♡ Pinocchio → Ye Hyewon | Yewon


Ye Hyewon

Username:--kandarella/ ♚What can i call you?:sara/ ♚ Activeness:7 out of 10

Name:Ye Hyewon
Other Names:n/a

☆Yewon :: used by almost anyone who know her :: a combination of her surname and name
☆Yeroro :: used by the Suho :: he finds her interest on Keroro is cute as the nickname
☆Yebot :: used by the Mark :: she is restricted and follows the rules quite too well
☆Arhi :: used by the members :: means "moans" :: she habitually moans in her sleep
☆Brain among the members :: used by the netizens :: she is gifted with a high IQ of 137; a smart girl

Date of Birth:01//03//93
Hometown:Seoul, South Korea
Birthplace:Seoul, South Korea

Fluent Korean :: native language
Basic English :: learning through daily life
Basic Chinese :: learning through daily life; among the chinese trainees


Idol Face claim:Seohyun
Links: love
Back-up Face: Yoona

I Will Show you

First Impression; She is the group's precious, innocent lady. The definition of a prim lady. She is more or less best known for her manners, intelligence, maturity and conservative nature.

Rules and Regulations; She does things in an orderly way. She follows settled rules, respects traditional concepts, and always do things the way other people want her to. So people can foresee what she will do the next. She believes that only those who have a down to earth style of work may never be defeated. She depends on her own tenacious will and active spirit of devotion. She never believe in chance, keep her words, and once a word is spoken will not take it back even when pulled by a team of four horses. She takes an indifferent attitude towards common biases. She will do her jobs with single-hearted devotion, and never give up when something is half-way done. She knows how to give an order and how to make others follow her order. She hopes other people carry out her orders firmly and adhere to her principles on key matters. She is born with the ability to lead. She knows how to keep people within the bounds of discipline and she is often quite strict. She thinks one must fulfill one's duty, and do not put barriers in other's roads.

Positive; She does not like to owe other people. She will be accurate to the last decimal point when repaying. And she will have the same requirement of others. If she owe you something without expressing thanks, she will never forgive herself. If you ask for her advice on some problem, you will find her support to be quite reliable. She trusts herself and never compromise. She shows contempt for other's weaknesses. She does not willing seize chances to gain advantage by trickery. She has a strong sense of morality. She never reach her goals in any improper way. She is cautious. She likes long-term, stable investments. She is not a gambler, and others taking risks only annoys her. Her memory is precise and can last for a long time. If you harm her, she will remember every detail.  She will try to reduce her pain and tension through hard work. She has her feet planted on solid ground, and she is not swayed by her emotions.

Negative; Her shortcomings are her stiffness and awkwardness, her calculating nature and her rather standoffish attitude. She is never sly, and does not know how to show consideration for others. She is very patient. But she can be horrible if she lose her tempers. At such times she will lose her senses and attack those who hurt her like an angry bull. The only way to cool the anger of her is to stand away from her and let her cool down gradually. But there is no need to worry, she will not get into a fight unless she is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. She is naive when she thinks about other people's secrets. She cannot fully understand the feelings of others, and seldom cheat others to win their love. Poetry and serenades seldom appear in her lives, even the gifts she gives will be durable and practical. She advocate self-reliance. She does not want people to help her. So if you want to give her help, you will have to implore her in order to do so.

Onstage; She is cute, to put it lightly. Widely known for being a robot, her manners, respect and responsibility are well known throughout the fandom. She is as robot as can be, though not necessarily for a lack of emotions. Rather, we see her robot persona as being the result of her personality being extremely vanilla and mature. Some may find her mature lady image cute, others may find it a bit bland and boring. This girl though is sweet as can be, even if she is a bit closed minded sometimes.

What people know; She obviously grew up in a proper home; she has a good relationship with her parents, is an only child, and never had problems growing up.

What people doesn't know; She was found on the street on January 3rd, 1993 by a piano teacher and her husband. She was wrapped up in a blanket that read “Hyewon”. It was never known who her real parents were. They kept the name on the blanket but gave her their surname. She doesn't know about this truth.

Growing up; She went by the name Yewon, and had (still has) a small companion, a small golden retriever named Joojoo. She played piano since childhood and she wanted to be an idol when she was in a school dancing team. She attended Seoul Middle School and Daeyoung High School, then transferred to Jeonju Arts High School, from which she graduated on February 9, 2012. During her school life, she was always a promotional student for her teachers. She was selected as one of the top students in her school. She currently attends Dongguk University, majoring in acting.

How she got in; As an middle school student, as her friend recommended, she went to go for the Smart Uniform Model Contest and luckily she won first place and there she met the current group manager, who encouraged her to audition for the company. In 2006, she auditioned and joined the company under the company casting system. She sang children's songs for her audition unlike other applicants who usually sing pop and dance songs.

