❝ Eunhui Academy ❞ — Song Miyung



Song Miyung



McKayOkay |  Micky | 8/10




Birth name: Song Miyung


Other names: N/A


Nicknames: Min (name given to her by her friends)
Birth date: October 22, 1997




Birthplace: Busan, South Korea


Hometown: Busan South Korea


Ethnicity: Korean


Languages: Korean, (Mother Tongue)


Blood type:O






Traits:Adventurous, optimistic, reliable, Cheerful, Short-tempered. curious, Absent minded, Half-witted


     If there's anyone who's brave enough to take risks, it's Miyung. This bold chick isn't afraid too do anything at all. She'll be able to do what ever dare you throw at her. She ventures out eveywhere she can to experience a new life and what not and she loves it. She has a thrill of living the dangerous life and doesn't care what anyone has to say. She's a gal who likes to challenge herself and take things to the extreme. Having this trait can cause Miyung to get in trouble sometimes.
      This can trigger her curiosity. Miyung has always wondered what the world is like outside of Korea. She likes to ask lots of questions, so you have better prepare your answers/ She wants to know what's going on so she can be aware of her surroundiings. You might say that curiosity kills the cat for this child, but it really doesn't. At least not all the time. Miyung does get in trouble sometimes due to her sticking her nose in almost eveything, even if she doesn't mean to. She yearns to find out everything.
       Despite her being nosy, Miyung is very trustworthy. You can count on her to keep your darkest secret. If you need a shoulder to lean on, she's the person for you. Miyung is avery helpful person and she will try to understand where you're coming from. She lets people know that she is here for them when they need her.
        Miyung can be a very cheerful girl. She has a high spirit and she enjoys being in a happy enviroment. She likes to see the air filled with happiness. Her outlook on life is very positive and no matter what happens Miyung keeps looking foward. She can't keep feeling sad or holding a grudge. Life goes on and it is too short to be s grumpy girl.
       However, Miyung is a firecracker. She does get mad easily and that isn't a good thing. She can be the sweetest girl you have ever seen but she can also turn into a girl with a sailor mouth. She throws a fit when ever she's angry and it's not pretty at all. Miyung can keep her composure, but only to an extent. If you say something obnoxiously offensive, she will go off. But of course she doesn't flip her top for anything.
      Miyung does come off to be a bit of a person who can tune out easily. She is very absent minded and isn't well aware of her surroundings. She forgets way too easily and itis hard for her understand what one is saying if they are talking in long sentences. Or if they keep rambling off, she'll go into her own world and she will block them out. It's not that she means to, it's just that Miyung feels that they talk about a whole bunch of nothing. But if it's something importannt, such as a person's feelings, she is all ears.
     And last but not least, MIyung is your average idiot who can't seem to understand the obvious. She always has to make 2+2=4 into a finding a cure for cancer problem. This does make people question about her intelligence. Is actually surprises people that she is actually in high school with her idiocity. Miyung is always stating the obvious and she is always asking the dumbest questions, which tend to get on people's nerves. She doesn't mean to sound dumb, it's just the way it is.


Background:  Miyung grew up being in the middle class type of family. Her parents worked all the time so, Miyung would be home alone alot.Miyung lived with her grandmother for sometime because her father and mother were going through some problems and they didn't want Miyung to be in the middle of it. They would argue alot in their household and Miyung didn't like being in the enviroment of that time. Despite of having their problems solved, they decided to get a divorce when Miyung was thirteen years old because the relationship wasn't working out. Miyung moved out of her grandmother's house and moved in with her mother and her step-father.
      Despite of having some problems in her family, Miyung has always had an optimistic outlook on life. Her grandmother has always taught her to look on the brighter side of the moon, because when things get ugly, there mighty be a pretty side. And since then, Miyung have always lived by this rule. Miyung did occasionally visit her father on weekends and when her mother went on trips with her new husband.
      While being the only child may have been a dream for most kids, it was a nightmare for Miyung.  She didn't get a lot of attention from her parents, and she most certainly didn't get spoiled like she had dreamed. She hated it because she thoughts her parents didn't think they even had her. Even she had something eventful going on, they would never show up but maybe once or twice. And because of this, she had some anger built inside her, but she learned to look on the brighter side of the moon from her grand mother.


