Dynamite Application form || Woo Seungyeon




   Woo Seungyeon



Username : --kandarella

Activeness: 9 out of 10

What do you want me to call you: cherry


Who are you.

Full name: Woo Seungyeon 우승연

❊Seung/Yeonnie :: used by almost everyone who know her
❊Woocasso :: used by her bestie; means Woo + Picasso :: because of her confidence in her drawing even when everyone say no
❊Dinosour :: used by her love interest :: because of her love for food and her tendency to act like a dinosour when she is frustrated

D.O.B: 07/07/93

Age: 20; turning 21 in July

Blood type: AB+

Height (cm) & Weight(kg) : 167cm & 52kg

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages spoken:
❊Korean :: fluent :: native language
❊Japanese :: basic :: still learning by herself; prior to debut

Ethnicity : Korean


Tell Me Tell Me

Traits; frank, lively, self confidence, creative, argumentative, ethusiasm, dramatic, attention seeker, narrow minded, selfish, insensitive, bossy, tactless

While she might be beautiful on the outside, inside she is almost an entirely rotten person. She is still able to give you a smile and fool you that her intentions and thoughts are good, but she might even be carrying a knife in her pocket, saved for your next meeting. She is not only argumentative but also good at it. Sometimes she finds fault with something a person did and go on and on and on about it. She has a tendency to nag too much. She exhibits a great enthusiasm when bragging about herself as she does when criticizing others. She can be a show off. Her tendency to extravagance comes out when she sometimes-pretentious nature reminds her of her need to impress. In truth, she is dramatic, attention seeker, conceited, narrow minded and selfish when at her worst. As the she struts around and in being the center of attention, so does she believes she deserves the spotlight. In turn she directs the spotlight on others, but it isn’t particularly welcome many times. Too often she is insensitive, bossy and tactless.

She occasionally has trouble with relationships due to her inclination to argue and nag. She will has her best results if she can control this tendency. Her attention to personal dress and grooming is a plus, and it would not be surprising if members of the opposite are attracted to her because of her appearance. Intimacy is not easy for her, especially since she tends to have strong feelings about people. She tends to either like or dislike them intensely. She also can be quite demanding. The best partner for her is someone she can truly respect, both for their looks and their abilities. She is passionate and exciting when she get serious with the relationship, prefers passion and excitement in her romantic relationships, and require a lot of attention from her mate. She can be remarkably particular and drive family members crazy with her attention to detail. However, her attention to detail can be a positive trait if she use it to carter to the needs and wants of people around her.

She may be full of herself and act cocky sometimes, and while she does seem like that typical crack-addicted from around the next corner, with the very few people she cares for, she is really nice and sweet. While she is egoistical, she’s not really heartless, she just needs a bit of a push and a call to reality, but she doesn’t seem to really care or ask for it desperately. She will tell you what’s on her mind. When she speaks, she gives a frank and honest report. Furthermore, it will be easily understood because of the acute expressiveness of both her words and her non-verbal communication.

She has a wry sense of humor, meaning she has a clever and often ironically or grimly humorous quality about her. It’s likely she is great at doing projects thanks to her outstanding organizational skills. She tends to go about her work in the most efficient manner, aided by her keen eye for detail. At work or play lively characterizes her attitude, and it’s infectious. A reason people rally to her is her evident self-confidence which translates into a fearless approach to any situation. Furthermore, her creativeness lends instant stature to her efforts and wins many converts to her side. Then again, it might be she just look good. She is most likely chic and refined and know how to make a dramatic entrance to make sure everyone else knows it. Yes, she probably believe she should flaunts it if she has it.

Onstage or generally in public; People have a bit of a problem with her personality. On one hand, she seems to exhibit the “perfect” imperfect character. She’s kind, charming, uber-friendly and faithful. Her hyper tendencies and optimistic charming nature lead many to call her one of the group's brightest member. She has this totally open, carefree vibe around herself, and while she is a member that has gotten into trouble in the past, mainly due to her early underage debut, this isn’t why people have a problem with her. People's issue with her is that they can’t help but feel she’s so fake. And yes, it’s so immature and typical anti to call an idol “fake”, and truth be told, yes, she just seems so surreal to others on cam. Hardly have people ever met a person, as dazzling and happy as her in real life whom is actually that way. Most people that put up a happy front usually aren’t as gleeful in real life, and this feeling is so nagging whenever people see her --- on screen, on a variety show, around male idols, around fans or holding an interview.

