Need help from anyone who uses a Macbook! Urgent!

Okay so…I got a new laptop and I swear I have no idea how to use one. This one in particular, is obviously different from other laptops. It's just that when I wanted to edit a chapter. I did copy and paste and it seemed like they all get jumbled all together in a paragraph when I post it. Plus, in a normal computer, you have that editor functions like you see in word office when you edit the post but this mac doesn't seem to show. so can someone explain to me why and how can I solve my problem??? I seriously need your help like badly or I wouldn't be able to update on time….


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Hey :) I'm a mac user here too ^^ Um by any chance did you save it to Word or Pages? If by any chance you use Pages as well, try copy and pasting it there, then repeat the same process for when you want to paste it on the web for the update. This is actually very odd because normally Mac's don't really have this sort of issues... *confused* But, if I may ask what type of Mac is it? I can ask my friends if they've been through this kind of problem :)
Marianations #2
I have no idea of Macbooks, sorry. Just used a Mac for the first time Tuesday last week at Corte Inglés in Barcelona and it scared the hell out of me XD.
heiress #3
Same here, I'm using a MacBook and all my editing features are working. Do you have Microsoft Office in your MacBook or you're using iWork?
oh, that's weird, I'm using a macbook as well, the editor functions work fine for me...though I haven't updated in a long time, but I checked after your post, mine works fine...i'm guessing your using safari right? so am i, maybe you can try using other browsers like chrome or something? sorry I'm not of much help