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〈† name - Kwon Mihyun

〈† age - 21

〈† height + weight - 168cm + 49kg

〈† blood type - AB

〈† birthplace - Jeju Island, SK

〈† position in the pack - Healer

〈† faceclaim - Do Hwe Ji

〈† back up face claim - Park Seul



〈† personality:
Upon first look, there really isn't anything too particular about Mihyun that makes her stand out. She doesn't demand attention, nor does she shy from the spotlight. Mihyun couldn't really care less what other people think about her, and tends to listen to her heart more than what other people say. She's one of those genuine people who strives to remain loyal to her friends and family, especially her packmates, no matter what. She believes that the truth will set you free, and isn't afraid to be blunt if she needs to be. She hates being wrong, and can be increasingly stubborn about being right. Even if she's wrong, she'll stick to her guns. She will go out of her way to prove a point if she feels it's needed, but she knows when to back off, too.

Mihyun is incredibly rational and well thought out, given that she is also incredibly forgetful. She has to write herself notes so she remembers important things. She often jokes that she'd 'lose her head if it wasn't attached.' Mihyun doesn't like to stir the pot and cause drama, however, she isn't afraid of drama if it drops on her lap. She simply thinks through the situation before making a decision and following through with it. She never second guesses her decisions, and always makes the most of what she's given. She wants to be better than she is, and is always striving to further herself in life in any proper way she can. She refuses to be underhanded, though.


〈† background: Mihyun is the product of what most Korean's would consider a 'bad relationship.' Her mother got into a pretty serious relationship with a soldier. An american soldier. Her parents nearly disowned her for it. However, when the year and a half long relationship was over and done with (he cheated on her), the only things Soo Kyu had to show for the lost time was a scarred hart and being two months pregnant. Mihyun was born seven months later, and Soo Kyu was positive she wanted to keep the pretty little girl, regardless of what her parents told her. Soo Kyu loved her little girl, though, and she couldn't bear the idea of parting, so they moved into a small apartment to be on their own.

When Andrew learned of his daughter, he went out of his way to get to know the girl who looked so much like her mother. Due to his engagement with the military, he was forced to leave his daughter in Korea and go back to the United States. However, that's not to say that they lost contact. On the contrary, every summer, Andrew either came to visit Mihyun, or she went to visit him. It was not a comfortable situation, but they made it work for everyone's sake. Mihyun knows she's very blessed (her father could have easily walked away from her and never looked back). Her mother always supported her, with help from her father, and they had a reasonably comfortable life within the new village. However, not everything was destined to last.

Mihyun was bitten when she was twelve. She doesn't remember exactly how it happened, nor who bit her. She just remembers the pain and the prolonged periods of blackness around the full moon. It wasn't until her pack approached her that she even really realized what she was. A werewolf. She hid the fact from her mother, and for several years, managed to keep a certain amount of peace in her family. However, when she was seventeen, the 'condition' was made aware to her parents- yes, both of them. At that point, Mihyun stopped visiting the United States. She made a life within the village and her pack and things settled down once more. But fate has a funny way of lulling you into a false sense of security.


〈† how do you get along with the pack mates:
The pack is comprised of her sisters, her best friends, her family. They are all she has left, and she would do literally anything for them. For the most part, she tends to be a peacekeeper, preferring to heal over fighting, but that's not to say she won't take a side if she feels like the pack is ganging up on someone.


〈† characters reaction when her pack was killed:
As a healer, death is always especially hard one your psyche. Mihyun felt useless and unprepared. She fought to keep several people alive, only to have them pass away over the course of the next few days. Her mother was among the people killed, and to this day, she holds EXO accountable. After everything she had been through, her mother deserved better, and Mihyun has plans to rectify the situation should she be granted the opportunity.



〈† likes
† sunshine
† wildflowers
† baking(particularly sweets)br /> † listening to nature
† giving her opinion of things
† reading
† bubble tea
† listening to classical music
† watching sappy romance dramas
† playing with herbs
† healing
† writing letters to her father

〈† dislikes
† snow/cold weather
† being looked down on due to her family life
† scary movies
† being wrong
† people talking bad about her packmates
† being on the run
† the fact that she likes a man that possibly killed her mother
† people thinking they can walk over her just because she's forgetful
† being overly forgiving, especially if she has reason to hold a grudge
† being cold
† not having a proper place to live

〈† hobbies
† singing
† creating and crafting new potions from herbs
† photography
† letter writing
† reading
† people watching
† daydreaming in wildflower fields

〈† habbits
† writes notes so she doesn't forget things
† bites lip when worried
† curses in English when she's upset
† twirls her hair around her forefinger when she's lost in thought or daydreams
† listens to her music far too loudly
† gets absorbed into her dramas and ignores everything else

〈† fears
† losing her father
† falling in love with someone (particularly the man who wants her)
† being on the run for the rest of their lives


〈† personality - One one hand, Sehun is kind and considerate, thoughtful and playful. He enjoys making those around him happy and can be increasingly adorable when he wants to be. He knows he's charming, and he knows how to work the system to get anything he wants. He's the baby and it often shows through his use of aegyo and just utter adorableness. However, on the other hand, Sehun can be incredibly cold and indifferent towards most people, even his own pack mates. He's been through a lot in his, including losing his family and being scared in his wolf form, at an early age, and due to this, he puts up a lot of walls around himself. He's incredibly hard to get to know in the beginning, and if he doesn't deem you worthy of his presence, he'll completely ignore that you even exist. He can be cruel and down right rude if needed, and he has no problem pushing people away. He can be infuriating and demanding and egotistical, mostly when he thinks certain people aren't looking, boasting that his chosen mate is in love with him, much to the other's frustration.


〈† how you get along - In truth, if Mihyun didn't know that Sehun was in the EXO pack, she'd probably be head over heels in love with him. They get along quite well, as she's sort of mothering towards his immaturity. However, the knowledge that they are a perfect fit together only eggs on her rage in hating him and his pack for everything they've done. How could she possibly love someone who did that to them? And how could they possibly expect the girls to just agree, like they hadn't just murdered their family and friends and packmates? On the contrary, Sehun is madly in love with Mihyun and is willing to do anything to get her. He may act childish and immature, but he tries to curb that around Mihyun and make it so that he looks far more appealing in her eyes, not that it helps. For the most part, Sehun acts like a puppy, following Mihyun around while she tries her hardest to absolutely ignore him. But there's something there, as much as she doesn't want to admit it.


〈† back up love interest - Wu Yifan/Kris


〈† questions - none

〈† suggestions - none

〈† comments - I wasn't sure if you wanted to pictures of Sehun, or a picture of Sehun and a picture of his wolf form, so I'll change that if you'd like me to.

〈† scene request - Mihyun fighting her feelings towards a rather cute puppy-like Sehun; Mihyun writing letters to her father, which she never sends for his safety; Mihyun complaining about running and wanting to stand up to EXO once and for all; quiet plots for revenge for her mother's death


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