Has this happen to you before?

So like today I was at my grandma's house
and I was talking to my friend while on my laptop
and my uncle came in and he know's I like kpop
and my parents or like my uncles are like

"Who are you talking to?" "Better not be a korean guy."
and i'm just like 'wtf ._.'
okay- like really just bc I like kpop doesn't mean I actually talk to korean boys
. _ .
my family is so weird I can't--



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Exactlly happens to me -_- my mom keeps on saying "what the hell?! With what chinese guys are you talking online?" Lol there are korean and im not talking to them, just being a fan which listens and watchs mv and stuffs. Then my whole school says im obssesed over japanese guys because i listen too much kpop -_- again..its damn KOREAN not japanese nor chinese bu nevermind lol