☮ JOURNEY ☮ ┌ Misaki Takahashi┐ ' Pink Tinkerbell'*



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Misaki Takahashi



Can I know you ?

--kandarella | cherry | 7 out of 10



H e l l o


Character's Name: Misaki Takahashi

---IBaekNyeo [means Foreign Bimbo, because she learned many things in childhood but claimed as not good in anything, used by her members]
---Japanese Princess [because she is from Japan, used by herself]
---TakaMisa [combination of her name, her twitter username, used by fans]

Birthday: 7/19/1995

Age: 19

Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Village: Tokyo, Japan

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 169cm

Weight: 53

Blood Type: O

---Fluent Japanese [native language]
---Conversational Korean [tends to make mistakes + learn while training]
---Basic English [still learning by herself]


Who's That Girl


Face Claim: Kwon Nara

Link: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten


Back-Up Face Claim: Song Joohee [Alice]

Link: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Extras: Double piercings on each ears.

Style: Slender leg-beauty and small face, neat figure of the feature on the face… Misa owns all of these things. Owning a model-body, Misa has gained her self-image as she wears every perfect clothes. Skinny jeans; Misa, whose leg is beautiful-slender, usually wear the skinny jean which point out her strong points. She wears the trouser that grasps the eyes with its color and style. Instead of the trouser that has neither color nor style, Misa uses the one on which the detail and point are covered. Short and shorter; Misa usually puts on the skit that is flavored with a plentiful design in order to hide her slim upper-body. What’s more, about the dress, she chooses the one with an elegant decoration which helps cover up her skinny body. In the accompany with this costume, Misa wears the shortest pant because she want to show off her long and slim leg-beauty. Airport; During the group oversea performance, Misa usually come up with the variety of Airport fashion. At this time, Misa attracts the people's attention through her preparation of the fashion which is not shaggy or untidy. Misa directs the chic and elegant style by wearing blackly. Whenever Misa wears the luxurious black boot, it always matches to her black jacket and fir. Even she uses the casual clothing, she remains her own style which is full of elegance and masterpiece.

--- Casual
--- Pajama
--- Dorm style
--- Practice


Happy Family

First impression; She is bubbly, fun, cheerful, basically your typical girl. Yes, your typical girl and she has nothing against it. She is really your typical girl.

Positive; She is unusually friendly, as she enjoys making other people smile, she practically lives off it. She finds pleasure in the simplest things, even blooming flower or a smile from a stranger. She can be a bit of an enigma though people wonder where she gets all the cheer from. she is hardly seen upset or sad, and if you do, then you usually take a double take because it takes a lot to get this girl down. She is very upbeat and optimistic, often finding the good in even the baddest situations. She can be called the life of the party, as she is sure to shake things up. Childish as well, she often be seen playing with small animals and young children, she doesn't hesitate to join in a game of tag. Above all, she is a great friend. She goes above and beyond the regulations of friendship, and though you might not see a friend in her at first, you'll be surprised to see how sturdy she is in time of pressure. But she can't hold her own when it comes down to it, she just unsually doesn't.

Negative; The downfall of her personality is her innocence. Along with such a cheerful nature. She is definitely not used to most of the pressures of life. She had easy cruising with comfortable life with her family and being a trainee is something else. Though she takes things in stride, often adjusting as life goes on, she cannot always go on with an optimistic outlook on things. She's unaware of the thruths, and harshness that life can bring, and often doesn't fret about such things, and that's not always good. she can definitely be a bit airheaded and dense. Some things just fly over her head, such as sarcastic comments, and subtle hints. Although her innocence is appealing to some, she isn't liked by everyone. She definitely has plenty of people she annoys and who just plain don't like her, but she dismisses it and still act bright and cheerful around them. Being liked is important to her. Another downfall to her personality is that she gets  discouraged once failed. Although she tries and tries and ties, there is a breaking point. When she falls down, she'll brush herself and get back up, but her knees will waver, they will buckle and when she falls back down and scrapes her knee, she'll go and hide. It takes a bit of motivation to get her back going, but with good friends, that problem is easily fixable.