Lifestyle: In the morning, Miyung lazily gets out of bed (this takes her at least 10-25 minutes to fully wake up and get out of bed. Then she'll got to the bathroom and do her routine, and after that, she goes to the kitchen and fix her at least two cups of coffee.
During school hours, Miyung will try to endure the boring lectures her teachers give to her, but sometimes she falls asleep. She'll hang out with her friends and  cause havoc in the classroom.
After school, Miyung goes to volleyball practice and after that, she will study some of the notes she has taken, if there's any.
Weekends- Miyung often goes to the arcade with her friends and stay there for a couple of hours. Or Miyung will sleep all day in the dorms.
If she can, she will go visit her grandmother and her parents. If she is unable to go to visit her family, Miyung will celebrate the holidays with her room mates or her friends if they're not doing anything or going anywhere.


-collecting soda can openers/ soda caps
-writing stories
-tumbling (Before/ after volleyball practice, Miyung will do a couple of back flips and other flips to see if she still has her magic)



-Biting her lower lip when nervous
-Grits her teeth when angry
-plays with her fingers subconsciously
-Sports (all kinds of sports, gymnastics especially)
-the color red and purple
-ice cream (mostly french vanilla)
-tech stuff (cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc.,)
-snapbacks (hats/caps)
-the smell of fruit scented body spray
-sleep (she sleeps for a long time)
-The words "Swag" and "YOLO" (It is over used and she hates it)
-Foul odors
-People who think they know everything
-Pork or beef (she'll eat chicken and seafood though)
-the smell of strong cologne (AXE body spray)
-being woken up (especially if it's early in the morning)
Anything else
-Miyung is Christian
-She has over 20 different snapbacks
-she hast a cat named Migu and an rabbit named Rabbit.
-Miyung was once a gymnast.
-She tried ice figure skating before, but didn't like it.
-She always keep a pack of gum in her bag daily.
-Miyung is a deep sleeper. She may sleep through anything, so her room mate may have a hard time waking her up.


SNS accounts: Instagram and Twitter: @all_that_smexyness|Facebook:성미영







Face claim: Park Min Ju


Backup face claim: Park Gi Rim


Height: 49.86


Weight: 52.3


BMI: 23.3


Appearance: Miyung naturally has black to almost dark brown hair, which she will dye every month or so, so now her current hair color is a red to purple ombre. Because she's a bit on the short side, she appears to be a bit on the chubby side. Miyung has one industrial piercing on her left ear and two piercings on her right. She wears glasses during classes but contacts when she's playing volleyball.


Style: Miyung has bleached her blazer accidentally, but it's actually a good look on her. She is always wearing different types of thigh high socks daily  with a pair of flats or sneakers. She really doesn't like to wear her bow tie often, but she will wear it form time to time. And when there's a volleyball match, Miyung will wear her volleyball uniform under her regular uniform. And when she doesn't have school, she'll wear something like this.







