Healing Unicorn

I recently joined an EXO roleplay (as Kris. Go figure).

And within the roleplay, we managed to acquire a wonderfully lovely Yixing.

This Yixing happens to have an AFF account; FireonWater.

This Yixing happens to be the author of one of my all-time favorite fics on AFF; "The Boy with the Blues."

SO. Because I have nothing better to do (I literally have zero life, guys), I'm going to post the poem that I had written after being inspired by this incredible story.

This is for you, my lovely Unicorn. ♥

Black is the New Blue

This was just another testament to his existence.
The rain trickled down his forehead
The puddles which seemed to gather just outside his path
as though not wanting something as vulgar as him to walk through them.

Days like these are when he listens to the symphony of thunder
and watches the flashes of pale blue lightning.

Days like these are when he remembers he's alive.

He would scream it to the heavens if he could.
But if there wasn't even a disgusting human being,
mind you no different than he himself,
that would listen to his meek cries,
why would the angels?

The rubber S-O-L-E of his beloved blue Chucky T.'s wore thin,
much like the illusive S-O-U-L he swore up and down to have.
One was over-used.
One was breaking down.

which had been black as the nights that threatened to swallow him
slowly dissipated into fiery reds and oranges,
pinks and purples.
He longed to see the vibrant blue he had read about once in a fairy-tale shine overhead of him
instead of the looming darkness that seemed to follow his never-ending journey.

Still, he would keep walking.
Until the cracks in the sidewalk finally broke beneath him
and welcomed him to become one with the pavement.
Finally, he could allow those bastardized excuses for life to walk all over him and be able to say
"It's what I'm here for."
At least then, he'd have a purpose.

But until then, he'd just wait until another round of smooth jazz rainfall would come to lull him to sleep.

After all,
at the end of the day,
he was just a boy with a case of the blues.

CHECK OUT THE STORY HERE: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/279965/the-boy-with-the-blues-abuse-angst--exo-kai-kyungsoo-kaisoo/18





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