Onstage; She is the group number 1 choding. She’s immature, childish, innocent and playful and is a 5 year old trapped in a grown up body. Some people may find her immaturity a turn-off, others find it endearing. Netizens find it adorable about 80% of the time. The other 20% they're sitting there wondering what the real her is like. What she’s like when she’s serious, when she’s upset, when she’s genuinely happy. Underneath all the attention she receives, netizens find it amazing she doesn’t seem like an attention- at all, huge props to her for always seeming pretty down to earth and honest.

Brought up in Tokyo since her birth. Growing up she had a normal family, mother, father and an elder sister. She always looked up her her sister growing up, and often mimicked her. She had a great childhood growing up in a comfortable family and never really had anything to complain about, there wasn't anything wrong. Her father was a cosmetic company founder and often spent a lot of time in the field spreading the wings of his legacy, while her mother was a model known in her hometown country, Japan. Her sister aspired to be an idol, so did her. They often practice together singing. A few years later her sister was scouted into an agency in Japan. But, why not Misa? Because she simply wasn't good as her sister at that particular time.

Lonely, Misa wished to also get scouted. Thus, she began training harder and auditioned for agencies. Her love for music turn turn on her competitive side to be like or more than her sister. Doing the same thing with love like it's a need for living, eventually she fell hard with music and the feeling turn into a passion naturally. At the tender age of 15, she ultimately grew frustrated with not being able to succeed in auditions. Her sister was dismayed to see her other half so upset at herself for not being able to succeed. She told Misa to get into contests held to gain more public recognization. "Hero comes last" that was is for Misa, she knew what she wanted to do at the time. She wanted to be an idol and it's not because of her sister anymore but because she want it. She participated in various singing competittion in Japan, although she didn't win, she learnt many things about live performance. At the age of 16 their parent divorced and Misa was brought to Korea with her mother, to start a new life, said her mother.

Life now/ The Present: She didn't live at dorm with other trainees but in her house with her mother in Seoul, this is according to her mother wish at least until she is comfirm to be in a group. She keeps in touch with her sister, father and Japanese bestfriend through phone. She is currently attending Seoul Art High School [international program].


What is it ?


---Food [one of the group's shiskshin]

---Animals [she is an animal lover]

---Kittens [her favorite animal]

---Greenery [she is on support of the world green!]

---Orchid [her favorite flower]

---Children [she has a soft spot for children especially babies]

---Being liked by others [it's one of her personality trait]

---Spicy food [this is probably the on thing that she can't eat, she just can't stand spicy]

---Illa [a kind of wild flower, no specific reason, she just dislikes it]

---Sasaengs [which idol likes them?]

---Playboys [which girl likes them?]

---/yuri [she is a straight person]

---Medicine [Especially the pill and tablet ones, it's almost possible to make her eat it]

---Hospital [a big no for that]

Favorite Number : 8

Favorite Color : Pink

Favorite Season : Spring

Favorite Facial : Legs

Favorite Quote: "Hero comes last"

---Playing soccer

---Practicing taekwondo



---Compose songs


---creases her eyebrows when concentrating into something

---extremely quiet when sad, like not talking at all

---hugging people when happy about something

---tendency to touch her face when nervous

---dozes off when on a long journey by vehicle [van, bus, airplane]

---She is the “Pink Tinkerbell” of the group.

---She appeared in BAP’s “1004” MV.

---She got her stage name “Angel” from her company CEO who named her that because she resembles an angel.

---She would have been an athlete or composer if he had not become a singer.

---She trained for about 3 and a half years before finally debuting.

---She loves sports, and was even a member of the soccer team during her middle high years.

---She knows Taekwondo, and is up to level four.

---She also won several championships in swimming and boxing.

---Her ideal type is someone who is masculine, smart, wise, and also leaves a good first impression.

--- She wants to be on “We Got Married” and be paired with Taemin, but it's impossible since Taemin already got casted with A Pink's Naeun.

---She believes in love at first sight.  She doesn‘t base it on looks, but on a feeling.

--- She doesn’t like men who use eyeliner.

--- She idolized BoA, even cried when meeting her during a fanmeeting.

--- She has two cats named Leno and Lego.

---She was in Dream High 2 as cameo and she wants to play in dramas in the future.

--- She loves to read comments from fans on the internet.

---She has two prized possessions: One is her music player, and the other is a rosary her sister gave her.  When she is having a hard time, she finds comfort holding it.


