✿ Mint ⇒ Liu MeiMei ⇒ Chocolate


aliadane | alia | 8
no matter what happens, i will make my dreams turn into a reality 
liu meimei

✿ basics ✿

full name: liu meimei

nicknames: mei

birthdate: 04/15/1993

age: 21

hometown: beijing, china

ethnicity: chinese-korean

languages: mandarin- fluent, native language; english- fluent, due to schooling and living in dublin for 9 years; korean- conversational, spoken at home and with father's family; japanese- very basic, picking up through 'talking' to other mint members

✿ image ✿

face claim: wang yi/yiyi
     gallery: x

back up: kim do hee
     gallery: x

anything else: ears are single pierced; small tattoo on her left foot

✿ spotlight ✿

stage name: mei

position: main dancer, lead rapper

back up: main vocalist, visual, maknae

     talking: yoona
     singing: yuri (i'll change this if you need for the back up)
     dancing: boa
     rapping: hyuna


✿ backstage ✿


     composed- being that meimei trained for just shy of ten years at the national preforming arts school in dublin, ireland, she was trained in a variety of dances, all of which require composure and the withdrawl of yourself, so that only the emotions may come out through your dance. she was taught that life was best lived through composure, and thusly applied it to all forms of her life, not just dancing. it takes a lot to startle or surprise meimei, as she always seems to think through everything she thinks and says, and being eloquent comes naturally to her.

     hard working- hard work and devotion are every day goals of meimei's. she's never good enough, even when she's the best of the best. meimei is one of those people that believes you can always give a little more, you're never where you should be. she holds herself, and everyone else, to impossible standards. she was the student at her school that was always envied for her passiona and work ethics, even if she often works herself to the bone. she's not good with mistakes and will often punish herself if she messes up something while dancing. she'll repeat the same move over and over again until it's perfected before moving on.

     straight forward- meimei is a quieter being by nature as her training has taught her to think before she acts or talks, and with this comes a rather straight forward approach to things. however, with that also comes the inability to filter herself, and once she gets on a topic, she typically doesn't let it drop until it's fixed. she can be quiet outspoken about certain things and isn't afriad to be a bit pushy when she feels she needs to be. she doesn't care if she hurts other people's feelings, and she doesn't care if you try to hurt hers. she doesn't let her emotions get the best of her most of the time, and she'll tell you rather bluntly to shut up and leave her alone if you're sitting and pushing her buttons.

     stubborn- meimei is one of those girls, once she sets her mind on something, you're not going to get her to change it. she believes in first impressions, and nothing you say or do will change the way she looks at you, nor will it change her mind on what she assumes you for. very, very few people break her stubborn streak, which can also rear it's head when practicing, as she refuses to be anything but the best, and her stubborness has driven her to dance even through injuries. she never gives up, but she also never gives in. it's a trait she's willing to deal with in order to be the best.

     egotistical- meimei knows she's the best dancer in sm, and it shows. meimei hates being in an idol group, as she feels her talent is wasted, but she wants to be famous, and sm is giving her the ability. she likes to rub it in other people's faces that not only was she cast by sm from dublin, but she only trained seven months before they debuted her in mint. her ego is huge, and she always enjoys a good up who knows when to compliment and stoke her ego. with that comes the fact that she tends to look down on almost everyone unless she deems you worthy, and very, very few people are deemed worthy of meimei's attentions.

     detached- people often find meimei to seem rather detached, as she's quite stoic in nature and tends to push people away. she's very picky about the company that she keeps, and due to her blunt choice of speaking and her stubborness, she tends to drive people away too. this is shown mostly through her interaction with her group members, as she basically avoids them like the plague unless she's forced into a room with them, and then she becomes their worst nightmare looking for perfection in everything and looking down on them when they come up empty handed.

background: (about 1 paragraph for each, trianee life is a little more important)
     family life: meimei is the second child of liu xiaoli and meiling and younger sister to xiaodan by two years. she was born in beijing, china, to a lead architect and his interior designer wife, the power couple making quite the splash in chinese culture before the birth of their two children. as such, they were older when they had their children, as meimei was born when meiling was nearing 38. she was said to be a miracle child, and her parents treated her thusly. at the age of three, meimei was entered into ballet classes, and she took to it like a second nature. she was naturally talented, and her mother saw fit to cultivate that talent. she recieved the best training she could get in beijing, up until she was ten. meimei had grown to love all forms of dance over the years, not just ballet, and had grown in abilities to overwhlem any of the academies around. with this in mind, her parents decided to send her abroad to study, hoping she could make a future doing the things she loved.

     trainee life: meimei was accepted into the prestigious national preforming arts school in dublin, ireland when she turned eleven and quickly picked up her entire life, moving to the country to attend school. though she was still young, meimei always had a passion and control when it came to her future and her choices, and the knowledge that her parents expected great things from her drove her on to make them proud. she spent seven years training under the school's best instructors, and once she had graduated, she took up teaching at the school as a form of income between engagements that she booked. meimei was at the top of her class, though due to her ability to dance all genres, companies were hesitant to pick her up. it didn't help that she had an ego that matched her talent.
    however, when she was twenty, a representative from the korean talent company sm approached her with the offer to make her one of their trainees. she was half korean by birth, and they saw the amazing amount of potential meimei held. she was cast into the company without an audtition, and was brought back to korea to undergo triaining life. they informed her from the beginning that her training period would be short and that she needed to work extremely hard. meimei's biggest challenge during training was the fact that she could only speak korean on a conversational level, and sometimes she'd have to have someone translate for her. this meant she took korean lessons on top of her dancing 'training' (which she considered more conditioning than actual training) and her rapping training. meiemi was never much of a singer, but she had a natrual ability for rapping, even in a language she didn't fully understand. her flow and rhyme came natural to her, and it caused her ego to only inflate more. seven months after being brought to korea, she was placed in mint as the main dancer and lead rapper. she's not exactly happy to be in an idol group, due to the fact that she thinks her talent is being wasted.


