she likes to have a healthy balance of work, school and play. she's in the photography club, and a few of her portraits have been showcased in a few galleries. 
。mihyun could have been a photography major, but enjoys marketing more
。she loves to cook and bake (especially sweets)
。she hates scary movies due to her propensity for getting nightmares
。favorite color is purple
。is addicted to taro flavored bubble tea and drinks at least one every day
。waxed her legs once and refuses to ever do it again
。lived in the same small apartment all of her life until moving into run & gun
。favorite food is dubbokki



☷ all i need

LOVE INTEREST  kim junmyeon/suho
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST   park chanyeol, kim jongin 

PERSONALITY  junmyeon possess a leadership that none of those older than him in the building have. he is trustworthy and cares for all the tenants, regardless of their age or how they bully him. he tries not to show favoritism, though sometimes it does happen. he is generous with his money, as he believes that it's his job to take charge and take care of the others no matter the situation. being a landlord and being entrusted is stressful to him, but he deals with it to the best of his abilities. this has made him slightly closed up when it comes to his own feelings, because he has a perspective of 'i am the hyung,' therefore meaning he needs to be strong for the other tenants. he keeps his regrets bottled up and often takes it out by scolding the tenants for simple things, even if they ignore him. then he feels guilty and ends up shutting himself out from the everyone for a while. he can be really oblivious at times, and likes to goof off a lot. he is innocent and naive, which is why he is easily bullied by the other tenants, yet he is always able to hold on to a smile and laugh it off.
RELATIONSHIP  mihyun met suho, as he introduced himself, when she came to view the building. as the landlord, he showed her around, and she really liked how congenial he was. in truth, suho was part of the reason mihyun wanted to move into the building. she found him intriguing and quite cute. however, when she learned she'd be living with him, she wasn't really sure how she felt. after getting to know one another, mihyun can honestly say she hates how much the others push suho around. she watches, quietly, as she feels it's not her place to intervine, but when suho asks, she's not afraid to give it to him straight and tell him exactly why they walk all over him. she often tell him he might as well chop of his balls and give them to kris. this isn't to say mihyun doesn't like suho, because she does. she likes him quite a bit, actually. they sort of dance around the topic that they act like a married couple with out actually saying it, but it's very clear that mihyun is the driving force behind their... relationship. she tries her best to bring suho out of his shell, and he tries, more times than not, to calm her down a little bit. they act like a cute couple still in the honeymoon phase... minus the intimacy, but that doesn't mean that mihyun and suho don't want more. mihyun just doesn't want to push too far to too fast and suho is certainly not going to make the first move.


☷ the daily mail

"WHAT'S YOUR REASON FOR RENTING?"  "i've been looking for a nice building to move into for awhile now, however, my main reason for moving into this building is the building it's self. i mean, have you see it? it's gorgeous." 
"AFTER MOVING IN, HOW DID YOU FEEL?"  "at first, i might have been a bit in puppy love, but then i saw how he lets everyone treat him. it really angers me that he won't stand up to them. he's the landlord! they should respect him! beyond that we get along quite well. i'm very happy i moved."
"BESIDES YOUR ROOM MATE, WHO'S CLOSEST TO YOU?"  "kyungsoo and i get along really well, as well as with jongin. i swear jongin is in our apartment just as often as he's raiding kyungsoo's. he's just there for the food, i swear. and kyungsoo and i cook together a lot. he's a sweet guy. however, i think i get along with lay the best. he's just so sweet and charming and, even though he can be a bit spacey, is a genuinely good friend."
"WHO DO YOU HATE NOT GET ALONG WITH?"  "ah, i don't really get along well with baekhyun. it's not against him, so much as i'm just not a fan of drama... and he's a lot of drama."
"WHAT'S YOUR ROLE IN THE HOUSE?"  "i cook. yeah. don't let suho into the kitchen or he's likely to burn the whole building down. i'm also in charge of decorating, since suho has no eye for that thing. also, if suho ever needs it again, i've offered up my marketing skills to him, as the landlord."

☷ fast track

COMMENTS/FEEDBACKS  i love this so, so much. anyways, i hope you like mihyun! 
。mihyun and kyungsoo cooking together (with jongin stealing food, of course)!
。mihyun getting on to any of the tenants who disrespect suho
。mihyun attempting to get suho to open up and let her in
。mihyun asking kris for suho's balls

PASSWORD  so i figured i'll give you a couple, since i couldn't decide. enjoy.


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