Woo Seungyeon, youngest of two children, was born into a middle-classed family on June 7th. She was raised in Seoul; life was pretty good and her family always managed to get by. When she turned 12, her father got a job promotion, to begin his new career with his rich brother. They had a wonderful home, a nice car, life couldn’t be any better. That was until the company was up to it’s neck in depts and her uncle had gone missing, leaving her father to take lead on the business. Her father than began to mortgage and sell of everything that wasn’t a essential to live. A month passed and her parents were struggling with the debts, let alone living. Her father felt that one thing he could do is to seek help from his bestfriend. After borrowing a sum lot of money that would surely help his company’s debt, the problem seems to getting resolved slowly but positively. Growing up, almost every girls will have boy friends. Seungyeon also. But he isn’t rich. Her parents like that Seungyeon be friend with him since they first knew him due to some specific reason. Then, he went busy with something and they can't hardly met during the time, he promised to Seungyeon that he will make her his spouse. It was 5 years ago.
She wanted to find a life outside to embrace her song - a much more suitable practice for her. Seungyeon does like K-pop, she listens to it very often, so yeah. She attended Hyehwa Elementary Girls School. During her time there, using her sweat and blood, Seungyeon has been a well aspiring musician in the school. Due to her great social interaction, she is quite known to the rest of the students, as much as she like to hold someone’s hand, socialize, and always break a smile. Seungyeon’s dream had always been to become an idol, she begged to auditioned when she was 11 so she could debut as soon as possible, a natural beautiful girl, she got accepted. Everything seemed to click in place for her, her life was perfect. She debuted as a member of the group Vanilla under Coii Entertainment in 2004 when she was 12. The band released their debut album titled ‘We Are Vanilla’ with the title track 'Our Sun'. With a young group that seemed promising. Everything was perfect, at least until the group was disbanded in late 2004 due to cyber bullying and anti-fan cafes against the group. The reason is netizens things they're way too young to perform, same thing happened to GP Basic [another elementary girls group] later, the difference is Vanilla exprienced it first and harder.

After her first group's slump, in middle school, Seungyeon began registering for audition in various company. There, she met a representative of Cube Ent. He was fond over her youthful look at the first met and with that he kinda helped her registration/ audition and became a trainee in less than two months. Aside from that, Seungyeon acts, starting from small cameo roles on television. Seungyeon starred in Teen Top's music video "Going Crazy" where she played the role of L.Joe's love interest. On 2013, Seungyeon played the lead in the movie "Hwanggu", in which she plays a spirited young college student who supports her boyfriend as struggles to win the national taekwondo title and also the prejudices of a multi-ethnical family he experiences, having a Korean mother and Filipino father. She briefly attended Lila Arts Middle High School and Seoul Arts High School. Seungyeon graduated from Seoul Arts High School in 2012. Eventually, she gave up a normal high school life although misses being a high school girl sometimes and forsook attending university due to her busy trainee schedule and career.

❊fresh colours :: for her it's refreshing and making her mood up
❊7 :: that's her lucky number; the fact that her birthday is on June 7th
❊white lily :: lily gives out a pur and refreshing feeling, something that she thinks she has inside of her
❊chinese herbal tonic :: she drinks that every night
❊health drinks :: a mixture of milk, honey and apple, she drinks that every morning
❊food :: that's her prized possesion
❊takoyaki :: her fave food, it's a japanese dish
❊manly guys :: that's her type of man
❊camera/ handy cam :: she loves taking selca
❊limelight :: being the center of it is her love

❊solemn colours :: the dull ness of the colours can make her feel down
❊2 :: 2 or specifically 2nd, it's worse than being the last
❊red rose :: the striking colours and smells as well as the thorn didn't attract her
❊alcohol :: she dislikes that as she thinks it's totally unhealthy
❊cabonated drinks :: she dislikes that too cuz it's also unhealthy
❊diet :: as if not eating at all, that kind of unhealthy diet
❊cheese :: it making her nausea, the taste itself
❊guys who are good to every girls and making them misunderstand
❊secretly being taken photo of :: she thought she might look unpretty in it
❊quiet places :: it making her lost and don't know what to do

❊bragging about herself
❊cursing when she's pisses off
❊talking to herself in a self hypnosis way
❊fiddles with her nail when she's nervous, scares
❊acting like a dinosour when she is frustrated :: groaning and stomping her feet