Mother | Byung Hee Cho | 39 | Middle School Teacher
personality: Miyung's mother is blunt. She has no problems telling it how it is. She is also determined to be successful in life, even if it meant that she would have to leave her loved ones. Being a bit self-centered, she will think about her needs first and worry about others later. Hee Cho really doesn't care what her family does. As long as it isn't affecting her, it's fine.
interactions: Hee Cho and Miyung are distant. Really distant. She doesn't care what Miyung does, if it has nothing to do with her. She loves Miyung, but she would rather travel the world with her husband than to spend quality time with Miyung. Thus, Miyung can not stand Her mother at all. But she doesn't pay any mind to her mother.
Father | Song Chan Su | 42 | Architect
personality: Chan Su is a man with a lot of balls to stand up for what's right, no matter how wrong it may seem to close minded folks. He, like Miyung, has a short temper. He can't seem to keep his composure at all. He is a nice person, but he is only nice to a certain extent. Chan Su was always on the quiet side.
interactions: Between the two parents, Chan Su is the closest with Miyung. Despite his daughter's strang behavior, he still loves Miyung with all his heart. But he never spends any real time with her because of his job.
Grandmother |Song Minhee | 61 | retired High school principle
personality:This wise woman is full of good morals. She is the one who taught her son to be respective and kind. She is a calm woman who is never afraid to give a young person a good scolding when needed to.
interactions: While Miyung lived with her, Minhee always supported Miyung in what she does. Miyung knew she could have always supported on her grandma.
Best friend(s):
Choi Junghong(Zelo)| 17 | Student, Class 2-2|Dance Club
personality: Zelo can be a bit shy sometimes. In his quiet state, people hardly knows he exsists. but people do know him because of his outstanding dancing abilities. But, what people don't know is that Zelo is really outgoing and fun to be around. He is a major prankster.
interactions: Zelo questions their friendship. he doesn't understand at all how he became buddies with this idiot. when she does something stupid, he is always thumping her on the fore head. He has once had a crush on Miyung, but he decided to stay friends with Miyung instead because he felt it was for the better. They go on various adventures on the island and pull pranks on each other.
Lee Ha Yi|16| Student, Class 1-3|Choir
Personality: Ha Yi is mature for her age, She gets asked if she's 18 or maybe older because she doesn't act like a child. even though she is the youngest of the bunch, she acts like the mother. She is the sweetest person you could ever talk to. And because she is the smartest, she can be a bit manipulative.
Interaction: She is Miyung's best female friend in the world. The two are inseparable and there's nothing you can do to tear them apart. They tell each other secrets and love being around each other. When Miyung is acting up, Ha Yi has to constantly scold her for her actions.
Lee Chan-Hyuk (Akdong Musician) | 17 | Student, Class 2-4
personality: Chan-Hyuk is hard-headed. He doesn't do what you say until maybe the third or fourth time or if you yell at him. He doesn't cause any commotions at all because he is hardly at school anyway. Chan-Hyuk is a man of many mysteries only Ha Yi knows. He is very quiet and he doesn't like the attention being given on to him, so he tries his best to blend in, instead of stand out.
interactions: Miyung don't really too much talk to Chan-Hyuk all that often. But because he is Ha Yi'sboyfriend, she includes him in her zany adventures, which he enjoys.










Student code: 614587


Year: 1


Class: 1-5




Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition


Grades: Mostly B's


Best subject: Mathematics - 95/A


Worst subject: Social Studies - 75/C


How she got in?:


Direct School Admission


School club: Volleyball


Social status: Class Clown, Mood Maker


School life: Her school life is easy. If she's bored, she'll cause havoc in the school. But that really doesn't happen much. Teachers really don't like her because she always causes trouble. As for her peers, they enjoy her entertainment while some really can't stand her. She sits sometimes in the cafeteria during lunch, but if she feels like going out to do some adventuring, she'll drag her buddies and take them out to god knows where. She is found hanging around alot of people, but mostly her friends.







Love interest: Jeong Jungkook


Age: 17


Grade + class: 1-5




Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition


School club: Swim Team


Social status: Honor Student


Background: Jungkook come from a rich family, his mother is the CEO of her own business of selling cosmetics and his father is a writer. He did work one time before quitting to go to Eunhui Academy. His parents really didn't pay much attention to him because of their jobs and his ne baby brother.They were quite happy to see him go off to the school so they won't have to deal with two kids.


Personality: Jungkook is egotistical. He can be full of himself and self- centered. on the outside. But on the inside, he is a very sweet person. He  comes off as a cold person at first, but in reality, if you know him well enough, he can push his cockiness aside and be the biggest sweet heart. Jungkook is a ball of sunshine and loves to see people fall for his devilish pranks. 
He is also eccentric. He can be over the top crazy and not care who sees him. He sometimes cause havoc in the school, if he's not suspended. Even though he's crazy and immature like Miyung, he isn't an idiot. He knows what's going on in the world, unlike her. This boy is never caught seen frowning. If anyone could make him angry, it's Miyung because of her stupidity and absent-mindedness. 


How they met?: They have the same classes


Relationship: They hate each other one day, and the next they love each other. It's really complicated.


Interactions: They drive each other crazy! And being in the same classes really doesn't help at all. The two sometimes aruge with each other, they annoy each other. But if they're both having a good day, they talk to each other, be the best of friends, and seem like they're going out. Jungkook teases Miyung a lot and it get on her nerves. so in return, She pranks the hell outta him. Sometimes, the two may talk to each other like real human beings. and lastly, together, Miyung and Jungkook sometimes disrupts the classroom by sometimes arguing or pretending to be obnoxiously in love with each other(Honestly, no one, not even my self ing knows how this works).


