Birthday Giveaway Details + Prizes

So my birthday is near and I'm holding a so-called mini-contest to just tryna be nice. Besides, I want to give back because I get a lot of during my birthdays so yeah. Before I give details about this giveaway, I will state the prizes first so you guys can leave without having your time wasted if you don't like the giveaways. The prizes are:

- A one-shot (rated M or not; tell me what genre you want) with you and your bias. Doesn't have to be someone from EXO. It will be no less than 500 words and no more than 700 words. It will be posted in 101 EXO Positions. However, because I don't like using a different name for my female characters (you guys should know how bias I am by now when it comes to my stories), you will have the option to tell me if you want it in a "you" format or in first person POV.

- A set of two photoshopped graphics with your bias. Again, doesn't have to be someone from EXO.



So this is the actual competition. You will have to look over my past blogs, my profile, and even my stories to find out the answers in these questions. You have to send in the answers neatly numbered through PRIVATE MESSAGE no later than February 26th. I won't accept answers sent through wall posts and as blog comments. I will publish the answers to each questions on February 27th along side the two people that has the highest points. If there is a tie, then the number of winners will be altered. Because I'm turning 19, here are 19 questions.

1. Jess's birthday

2. Jess's full first name

3. Name of my boyfriend

4. Name of my sister

5. Why did I apply as a waitress in a strip club?

6. What is Jess's preference in fashion (like do I dress provocatively, innocently, goth, etc)?

7. Jess's two favorite colors (half point off if you get one wrong)

8. Jess's two biases in EXO (half point off if you get one wrong)

9. What is Se Hun and Maki's jobs in Se Hun's Temptations respectively? (half point off if you get one wrong)

10. Who is Kai's half-brother in Winning Kai's ?

11. What is Maki known for at their school in Exploring Kim Jong In's Anatomy?

12. How long do Kris and Maki know each other in Pleasure Slave: EXO Edition?

13. What is Maki's real name that she said in A Gentleman's Plaything?

14. Title of the current story Jess is co-writing with her sister

15. Country where Jess is born

16. Is Jess a native English speaker?

17. Jess's ethnicity (don't confuse this with nationality)

18. What is Jess's most favorite cartoon (not anime) and most favorite character from that cartoon respectively? (half point off if you get one wrong)

19. Which letter does my last name starts with? (This one is quite hard. I don't even think I have this posted somewhere)


Yes, I know. It's a long- contest. But oh well. I don't care. I hope people will still join though XD So yeah. Have fun (I guess?) XD



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I'm doing this.
seondara #2
i need to stalking you haha xD
Finally I join this giveaway lmao but I think I won't win anyway haha XD
Just for fun kkkk~~
is it ok to suggest my own otp?n0t from exo but a different otp i like ^^
mrsmlegver #5
I really want to apply , but this, this need some stalking capabilityyy. I'll try to find out, buuuut i don't think i'll win, lol.
i really wanna apply but at the same time i know i am going to fail XDDD
omg this sounds so fun xDDDDDD