❊cooking :: she enjoys doing that
❊pranking :: she loves to prank the older members
❊watching movies :: she likes horror movies the most
❊collecting Mickey Mouse items :: her favorite cartoon ever
❊sports and exercise :: it's not just as a form of looking after her health, she started to love it as she keep practicing them

special talent:
❊acting :: she had been acting since she was 13
❊taekwondo :: she learned it for few months and is fairly good at basic
❊cooking :: cooking is her role in the dorm, thats prove how good her cooking is
❊sports and exercise :: this is due to her obsession with beautiful and healthy body, tough regimens such as weight lifting, workout, yoga and few other

Faults and fears:
❊aquaphobic--- fear of water :: she used to drown when she was 5 years old, since she was young, bad experience like that totally leave a lingering memory to her
❊acrophobia---fear of height :: she isn't afraid when walking at high places, as long as the place she step on is solid, she can't stand a kind of ground where she can see what's below

❊she is known for her eyeliner.
❊she was a member of girl group 'Vanilla'.
❊she experienced cyber bullying during Vanilla days.
❊she knew she got in Cube at school, the Fear&Love representative came to her class to announce her the news.
❊during her trainee days she roomed with the two members of the group.
❊she is one of the actresses of the group.
❊her image is that of innocence, but she’s also known for her 'kkab' [crazy, hyper, playful acts).
❊to avoid confusion with Kara's Seungyeon, she picked the stage name Seoyeon.
❊she revealed that Seoyeon was the name her mother wanted to give her, but her father named her Seungyeon instead.
❊her “idol title”, Perfect Imperfection, was given by the company.
❊she tweets more than the other members.
❊she is fan of Ciara.
❊her ideal guy is Bang Yongguk.
❊Chen likes her, he mentioned that in an interview.
❊she collects Mickey Mouse items. She also likes anime/manga Crayon Shinchan.
❊she is known for having similar facial features with the Ryu twins, Ryu Hwayoung and Ryu Hyoyoung of 5Dolls
❊she has a puppy named Rome.
❊she is a devout Christian.
❊she have 1 big brother and is the maknae in her family.
❊she shares the same birthday with her one-year-older brother, Woo Kibum.
❊one of her biggest charms is her legs.
❊when she looks at performance outfits, her appetite lessen.
❊her members said that she is already numbed from horror. They considers her as their senior in terms of watching horror movies.
❊she is the group's prankster.
❊she is afraid of water and heights.
❊her wish: I want to become an invisible woman to get revenge.
❊she said she isn't made for studying, she thinks she'll do better if she'll have to work using her strength rather than her head.


You are beautiful 

Ulzzang: Sueun

Pictures/ galleries: love

Back up Ulzzang: Ann

Pictures/ galleries: love

casual ) one two three four
formal ) one two three four
practice ) one two three four
home/sleep ) one two three four

Seungyeon's fashions sense is very chic,young,fresh and on trend, anything she wears becomes a trend. Seungyeon's look is very girl next door and she knows how to dress her body and whats her best attributes and her best attributes are her long legs. Seungyeon knows how to work her legs in anything she wears and makes sure there out and exposed in outfits she wears. She likes wearing --- fresh colored like apple green, sky blue and baby pink. She also likes to wear --- shorts, leggings and mini dresses, this has to do with showing off her legs. She likes --- heels, eventhough she is tall enough to not wearing it. Sometimes if she's lazy she will just wear --- striped shirts, shorts and a pair of heels. Talking about striped shirts, she has a thing for that and --- army pattern as well. To add on the spice, she also likes --- various silver belts to mach up with her looks. Also Seungyeon gets away with anything because of her youthful look and face. She knows how to put on make up but pretty lazy to put in on at times, but one thing she can't miss is her --- strong winged eyeliner. Putting on bb cream and eyeliner is enough for her.




mother | Woo Nayeon :: 53 :: Housewife :: alive
personality: She loves to be with her family in the comfort of her home. Favorite activities include reading quietly, cooking, gardening or crafts. Down to earth, she is easy going, agreeable but with great organizational skills. She prefers simple clothes with little jewelry.
how close are you: It’s true that sometimes Seungyeon disobey Nayeon in public. But that doesn’t lessen Nayeon’s affection to Seungyeon. As a mother she is, she would be there to make sure that she takes a good care of her daughter, even  keep up with her brattiness. Extreme brattiness.

father | Woo Jaebum :: 54 :: Businessman :: alive
personality: He appears social but is actually very protective of his privacy. He is slow to open up to others and has an independent streak that exclude him. It is part of his nature, not a sign of a lack of love. He actually makes exceptional father although in a no-nonsense fashion. He is ambitious and has high expectations for those around him but he is willing to help loved ones achieve their goals.
how close are you: By glance, Seungyeon and Jaebum share no similarity but their height. But these two complements each other. Like a total opposites, Seungyeon is open and wild while Jaebum is contained and steady. But whenever these two are together, they would all but acting like a couple dorks.

brother | Woo Kibum :: 22 :: Student :: alive
personality: He is a born leader who thrives on competition. Often changing jobs as one becomes boring. Headstrong, he shows his independence from an early age insisting on doing things his way.
how close are you: Would be known as the "athlete sibling" because of their liking to play sport and exercise. Seungyeon and Kibum have an exact opposite of personality , as leader Kibum and bratty Seungyeon.


