My Problem

Guys, I have a problem. It's a very stupid, teenage-angsty-girl problem and I hate it.

See, I liked my best friend for two years and only just recently got over him. And I told myself at the beginning of the school year that I was done liking people. It's too much stress, drama, and I always end up with a broken heart. My past relationship wise is pretty discouraging as well as filled with s.

And right after getting over my friend (through many tireless attempts I may add) I started liking another guy who I've barely spoken to. He suddenly just started talking to me and being nice to me and it kills me. And then I'm like damn I told myself not to do this again.


and then

and then wait

there's more

I started liking another guy too. Both are older than me and extremely attractive. The second one, I had kind of talked to before and he tried to get me to join his club and I always see him in the halls. And then I thought "well I see him every day in the hall and make eye contact I might as well be friendly and smile". And then he smiled back. And he smiled at me again later that day in class. And I just went


oh no


Guys I hate this.



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ITS OKAY just chill wait and see if you feel your heart beating with the guy you have a crush on and if you feel a little nervous like you feel your body numbing and you feel like your just gonna faint he might be the one if all that happens to all your crushes then wait for the right moment when one guy will step up and confess to you just make yourself look presentable i was like that too but the diff. was i got over him because he was my brothers friend lol
klienchoung #2
Girl . I know what you mean
megsie00 #3
I think you should give him a chance, I know you've had a hard time with your past relationship but you shouldn't base it on all guys especially not this one.
Marianations #4
Everyone looks at me like I'm the ugliest thing in the planet and call me ugly, you're lucky .-.