My Sunshine


Yasushi Takahashi | Father | 66 | Cosmetic Company Founder | Ambitious, Arrogant, Insensitive, Intellect, Robust

Haruna Takahashi | Mother | 57 | was a Model | Forgetful, Optimist, Passionate, Upbeat, Sensitive

Minami Takahashi | Older Sister | 22 | Trainee in a Japanese Agency | Carefree, Caring, Creative, Individualistic, Moody

Best Friends:

Mayu Watanabe [OC] | 17 | High School Student | They first met and knew each other since in kindergarden, they went to the same elementary school and middle high. They started to get close during middle high after they were arranged to sit next to each other in class. They started to know about each other more. | Mayu is a bit vulgar toward other but around Misa, she will be less vulgar and calm. She always ask Misa to do pranks with her and told her all about the crazy idea in her heads. Misa will always stop Mayu and her temper, acting like a mother figure. Mayu get annoyed with the constant nagging but comfortable at the same time as she also find this as funny. | Tomboyish, Prankster, Troublesome, Unforgiving, Revengeful


Daehyun | BAP

Sehun | EXO

Daeun | 2EYES


I like you the best


Love Interest Name: Lee Taemin

Age: 21

Group: SHINee

Personality: Describing Taemin's personality could be the easiest thing to do... or it could be the hardest thing to do. Like so, Taemin is very two-faced and extremely contradicting. Because his celebrity life began at such an early age, his parents made extra effort to make sure that the boy was raised right and with manners. For that reason, he was loved by many of his seniors. However, after what had happened to him around the time he debuted as a SHINee member, Taemin's inner personality changed drastically though he learned to keep it to himself. He is often sarcastic though is sly about it, leaving the other to think about whether the boy had complimented them or called them a stupid . He is smart and knows how to use his intelligence well; he knows how to use words to his advantage to assist him whenever he is dealing with people, especially women. He could seriously tell someone to go jump off a cliff and they would do it because he would say all the great stuff about it as possible to convince them with his boyish charm and smile, along with his soft and sweet melodic voice. He loves messing with people and ing with their minds and rest assured, he is damn good at it.

Did you guys already meet: Yes

If so...how did you meet each other?: They met at SHINee fanmeeting. Misa is a big fan of Taemin, She went for the fanmeeting by herself, it was a month before their debut. She knew that if anyone recognize her from the upcoming girlgroup, she will be in a big trouble so she disguise like seriously weird. Big spectacles, baseball caps that so low that it cover her face, baggy and dull color clothes. You only can see her eyes. There was high five session in the end. When its her time to high five with Taemin blurt out "I Love You" and quickly ran away. Jeongmin find that girl weird, he only noticed her beautiful eyes, but he just shrugs it off. Second fateful meeting of them is when they met again after debut in a music show. The goupgreeted their sunbae, SHINee and when Taemin's eyes make contact with Misa, he feels like he knew her but he don;t know where. He think she is cute and from what he heard she is a nice girl. The next week after that he asked for the cordi noona to ask for her number.

How do you interact?: Taemin's last string of innocence and purity is held by Misa, whom he grow with and cares deeply for like a little sister. He is aware of her visible affection and romantic feelings for him though thinks nothing of it. She is his few exception to his thoughts of all women being the same and wanting the same thing. He has a soft spot for the younger girl and his genuine smiles, when he shows any, are usually always shown when he is with Misa. 

Relationship?: Misa developed romantic feelings for Taemin as time passed on though the older boy really never thought anything of it; he only thought of her as a little sister.

Back-Up Love Interest: Lee Sungjong




Love Rival: Kim Jongin [Kai]

Age: 20

Group: EXO

Personality: At times he can be an innocent boy but then within he is yet deviouse. He can be extermly kind yet when starts making close friends. When it comes to enimies he transforms into a different person..Once that side of him opens up..let just say.. he can be ”Evil Kai?” He’s yet trustworthy when it comes to keeping a secret not leaving his friends behind. Kai mostly acts like a child younger then he usually his which people to find quite adorable. Theres not that much about ”Evil Kai” side because he only uses that personailty for enimies or either self defense.

How did you meet each other?: They met during the high five meeting when Misa said "I Love You" to Taemin. It's not really important for him anyway since he thought that the mystery girl just a mere fan. And they met again during the fateful meeting in the music show. Taemin always talk to him about Misa, and he is helping him to get her number too. Kai give Taemin the idea to ask for a cordi noona's help.

