♔Inception. -- Kim So Hee











Username: itsmissy


Activeness: 9/10


Nickname: Missy




Full Name : Kim So Hee


Nicknames : 

Kim - because she is bossy and prefers being a leader more than a follower. Her friends calls her that.

Mickey - it came from her collection of Mickey Mouse merchandise. Her brother and his friends calls her that as an 'endearment'.


Age : 20


Birthdate : December 25, 1994.


Bloodtype : A


Ethnicity : Korean


Languages :

Korean - fluent

English - fluent


Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea


Hometown : Seoul, South Korea and Los Angeles, California


Height : 167cm


Weight : 50kg






Face claim : After School's Uee


link: gallery


Back Up Face Claim: SNSD's Sunny


link: gallery


Style : Sohee prefers more comfortable clothes. When she goes out to go shopping or eating out with her friends, she likes wearing cute tops with destroyed jeans, skirt or leggings and a flat sandals or high top converse shoes with a cute handbag or small purse and long necklace. In the airport, she wears jeans, off shoulder sweater, summer dresses (depends on the weather), jeans and her usual converse shoes with sunglasses to keep her eyes from getting too much camera flash from the fans and paparazzi. In formal occasions, well, their group's stylist is the one in charge with it. Sohee's practice outfit is cropped top, off shoulder tees, running shorts, sweatpants and her favorite yellow Adidas running shoes. Inside the house, you will often see her dresses in a baggy tee, jean shorts and her slipper socks and wearing her lensless hipster glasses. (sample outfits)


Others :




Personality : Sohee is probably the friendliest of the friendliest. She is practically friends with everyone, even the timid trainees. She doesn't like people getting left out so she tries her best to get to know everyone as if she wants to get the 'Friendliest Award'. Funny. Her sarcastic, yet funny remarks can make a lot of people cry laughing. Of course, her friendly personality is expected to be sewed with very nice and giving trait. She is the kind who will give you the last piece of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich or Oreo cookies if you are hungry. She is bubbly, too, and hyper. She will be bouncing up and down every minute if she can. She can be cute and all aegyo-full but she can be cold and cool with a "idgaf" attitude when she's upset. She likes to imagine and wonder, her imagination can shock you to death (not literally, though xD). She's a unique individual because she's not easily predicted by others. She is a really honest person and hates liars.

But.. In every personality has it's buts, right? Sohee can be bossy. How? She likes telling people what to do, ordering them around. Annoying. She is the annoyingly nice person that everybody loves and hates at the same time. She will be on your your face when you didn't get right the task so told you to do. She won't stop until you make it all over again to make it right. Yes, she's a perfectionist. She is quite a prankster, too. Not only that! She can't control when she's angry and often hurt people and it will always be the start of a fight. She is also stubborn.


Background :  Sohee was born in Seoul but spent her younger years (age 3-10) in California. Sohee grew up dreaming to be seen on tv as an actress or a rapper in a group - even a back up dancer will work, too. She admires her idol older brother so much and asked him to let her try auditioning in SME. He gladly agreed and auditioned when she turned 15. Two years later, she transferred to WME. Being a trainee is hard. She often goes home tired, doesn't have the appetite to eat and add tons of school work. She cries on her brother with the hardship she undergoes but didn't quit. It was her dream and she will do anything to get what she wants.




Likes :
-romance/ mystery novels
-rainy days
-iced coffee
-blue daisies


Dislikes : 
-heavy metal songs
-anything that has cinnamon in it
-ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise



Hobbies : 
-listening to music
-cooking/ baking



Habits :

-punching someone who startles her
-will look in every mirror she passes by
-fidgeting with her fingers when nervous



Fears :

-dolls (it occurred when she watched Chuckie)

-small spaces (she's claustrophobic)

-dark (she sleeps with the lamp on)


Special Talents : 

-juggling bottles

-rapping as fast as a machine gun

-she can bend her tongue in a freakishly weird way


Trivia :

1. She sleeps like a fetus and covered with blanket.
2. When she eats ice cream on a cone, she bites it, not .
3. She is allergic to fish.
4. She prefers chocolate milk than milk.
5. She treasures the shirt autographed by SuJu's Han Geng and Kim Kibum.
6. Her dream is to do a duet with SHINee's Onew or a dance with Taemin or EXO's Lay.
7. She became a trainee at SME when she was 15
8. She looks up to BoA and SNSD unnies.
9. She likes infinity pools.
10. Her best subject is Music.
11. She used to be a trainee in WME for a year with B1A4's Gongchan.
12. She once slept for a whole 18 hours.




