Tagging Game

The Rules


1: Post the rules rule

2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, and then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you’ve tagged them

♥ ....................................................................................................... ♥

Secret_0007's Questions


1.  Do you ship your bias with you more, or your OTP together more ? Why ?

I ship my OTP together more because I don't ship myself with my ultimate bias. I ship myself with one of my other bias' because we're more similar in age lol

2.  If you were to debt as a member in a Kpop group (even if you’re not Korean), what position would you be suited the best ?


3.  You can say anything to anyone with a 50 word limit, what would it sound like ?

Me to Kyuhyun: I love you so much 

4.  Out of the many reality shows out there, pick one and pick who you would like to appear in with. Reasons ?


5.  If you could have one and any super power for 1 week it would be ?

Invisibility ;)

6.  What is the best feature about yourself ?

My hair I think ?

7.  How did you discover your ultimate bias ?

On youtube XD

8.  Would you marry someone who loved you more than you love him, or the other way around ?

I'm not really sure lol I'd only marry someone if I knew I wouldn't be able to love someone else more than him.

9.  Be very honest, have you even been an unreasonable hater to anyone ?

Nope, I see no reason to waste energy on that.

10.  What do you do when you feel upset ?

Cry, rage on twitter

11.  You just won a free trip overseas for a whole year, where would you pick and who will you go with ?

US and Asian Tour XD and I'll go with friends 

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My Questions 

1. If your ultimate bias needed an organ eg a liver would you donate one if you were a match?

2. What would you gift to your bias?

3. Are you older or younger than your bias?

4. Who is you OTP?

5. How much have you spent on K-pop?

6. What fandoms are you in?

7. If you could recreate one of the famous K-Drama kissing scenes which one would you choose?

8. Favourite K-pop MV?

9. Least favourite K-pop group?

10. Favourite genre for books?

11. What song are you listening too? Or last listened to?





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Marshmallow_Princess #1
Omg you troll Athina !!! I was asking for like an emotional sweet memory of how you discovered who your bias was and you answer me with 'youtube' !!! XD