How do you interact?: They are not always smooth sailing. There are times where Kai was suitably annoyed to Misa’s innocence But despite that Misa is still a good friend for him. When Kai is injured, which he often get, Misa will often visit him. They are also playful. In their spare time Kai would teach Misa to dance and getting into playful fights.

Relationship?: Kai is the third wheel for Taemin and Misa.

Back-Up Love Rival: Kim Myungsoo


Go Away 


Rival: Bae Suji [Suzy]

Age: 20

Group: Miss A

Personality: Suzy is one of the biggest issue. However, because of her rapidly growing popularity, she is getting arrogant, and she is being criticized by her co- worker behind the scene. She is always late to her photoshoots, and when it’s time for her to resume filming after her break, she gets annoyed. Not only so, but she uses profanity that is not befitting for a female idol. There is also a reported case where she cried and complained she didn’t want to film, and ran off the set. Even though she has a beautiful face, because of her contrasting personality, she is currently being called the rudest among all the girl group members. But since JYP is a powerful company, people don't dare to do so and the bad story about her is only known among people that already work with her, not others.

How did you meet?: They will meet in a variety show, AlltheKPOP. Admiring Suzy's pretty face, Misa wanna befriend with her. Hearing Misa countlessly praising before the recording her she just say yes and shakes her hand. During the show, they compete to get the same guy to be their partner. Misa is going to give up and let him with Suzybut the MC insist to let the guy to choose who he likes. He choose Misa over Suzy. Suzy get annoy and despite that it isn't Misa fault, she hold a grude agaisnt her. After the recording Suzy tell Misa that a girl like her too cool to befriend with a rookie.

How do you interact?: Misa acts bright and cheerful around Suzy. She's trying hard to make their relationship better, she even say sorry for the alltheKPOP incident. But Suzy keep her snobbish act around Misa. She will purposely walk over her and pushes Misa with her shoulder or flips her hair to Misa's face or steps on her feet. It's look like just an accident but other who know about Suzy's attitude problem know that it's not.

Why are you rivals?: A simple reason. Suzy is annoyed that the male idol pick Misa over her. It is a childish reason but that's what happened when someone gain a nationwide popularity in a short time. Misa isn't the first person who is treated badly by Suzy but Suzy find it fun treating her that way since Misa keep saying sorry even when it's not her fault.

Back-Up Rival: Lee Jieun [IU]


This is Me

Stage Name: Angel

Persona: Pink Tinkerbell [her favorite color is pink, she is helpful and always say yes to people's wishes]

Position: Main Vocalist, Visual

Back-Up Position: Lead Vocalist, Moodmaker

Fanclub Name: Wing(s)

Fanclub Color: Sweet Pink- #ff99cc

How did you get into the company?: Scouted when shopping with her mom at the mall.

Trainee Life: Once she get into Music Travel, she feel like everything was wonderful, at least at first. As everyone know, life is hard for a trainee, harder if you are a foreigner. Eventhough she already stayed in Korea for a year before scouted, she still can't talk that fluently, language barrier, that's her first problem. She is given Korean language class for that. Secondly, she is bullied by the so called senior trainees, but she tried her hardest to fit into the society. Some of them pretend to be her friends, friends with a benifit if you ask me. Misa is too innocent to realized that. But she also met good friends along the way. And ouh, I forgot to mention about Misa's last problem, dance. Since her dream since child is solely a singer, she never expected herself being a dance pop idol. Thats why she only practice singing and not dancing before. She is be given a dance class for starter and she improve her dance little by little. She ever feel stressed and giving up but only for a moment. Her will to success is getting stronger with time.

Trainee years: 3 years and 6 months


Have Fun Girls

Comments/ Suggestions: First of all, English is my 2nd language lol, it's not my 1st language. Hope you like Misa. Lastly, Hwaiting! <3

Scene Suggestions?:
---Taemin kissing Misa on cheek
---Misa went to a pet shop together with Taemin and Kai where she is fond of playing with the little pets there

---Misa is faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day
---The group as guests in Star King with SHINee
---The group filming a commercial at the beach, they are so happy playing after the shooting end until they notice that a member is missing

Scandal Requests?: Dating scandal(?)

Song requests?: A Pink's Nonono, Dal Shabet's Supa Dupa Diva, Fiestar's Vista

Password: N/A

© Hongbin_lover


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