Pretty Girl
☆Blue, green :: fave colors
☆4 :: fave numbers
☆sacred lily :: fave flowers
☆sweet potato :: fave food
☆keroro gunsou :: fave anime
☆huggable stuffs
☆bubble tea
☆healthy food
☆ Yellow :: least fave color
☆ 1 :: least fave number
☆tulip :: least fave flower
☆ onion :: least fave vegetable
☆nobita :: least fave anime
☆smelly bedsheet and pillows
☆unhealthy food
☆snobbish people
☆Acrophobia. She's very afraid of heights. She can't even take the upper bunk, and always use the lower one. When she was a child, she ever fell down from a higher place while playing at school.
☆Just a fear, not a phobia. She's afraid of bugs. But she never admit that and there's no reason for her fear, she said she has that tingly feeling when she sees them.
☆playing piano and guitar
☆watching anime
☆reading motivational books and mangas
☆volunteering in charity house
☆pouting her lips
☆hugs something or someone when sleeping
☆eating when on car
☆does weird sounds when sleeping
☆abiding the rules
☆ The group's brain
☆ She played piano since childhood and she wanted to be an idol when she was in a school dance team
☆ In school, she was a promotional model for her teachers
☆ As her friend recommended, she went to go for the Smart Uniform Model Contest and luckily she won first place and there she met the current group's manager
☆ Admitted in Arts High School
☆ Before debut, she used to have braces
☆ Her waist line is around 20-24 inches
☆ Appeared in EXO’s Wolf and Growl drama version music video prior to her debut
☆ Casted in To The Beautiful You as Seol Hana
☆ She was selected as one of the top students in her school
☆ Her mom was a piano teacher
☆ Goes out a lot with her friends to buy bubble tea
☆ Her best friend is A Pink's Bomi
☆ She was a fan of SNSD during her pre-debut years
☆ She finds 2PM's Jun.K as her idol
☆ She’s very close with EXO’s Chanyeol because of their modeling career
☆ She promises to hold a charity concert for the youth
☆ Her ideal type : “A man who’s humorous and kind, a man who would be fun to be around. 2PM's Jun.K sunbaenim.”
☆ The type of CF that she wishes for is a Cosmetics CF because she was born with skin that remains clear without much care
☆ People think that she looks like APink’s Chorong and SNSD's Yuri
☆ She want the group to be the most influential idol

He's My Baby

Love Interest: Kim Junmyeon [Suho]
Age: 23
Group: EXO
Personality: He is ditsy. When we think about him, we picture a ditsy blonde. Who doesn’t think about what he says before he says it. This is usually the cause of his problem. He is not being a straight out jerk, but more of him talking before he think; what sounded appropriate in his head was just bad when spoken out. He is kind of an airhead. He falls out of chairs and has the most annoying/best laugh in all history. However, he’s not stupid, as proven by how well he did in school. Just maybe lacks a bit of common sense is all. His really clumsy self is much more preferred than his other side. Though we’d love to picture him as some happy, carefree blonde, this is in fact not the case. As most of peoples know, he has the tendency to go through really emo phases. Like, incredibly emo. Very pessimistic and just not happy at all. Usually these mood swings occur when he is really busy; when he's feeling the most heat. All around though, he remains charming and charismatic.
How you Met: They met at the practice room in their company during their trainee days. Coincidentally, Suho collided with a girl that was on her way into the room. He made all her belongings scattered on the floor. Feeling sorry, he helped her putting up her things. Once he met her eyes, he became very bewitched till he couldn’t even move a finger. He was mesmerized by what he saw. It’s her. Her eyes. Yewon. “Thank you,” Yewon said coldly, without looking at his face and continued walking towards the room. Suho hurriedly stopped her way and held her hand tightly. Unexpectedly, Yewon glared and pushed his hand away. “How dare you? I don’t even know you! Get away from me!” Yewon hitched in anger and rushed her way into the room, leaving Suho in confusion. He just want to say sorry. Truthfully, it was a bad day for Yewon as something bad happened to her. Something that make the calm and matured Yewon turned into someone different. Suho met her at the wrong time.
How you treat each other: From the very beginning Yewon has made a strong impression on Suho, as she was the first person to scolded him on their first met. They became friend quite slow later during their other meetings. They often taking the ride back together after practice using the subway, thats how they got to know each other more. As later, they known that their dads' are friends. So it’s no wonder that they end up being friends too. The way Yewon’s so comfortable around Suho, the way Yewon letting Suho her neck, are just some of the examples that show how close Yewon is to Suho, and vice versa. The way these two flirts. Uh. So unlike the conservative Yewon.
Relationship: Friends. Suho has a crush on her while she just thinks of him as friends.
Back-up Love interest: Kim Jongin [Kai]

Hey Boy!Hey Boy!