Family : 


Brother | Kim Kibum | 27 | Singer,  rapper, Dancer, Model, Actor, Host | Serene, laid-back, caring | 10

Cousin | Shin Dong Wook | 32 | Actor, model | Nice, observant, quiet | 8





Bestfriend :

Best friend | Gong Chansik | 21 | Idol (B1A4) | Nice, helpful, caring | 9

Best friend | Lee Sung Jong | 21 | Idol (Infinite) | Funny, timid, cheerful | 9



Friends :

Friend | Shin Dong Woo (CNU) | 23 | Idol | Nagger, quiet, funny | 8

Friend | Amber Liu | 22 | Idol | Funny, hyper, talkative | 8



Rivals :

Enemy | Choi Sulli | 20 | Idol | snob, cold, judge mental |








Love Interest's Name : Shin Dong Woo (CNU)


Age : 23


Group: B1A4


Personality : Shinwoo is a really quiet and observant. He enjoys being just by himself writing songs or listening to music on his iPod. He acts like the mother of his group, B1A4. Once you get to know him better, he will show you a whole new Shinwoo. He will have sudden outbursts with lame jokes that is really out of the world.


Relationship : Crush


How you treat each other : Shinwoo treats Sohee like a friend but Sohee looks at him more than that. They hang out whenever they have spare time. She gets shy when she's in a room with him and often blanks out when he talks to her because she can't help but just look at him like a crazy person she is.


First Met/Will Meet: They met at the practice room. Sohee was having a hard time with the lines in a song that she was trying to memorize and Shinwoo found her there. Even if he wasn't a pro on teaching, he tried his best to help her with the rap and right then and there, Sohee got a crush on him.







Back -Up Love Interest's Name : Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)


Age : 24


Group: EXO


Personality : He is funny, thinks of others first before himself and helpful. He doesn't talk much in front of just anyone and gets shy easily when he receives complements from others. He's always smiling and he gives off a magnet-like vibe that you can't help but just talk to him first.


Relationship : friends


How you treat each other : They act like the civilized people they are. They hang out from time to time but nothing much is up with them.


First Met/Will Meet: They met by the beautiful Han River when Sohee was going for a walk one night and she met 4 guys wearing all black running to her direction. She panicked and run, too. Few minutes later, they caught up with her and pulled her behind a bush. She found out that the guys are the members of EXO - Xiumin, Luhan, Lay and Suho - are just running away from the fans chasing them and pulled her because they think it would be best for her not to get trampled on.






Stage Name : Cassie (short for Cassidy, her English name)


Persona : The y Dancer


Position : Main Dancer, Vocalist


Back Up Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer


 Fanclub Name: Cassie's Angels


Fanclub Color: #00FFFF


Trainee Years : SME 2 years, WME 2 years


Trainee Life : Sohee's trainee life in SME is like a torture for her. Her house is far away from the company building and has to live in a dorm SM lend her with a few other trainees. She often goes home like she got beaten up because she has a weak body but everything changed when she transferred to WME. Her house is near the school and the building so going to school, company and back home doesn't take most of her time and she gets to study and do her home works when she got home. Sohee didn't experience bullying since most people knows who she is. Being the sister of Super Junior's Kim Kibum really has it's perks.




Audition Song/Rap/Dance: Sohee's sing and dance audition: Please Don't Stop The Music




Comments : hi, author-nim! :) tell me if there is something wrong with Sohee and I'll fix it right away. Btw, Hwaiting, author-nim! I'll just sit here in the corner and support you. I hope you like her^^


Scene Requests ? : none


Questions? : none


Password: Where? O________O







credits - contradictori


source codecontradictori




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