Love story: When Miyung met Jungkook, she hated him with a passion. His egotistical attitude made it hard for her to get along with him. And Jungkook found it hard not to stay angry at Miyung because of her stupidity. But because they had the same class and they had to work on some projects together, they were pretty much forced to be nice to each other for the sake of their grades. Later on in the days, they grew closer to each other, but they still got on each other nerves. Miyung got to see the nicer side of Jungkook and she started to hate him less, but she still got on his nerves and still kind of disliked him. Now instead of hating each other, they just tease each other and make one another go insane. Miyung purposely makes Jungkook mad because she has slowly fallen for him. Jungkook purposely drives Miyung up the wall because he has also developed some feelings towards her, but it's not as significant as Miyung's. And sometimes, as I said in the interaction, they feelings for each other changes from time to time possibly because of what one person did to the other and vice versa that day.


Backup love interest: Bam Bam (Got7), Maru (C-Clown)









Love rival: ( he can either be her ex, or one who plays a part in their love story as the antagonist )


Age: ( stated above )


Grade + class:




Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition


School club:


Social status:






How they met?:






Why is he the love rival?: ( does your character like him, does he like your character, do they have a past together )


Backup love rival:







Rival name: Lee YooYoung


Age: 17


Grade + class: 1-4




Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition


School club: Dance


Social status: Mood maker


Background: Coming from a rich family, you may expect her to be a bit snobbish - and she does. Her family is wealthy and she was pampered all her life, so she is spoiled. Though her mother died when she was maybe five or six months old, so she doesn't have a good memory of her mother. Her father remarried and she really lives a happy life.


Personality: Good Traits- So Like Miyung, YooYoung is bubbly, cheerful, and hates to see people sad. But unlike Miyung, she isn't quick to get angry at all. She's rather calm and she is a bit louder than Miyung though. YooYoung is quite generous and flexible in managing time. Even though YooYoung can be a bit snobbish, she really is a nice person at heart.
Bad Traits - YooYoung unknowingly can come off as judgmental. When angry, she can become a which can be a problem to some folks. Once she realizes her actions, she apologizes too much, which can be an annoyance. Sometimes she may boast a lot and brag about how rich she is. She really is immature.


Reason of rivalry: Well, this rivalry is pretty much Miyung's fault. They were good friends since middle school(not to be cliche) and they had a friendly rivalry going on - to see who were the best at getting good grades, who sings the best - you name it. But one day, YooYoung had a crush on a guy and Miyung found the boy to be cute, but she really didn't care for the boy. YooYoung placed a bet that she could steal his heart first and because Miyung likes a competition, she agreed. And unintentionally, the boy fell for Miyung and YooYoung was infuriated. She cut all ties with Miyung and never forgave her.


Interactions: It's a fiery interaction between the two. When they see each other, the tension is it's highest. YooYoung reminds Miyung of what she did, and it makes Miyung feel bad. really bad. So the two may get in occasional fights because of Miyung's inability to hold her anger in.


Backup rival:Mint (Tiny-G)





Question & Answer



The mood maker
             01. Do you really want to see others happy, or are you just doing this to make others think you're bubbly?
Okay, if I wanted people to to think I'm bubbly because I want to be on the charts of popularity, I would be pretty ing popular. I like seeing smiles on people and that lets me know they don't have any problems.
             02. Has anyone confronted you about your cheerful personality?
Countless numbers of times. But do I give a flip? Of course not. Just because they don't like my attitude doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing what I love, which is making sure that my fellow peers are A-Okay. :D










Comments: for my free plot line, I just gave myself questions and answered them. I hope You're okay with that.


Scene request: I hope a confrontation scene with Miyung and YooYoung wouldn't be too much.
Miyung confesses her love for Jung Kook somewhere secluded.


Anything else: -high school's-never been-any harder- The song isn't describing her, it is describing how she feels for Jungkook. Even though he drives her up the wall, she still places him in the #1 spot. She is head over heels in love with Jungkook.









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