As white as milk

So me and Joujou Unnie are writing this angst mind-blowing dark story, this morning it was just an original sad story like almost all the angst stories in aff, but after discussing the story with Joujou almost the whole day we came up with very intresting and mind-blowing ideas that got even my mind blowen, and that's why I want you all to join me in this story, give it a shot and I know that any angst lover will like this story... hopefully

Thank you, for whoever read this blog or checked the story, or read it, or subscribed, and in case anyone of you really did read this story I hope we won't disappoint you 


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Lilou I don't need to read it cuz i already know what will happen and all the crap that....Okey! Okey! I should stop now or i ll scrow everything..I still young to die :'(
Lilou I got some new good ideas for this fic but as we're done with it I guess I ll just forget it
Good Luck! I wish you two all the best :D