Last One Today. I swear.

What is your name: Joanna-Kristine

Four letter word: Jazz

A boy's name: John

A girl's name: Joan

An occupation: Judge

A color: Jade

Something you'll wear: Jeans

A school subject: Japanese

Food: Jambalaya

Something found in the bathroom: ...Jerms?

A place: Japan

A reason for being late: Jammed your finger in the door.

Something you'd shout: JUST GET THE OUT.

A Musical Group: JYJ

An animal: Swaaaaan ^^

A street name: Stone Street? LOL.

A type of car: Sportcars? xDDD

The title of a song: Snow White - Super Junior 


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"Jammed your finger in the door." O.O;; OUCH. I would've put 'Just don't want to go to school...' O U O;;