✿ fun facts ✿

     - drama and causing it without others knowing she was behind it
     - having all the attention on her, especially when she's dancing
     - practicing
     - yelling at the other members in mandarin, since they don't understand her

     - arguing
     - coffee
     - people who think they're better than her
     - being interrupted when she's practicing

pet peeves:
     - people stealing her spotlight
     - people touching her things
     - when people don't give 110% percent during dance practices
     - people trying to make her show emotions other than pride and egotism

     - sings english songs in the shower
     - can't leave her room without making her bed perfectly
     - curses in mandarin
     - bites nails when she's nervous
     - pushes people away unless she deems them 'worthy' of her presence
     - takes or leaves people based on first impressions
     - throws herself into dancing when she's upset or angry

     - has a knack for playing matchmaker
     - could have been a photographer, and even had some of her photos displayed while in dublin

     - photography
     - choreographing and learning dances to all the songs she likes
     - writing in her diary

✿ soul sister ✿

best friend:  zhang yixing
     group: exo-m

how you met: after mei was cast by sm, and flown back to korea to begin training, she was sent to work with yixing on her dancing within a group, as yixing spoke her native language and he was one of the very few people she would agree to work with. she gave him a lot of the silent treatment in the beginning, as growing up away from honorifics discouraged her from using them. however, with yixing's laid back attitude, he just accepted her how she was, poker-faced and all.

interaction: yixing is one of the very, very few people mei treats with utter respect. not only does she believe he's actually on her level dancing wise, but he's never complained or bad mouthed her, even when she can be at her most stoic points. mei often challenges him to dance battles when they have spare time, and she likes to keep their friendship always on it's toes, doing unexpected things. at one point mei had a crush on yixing, but learned his heart laid elsewhere, and switched her affection to a brotherly love. she often calls him gege in a cutesie voice, since he's one of the very few people she considers close enough to be family. on camera, they act the same way, teasing one another like siblings and are at ease around one another, even if she is quite offputting with everyone else. they often have dance offs, which he often times lets her win, just so her ego will get the boost.

other friends: 
     - kim jongin
     - lee taemin

✿ love letter ✿

love interest: lu han
     group/career: exo-m

how you met: from age seven to eleven, meimei's family lived next to the lu's. lu han was friends with her older brother, so they only sort of knew one another. it wasn't until she was 19 that china asked meimei to come back for an event that she really got to interact with him alone. they were cast to dance together for a preformance for the president's birthday. they were partnered together because due to her dancing abilities and his new fame from debuting with exo-m. they were partnered for both a hip hop dance and a partner dance of the waltz. being that meimei had studied all forms of dance, she ended up basically backwards leading lu han in the ballroom dance, which only created an awkward and frustrated air between the two. they swore they'd never speak of the event ever again, it was that bad.

interaction: in the beginning, once meimei had been brought to korea, meimei and lu han didn't get a long in the least. he was outgoing and happy-go-lucky, and didn't understand why she pushes everyone away. however, as he spoke the most fluent korean out of all of their chinese trainees and idols, they were partnered together to help her with her korean, since she isn't fluent in the language. over time, they learned to deal with one another's quirks, mostly him trolling on her and acting like a child, and her ego trips and need to always have all the attention. off camera, they give each other a lot of grief, even if meimei is quiet in the way she goes about it. they act like children and make everyone's lives hard. on camera, lu han is forced to act his age, but being that meimei didn't recieve the same amout of training time as the others, she often just acts like they do off camera, throwing him under the bus and telling his most embarrassing stories with a straight face like she hadn't just revealed something about her crush. lu han still takes care of her like a good gege, and meimei often states that she has a hard time picking who she likes more between lu han and yixing.

back up: huang zitao


✿ we're supposed to be friends ✿

which of the girls is she closest to? why?: 
     meimei is the closest to the triple threat, but that by no means makes them close. meimei appreciates her talent, and is one of the very few members she can stand to be around for long than ten minutes. it helps that she's quiet and a complimentary personality to meimei's own quiet one.

which of the girls is she least close to? why?:
     the main dancer and vocalist is a push over in her mind, and it frustrates the hell out of her. she often tells the girl to grow a backbone. she hates that the girl won't fight back, and often takes her anger out on her, strictly because she knows that the girl won't hold it against her later. sometimes she feels guilty, but that's always replaced when she remembers why she takes her aggression out on her in the first place. she also hates her leader with a passion. she thinks she's mediocre and rather pointless, and she's not even a good leader in meimei's mind. she often defies her just to irk the japanese woman.

does she have a rivalry with any of the girls? why?:
     due to having been dancing all of her life, and considering herself far better than the others, there is always a bit of a comepition and rivalry in her mind with the main dancer and vocalist, and chocolate's leader, as she is the best and she will do anything to remain the best.

who would she prefer as her roommate?:
     triple threat or the maknae, since they are the only ones she would feel like she could walk all over and they wouldn't say anything.


✿ a kiss goodbye ✿

password: peppermint

anything else for us?: 

scene requests: (as many as you want, feel free to be as fluffy/dramatic/ty?? as you want to be)
     - lu han trolling on meimei
     - meimei having an ego trip on one (or all) of the members during a dance practice
     - yixing and meimei dance off with jongin and taemin as the judges



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