Lee Yuri :: OC :: Cube trainee [was a 'Vanilla' member]:: Best friends :: emotional, sentimental, caring

Bae Suji [Suzy] :: Idol :: Miss A :: close friends :: charming, innovative, grouchy

Lee Jieun [IU] :: Idol :: Soloist :: close friends :: dependable, calm, naive



Name: Bang Yongguk

Group: BAP

age: 23; turning 24 in Mac

Have you met: Yes. --- Bang Yongguk is Woo Seungyeon's saviour. They first met when Seungyeon with Yuri went for a picnic at a waterfall area, this was during their 'Vanilla' days. If you don't know yet, Seungyeon is afraid of water as she ever drown when she was younger. She was literally being dragged there by Yuri, saying all good things and reassuring her. While Yuri went for a swim, Seungyeon was left alone, she was sitting quite far from the water. AFter having much thought, she decided to sit closer to the water, on a big rock. She lost her balance while stepping on the slippery rock, causing her to fell into the cold water. Bang Yongguk happened to be there, he was there with his friends. He who had already eyeing Seungyeon from the beginning saw the scene and quickly jumped into the water to save her. She was unconscious the moment Yongguk brought her to the land and so he gave her cpr. She was saved by her and she insist to pay him back. She took his number by the end of the short dangerous picnic and he was invited to her house by that particular weekend.

personality: He isn't isn’t just your average tough guy, no, he’s the most caring man to protect something he’s been assigned to. However, regardless of what class he is, this man has been highly recognized for his charisma, quiet, vulgar and brusque self. Although precise and responsible, he is impulsive and hostile towards others and tends to be a bit of a control-freak when doing his job; occasionally driving the people to follow as his commands. You say he’s fierce? Well, he intended it to be that way. Though, most people don’t know that he is actually a very comfortable person to be with. His harsh side was just a facade he puts up during work. When occupying time or with friends, his gummy smile never fails to express his happiness. Like himself during work, he is very obliging and faithful towards anyone. Though blunt, he is emotional in his own way and sometimes pamper others. One of the most important things you must know about him is that he tends to be very sarcastic to the point where you can’t tell whether he’s being sincere or not. He isn't strong in the communication department. With a shy personality he often finds attractive women too hard to handle, even when he already has a mate. In regards to that girl he can be very possessive though. Vivacious but yet pensive, He is still quite mysterious in his own way.

back up love interest: Lee Minhyuk


Me Me Me

Stage name: Seoyeon 서연 :: to avoid confusion with Kara's Seungyeon, she picked the stage name Seoyeon. She revealed that Seoyeon was the name her mother wanted to give her, but her father named her Seungyeon instead.

Persona: The Imperfect Perfection

Personal fan colour: #cc0033

Personal fan club: Takoyeon :: takoyaki + seoyeon= a mixture of her favorite food + her name =her fan is being compared to her most favorite food

Singing twin: KARA's Gyuri

Dancing twin:  KARA's Gyuri

Rapping twin: N/A

Motto: "Star. It's nice when you look at it from afar. When you look at it up close, it really isn't anything special. Still, I want to be one."



Lead Rapper

Lead vocalist, Visual

Main Vocalist, Main Dancer

Lead Dancer 

Triple Threat 

Solo activities: Acting, MCing


End of the show show 

Comment: Hope you like Woo Seungyeon. Do point out my mistakes nae, I am quite careless so I am sure there will be some mistakes. I Try my best to keep the layout with some extra additional information ;; Lol nice to meet you xD Goodluck and Hwaiting dear <3

Scene requests:
❊Yongguk and Seungyeon went to Namsan Tower together
❊Yongguk and Seungyeon fighting over something that he said, she leaves him before he can say something else
❊Yongguk and Seungyeon went to their old memorable place together, reminiscing old memories

❊variety show like EXO Showtime named Dynamite Time
❊joint show with BTOB or other boy groups in special events
❊the girls in any romantic variety show like WGM or Romantic and Idol


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