I have been waiting so long and FINALLY my shinee poster has arrived.......and so did my necklaces!!!!!! I'm so happy and its the first poster I've hung on the wall of my new bedroom and my first kpop poster!!!!!! *squeals like Tao* I'm so happy!!!! Guess what??? This like doubled my mojo levels so I'll probably write tonight yay!!!!! Is it stalkerish that I hung the poster right over my bed so I could prop my feet on my pillows and stare at it???? .....................meh at least I'm not a sasaeng....... anyways hopefully I'll update tonight lots of love xoxo

Ps I can't upload a pic so here's the link to the pic!!!!

Bye bye


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That's cool! Show us some pictures ne? I just ordered my One of a kind hoodie, EXO sleeveless hoodie and a B.A.P mask ^0^ Hopefully it comes really quickly!