Love Rival: Tuan Yieun [Mark]
Age: 21
Group: GOT7
Personality: He has an extremely strong personality. He is the classic example of a person who is way too difficult to control. Nobody doesn’t even attempt to control him nowadays. Repeatedly, he has shown himself to be an unstoppable force that can’t be put down easily. Despite being an idol, he makes it a point to reveal his heart. Hel is widely known for being a fearless diva. True, most of his crazy divaness is due to the fact that he is insanely and undeniably bipolar. Despite that fact however, he, taking any of his multiple personalities under analysis, is still very different from the norm.
Why is he/she your love rival?: Pretty boy attract pretty girl. Mark is also her saviour, he saved her life during their first met, when they were both trainee. So thats why Yewon treats Mark quite specially. Yes, Yewon always loses over Mark. But not always. This making Suho jealous.
Back-up Love Rival: Im Jaebum [JB]


♚ Ye Sangyoung // 45 // Lawyer // charming, occassional critical, grouchy // Yewon and Sangyoung are pretty close to each other. They're a weird father- daughter couple with weird tics and habits. Back then, baby Yewon used to run to Sangyoung whenever she had a problem and in return Sangyoung tried to fix her troubles away like a good dad would. These father- daughter relationship are still tight even until now. Sangyoung even shamelessly brought her flowers during her graduation day. Ah father love~ // father
♚ Yoo Jiyoung // 44 // Housewife [was a piano teacher] // fashion conscious, bright, fun loving // If Jiyoung is known for her fashion sense then Yewon don't even has a good eyes for fashion. That’s how different they are. They're the tall mother- daughter couple. They are not always smooth sailing. There are times where Jiyoung was suitably annoyed to Yewon’s robot traits. Thankfully none of these repeat themselves again lately around her. But despite that Jiyoung is still a good mom. When Yewon was injured during her trainee years, Jiyoung would promptly go to take care of her. They are also playful. In their spare time these two like to play piano together and getting into pillow fights <3 // mother


♚Best Friend:
♚ Yoon Bomi // 21 // A Pink // naturally active, artistic,  good judgement // met in elementary school, they were seatmate, studying in the same school since elementary till now, both were in the school's dance team. Yewon is supportive of Bomi. It’s true that sometimes Yewon momhandles Bomi in public. But that doesn’t lessen Yewon’s affection to Bomi. Yewon would be there to make sure that she takes a good care of her bestie, even occasionally offering her handkerchief to wipe hersweat and keep up with her problems. Extreme problems. Yewon just can't deal with Bomi's longer arms. This dynamic is perhaps very much influenced by their age similarities. They would also enjoy buttslapping. // 9

♚ Park Chanyeol | 22 | EXO // Chanyeol isn’t shy of expressing his affection over Yewon. As for Chanyeol, he is always ready to help her answers during interviews and such. Chanyeol also likes to tease Yewon whenever he has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Some fans ship them. // 7
♚ Luhan // 24 // EXO// He is overprotective when it comes to Yewon. He loves to shower Yewon with praise and affection. Yewon is the darling sister he had always wanted. He is the best brother that Yewon can wish for. // 6
♚ Choi Minho // 23 // SHINee // They has trouble when making friends at first most likely because they doesn’t open up to people that easily.. But they grew closer through the trainee years as Yewon look up for him as her sunbae. // 5

Domino Game

♚Stage name: Yewon
♚Persona: The Prim Lady
♚Fanclub: Yemate
♚Fancolor: #66CC33
♚Trainee years: 6 years 6 months
/Trainee Life:
♚Pre-debut experiences?:
☆ 2008 :: Smart Student Uniforms’ ad models (with Chanyeol)
☆ 2010 :: Appeared in TRAX’s Oh! My Goddess music video
☆ 2013 :: Appeared in EXO’s Wolf and Growl drama version music video prior to her debut
☆ 2013 :: Casted in To The Beautiful You as Seol Hana
♚Position: Leader, Main Dancer, Vocalist
♚back-up position: Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Dancer, Face of the Group
♚talking twin: SNSD's Seohyun
♚Dancing twin: SNSD's Hyoyeon
♚Singing twin: A Pink's Naeun
♚Rapping twin: A Pink's Naeun

Comments: First of all english isn't my first language. Secondly, feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Lastly, hope you like Ye Hyewon <3
Scene Requests:
☆ Yewon and Suho go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's EXO members who help Suho and the girl he love for a successful date.
☆ Yewon faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Suho visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
☆ Yewon got drunk by a glass of wine and fall asleep on the couch, Suho decides to help to get her to the dorm. Before he can excuses himself from her room, Yewon wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, Suho hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
☆ Suho hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Yewon, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her singing doesn't turn out well.
☆ Mark and Yewon fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
☆ Mark and Yewon caught in the rain, he kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps him before running away
Suggestions?: n/a
Did i leave anything important out?: Nopes nopes nopes..but I leave the rival part out..lemme know is rival is a must so I can add it up :)


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